
From Portals of Phereon Wiki
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This article was updated for version

Update introduced an item upgrade mechanic, it allows players to combine two of any identical item together in exchange for an improved version ie. Sword + Sword = Sword +1. It also brought with it an update to portal rarity mechanics, allowing players to find improved items in chests and as loot from battles.

Typically this translates to every 100% increase in portal wealth adding +1 to the items you find, starting from 100%, ie. 100% wealth = base items, 600% wealth = +5 items. Percentages greater than 0 but less than 100% increase the chance for a found item to be at the next level ie. 270% wealth = all items +1 with a 70% chance for +2.


  • Negative stat values do not change
  • Common items increase at a rate of 25% of base value per upgrade (Not 20% listed on the tooltip)
  • Rare = 30%
  • Legendary = 40%
  • Special = 50%
  • Mythical = 50%
  • The formula for item stats appears to be Base Stat + (Base Stat x Stat Upgrade Value x Upgrade level) = Final Value
  • This is rounded down unless the result is more than halfway to the next number ie. 2.5 rounds to 2 but 2.51 rounds to 3
  • Exception: Any positive value equal to 1 increases to 2 at item level +1 and will only increase further when the total upgrade percentage is equal to 200%, ie. special/mythical item +4, legendary item +5, rare item +7 common item +8, it should then upgrade normally
  • As an example: Spiked Armor - +10 Health +3 Armor +2 Strength -2 Lust Damage +5 Lust Resistance -1 Speed
  • Spiked Armor +1 - +15 Health +4 Armor +3 Strength -2 Lust Damage +7 Lust Resistance -1 Speed
  • Spiked Armor +2 - +20 Health +6 Armor +4 Strength -2 Lust Damage +10 Lust Resistance -1 Speed
  • Spiked Armor +3 - +25 Health +7 Armor +5 Strength -2 Lust Damage +12 Lust Resistance -1 Speed
  • Spiked Armor is obtained through an event introduced in version at the market, speak to the downed fighter and choose armor, a few days later they will show up at your house with a free set and a crafting recipe - 5 Iron + 2 Leather + 5 Minutes + 2 Stamina
  • Skills on items, ie. the Heal staff, do not get buffed, but the number of uses per battle and use range do (Heal staff +6 has 7 range and 7 uses on it's heal skill), this appears to be at a rate consistent with the stat increases

Equipment[ | ]

Weapons[ | ]

Image Name Rarity Value Weapon Attack Damage Modifiers Skill Passive effect

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Armor[ | ]

Image Name Rarity Value Modifiers Skill Passive effect

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Miscellaneous[ | ]

Image Name Rarity Value Modifiers Skill Passive effect

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Consumables[ | ]

Image Name Rarity Value Effect Can be used in

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