Stat Growth
Stat groups[ | ]
Some stats grow when you level up, some don't, and some grow but weird. So we are going to group them, and explain each group in a chapter:
- Fight stats: HP,MP,STR,MAG,LDMG
- Movement: Speed
- MaxLust
- Breed stats: Virility and Fertility
- Defense stats: Defense, LRes
You can see all the stats above in figure 1 , the infobox of the Centaur.
Additionally, we are going to explain experience gains
Fight stats: HP, MP, Str, Mag and Ldmg[ | ]
Your fight stats, before applying combat buffs, come from three sources:
- baseStats: the base stats on your character page.
- LvlupStats: stats you gain when you level up.
- ArenaStats: stats you gain when you rank up in the arena.
So, before applying complicated modifiers, Stats ~ (Basestats + ArenaStats + LvlupStats)
Without additional modifiers, these stats are calculated like this:
- BaseStats = See Figure 1
- ArenaStats = ArenaRank*LevelType*GrowthStats*GeneMult
- LvlupStats = Level*LevelType*GrowthStats*GeneMult
With the following variables:
- ArenaRank: Rank at arena. F = 0, E = 1, etc
- LevelType: The values in the LevelType table, divided by 100
- GrowthStats: See Figure 1
- geneMult: The values in Genetics ( Figure 2) divided by 10
Leveltype Table | |||||
hp | mana | str | mg | ldmg | |
Average | 100 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 |
magic | 60 | 25 | 15 | 35 | 20 |
strength | 80 | 20 | 35 | 15 | 20 |
dex | 60 | 20 | 30 | 25 | 20 |
endurance | 130 | 20 | 20 | 25 | 20 |
support | 50 | 45 | 15 | 20 | 25 |
seduction | 70 | 22 | 25 | 22 | 40 |
Now we add special modifiers. For example, Size can modify your basestats and LvlupStats. And a lot of traits can modify your LvlupStats. We also add Status Effects to the equation, and equipment
Final stats = Buff * ( BaseStatsMod + LvlupStatsMod + Arenastats + EquipmentStats )
BaseStatsMod and LvlupStatsMod are your baseStats and LvlUpStats after applying modifiers, while Arenastats gains no modifiers. The modified values are obtained like this:
- BaseStatsMod = BaseStats*Size
- LvlupStatsMod = LvlupStats*Size*Potential*Giant*Growthmod*FamilialLoyal*TamerCreature*MechanistRobot
- Size = 1 for all stats except HP,MP, STR, for those, use the numbers from the stats page
- Giant = 2 or 2.5 for HP, MP, STR, if the character has the trait. 2 is for player characters, 2.5 for enemies
- GrowthMod = 2 for HP,MP,Str if GrowthMod is enabled. is a worldmodifier, a global setting you can choose after beating the game as crea
- Potential = 1.2 if the character has the Potential trait
- FamilialLoyal = 1.25 if you ( the main character) have the familiar option and your character has the Loyal trait:
- Tamercreature = 1.25 if you are a tamer and the character is a creature:
- MechnistRobot = 1.25 if you are a mechanist and the character is a robot :
Movement stats (speed)[ | ]
Similar to combat stats, but with some differences:
- There is no speed gene. So GeneMult = 1
- Instead of Leveltype, we use speedTypeMult, from the table below. It depends on your movement type, and your leveltype
speedTypeMult | Movement type | ||
All other movement types | Charge | Fly | |
All leveltypes save dex | 9 | 12 | 7 |
Dex leveltype | 15 | 20 | 10 |
- Size increases or decreases speed by a flat value, see the stats page.
- Only the potential trait can modify your speed LvlupStatsMod
So, it looks like this:
Final Speed = Buff*(BaseSpeedMod+ LvlupSpeedMod+ ArenaSpeed +
- BaseSpeedMod = BaseSpeed + Size
- LvlUpSpeedMod = LvlUpSpeed*potential
- LvlUpSpeed = Level*speedTypeMult*GrowthSpeed
- ArenaSpeed = ArenaRank*speedTypeMult*GrowthStats
Maxlust[ | ]
- Maxlust does not depend on levelType. you always multiply it by the same constant
- Maxlust does not have genes
- Maxlust uses the Ldamage growth, because it does not have its own
- The only trait that affects maxlust is potential
MaxLust = ML = BaseML+ LvlupMLMod+ ArenaML
- BaseML = see figure 1, basic stat
- LvlupMLMod = level*(0.75 +Potential + 0.25*GrowthLdmg).
- Potential = 10 if you have the trait, else it is 0
- LvlupML = level*(0.75 + 0.25*GrowthLdmg).
- ArenaML = Rank*(0.75 + 0.25*GrowthLdmg).
Breed stats (virility, fertility)[ | ]
- Arena ranks do not affect breed stats
- There is no breed growth
- GenderMult: There is a gender multiplier. Males get +20% virility, and females +20% fertility.
- SizeMult: Size increases virility and decreases fertility, multiplicatively.
- LvlUpBreed2: Each level, you gain breed stats equaling to 10% of the breed stat you had at the previous level
- LvlUpBreed1: If your breed stat is lower than 30, you get 3 stats per lvl up
- LvlUpBreed3: if your breed stat is higher than 100, you get 10 stats per lvl up
- I have divided lvlUpbreed in 1, 2 and 3. This is, the levelups where your breed stat is <30, between 30 and 100, and >100.
BreedStat = BaseBreedMod + lvlUpBreed
BaseBreedMod = BaseBreed*GeneMult*GenderMult*sizeMult
lvlUpBreed = lvlUpBreed1 + lvlUpBreed2 + lvlUpBreed3
lvlUpBreed1 = level1*3 . Level1 is the sum of all levels when your Breedstat is <30
lvlUpBreed2 = level2*(previous BreedStat*0.1) Level2 is the sum of all levels when your Breedstat is between 30 and 100
lvlUpBreed3 = level3*10 Level3 is the sum of all levels when your Breedstat is >100
Defense stats: defense and lres[ | ]
Defense and Rlust do not increase with lvlUps or arenaRanks. It is all base + equipment + special events.
Experience gains[ | ]
When you win a fight your team earns experience, based on the encounter strength. That experience is called total exp pool, and it is shared equally between all characters in your team that fought. Additionally, for each character, you have to substract from their exp pool their level *2.
So for example, if two characters win 20 exp, and they are both level 10, they each earn 20/2-10 = 0 exp. So you need stronger fights to level up
- Total exp pool ~Encounter_Strength*2*bonuses.
- Exp per character = TotalExPool/NumberOfCharacters - 2*levelOfCharacter
- Bonuses: for example, double exp for boss fights
Other modifiers:
- Injured characters will not gain any experience
- Characters in reserve (including characters you recruited in that battle) gain less experience
- Any character recruited from that battle will reduce the encounter strength (and therefore total experience gained) proportionally