Introduction[ | ]
Combat in Portals of Phereon is turn based, on hexahedric grids.
Actions: Each unit can execute 1 action per AP Action point it has per turn. Basic attacks, moving, skills and sex moves are actions. A few skills don't use AP. Units gain 2 AP per turn if unengaged ( not adjacent to an enemy), otherwise they gain 1 Ap per turn. To defeat enemies, you kill them ( turn their HP into 0) or recruit them ( See the Recruitment section for details).
Movement: the speed stat is your movement budget. Moving through tiles costs speed, depending on the tile and your character. ( see the movement section for details)
Interface: In the image to the right (combat example) you can see different infoboxes. They are surrounded in red and numbered. They are:
- Miniature stats
- Team portrait window
- Selected character window
- Action window Each of the listed interface windows has a section with details.
- Interrogation Icon: in the upper left corner of the screen there is one interrogation icon. It tells you:
- Game controls
- General combat info
- Seduction and recruiting
- Special tiles
- Weather: Top right of the screen.
Controls[ | ]
Miniature stats[ | ]
Each unit in combat occupies a tile. next to it you can see some information, which I call miniature stats. See image to the right for reference.
- Current Hp/ Max HP: in orange. Unit dies if HP = 0
- Current Mp/ Max MP: in teal: used to cast spells
- Current Lust/Max Lust: in gray. High lust causes incapacitating debuffs ( see status effects page)
- Name in green
- AP in green: action points. used to move or use actions
- Type icon: the gray circle with an arrow. Tells you the units damage, attack and defense types. See the damage types section in this page for extra information
Type icon[ | ]
A type icon has two parts: an inner circle, and an outer shape that kinda looks like a gender icon. The colors, and the outer shape, tell you the damage, attack, and defense types:
- Outer shape color: defines damage type. In the example, it is gray, so basic damage
- Inner circle color: defines defense type. In the example it is gray, so normal defense
- Outer shape form: defines attack type. In the example, it is an arrow, so basic attack type.
For more information about stats, go to the stat page[ | ]
Team portrait window[ | ]
At the far left of the screen you have 5 rectangles with the portraits and basic stats of the units in your team. See the image to the right. Stats are numbered and listed
- Health
- Mana
- Stamina
- AP
- Status effect
- Unit name
- Unit level
Selected character window[ | ]
When you select a character, you can see this window. It is arranged like this:
Portrait | Level | ||
Strength | Attack shape (attack) | Damage element (attack) | |
Defense element (type) | Armor | Size | |
Magic | Lust dmg | Lust res | |
Movement costs (movement) | Movement type (action) | Speed |
Names in parentheses are those used in the ingame gallery for the stats. We do not use them here to prevent confusion
- Portrait: portrait of character
- Level: level of character
- Strength: basic attack damage dealt with physical attacks.
- Attack shape (attack): defines attack range and aoe, see the attack types section for details
- Damage element (attack): some elements are extra effective vs others (think pokemon). See the attack types section for details
- Defense element (type): see the attack types section for details
- Armor: incoming damage is reduced by armor, it is a flat decrease
- Size: size multiplies stats and decreases speed. Refer to the stat page for information
- Magic: spell damage scales off magic.
- Lust dmg: seduction damage scales off lust dmg
- Lus res: incoming lust damage received is decreased by lust res.
- Movement costs (movement): the speed stat is your movement budget. Moving through tiles costs speed, depending on the tile and your character. Movement costs tell you the costs of each type of tile
- Movement type (action): land movement, charging, flying etc.
- Speed: number of tiles of cost 1 you can travel.
Action window[ | ]
You can make your character perform actions after you select it. The move and basic attack actions are used by default when you click an enemy or empty tile. If you want to use a different action, you first select it in the action window. You can press ESC to cancel the selected action
Stats displayed:[ | ]
the action window displays HP, MP lust, and AP of your character. As well as 4 equipped items
- HP: green bar
- MP: blue bar
- AP: the two big squares at the top
- Lust: pink bar
- Energy: white bar, doesn't appear in the image
- Equipment or items: the four squares to the right of the mana bar
Move:[ | ]
In this page go to the chapter Movement and tiles to see how movement works.
Attack:[ | ]
The damage you deal is: Strength*ElementAdvantage -Armor.
Skills:[ | ]
You character can have up to 4 skills equipped. You use them from here. Skills depend on species, breeding etc
Wait actions[ | ]
You have two wait actions: wait defend and wait shield. To toggle between them, use the S/D (shield / defense) toggle button.
- Defend: reduce incoming damage next turn by 50% before applying armor.
- Shield: gain a shield equal to magic strength. Max 50% at once. Decays 50% next turn
Sex actions[ | ]
- Seduce:
- Used on enemy: deals lust damage = (Ldamage - target's Lrest)*(critical modifier), with a range of 4. You can score critical hits and flops, see body part choice and criticals for details.
- Used on self: presents, enticing with a bonus equal to their lust percentage, plus a bonus for ( ldamage-Lrest) and beauty.
- Service:
- try to make target cum.
- Success chance =lust %. on enemies. Success chance = 100% on allies.
- Success effect: target loses 1 energy and all lust. If target energy = 0, target becomes weakened for the whole fight
- Fail effect: deal 2*Ldmg. Note: if you want to raise lust, servicing is stronger than seducing typically
- User becomes vulnerable for a turn
- Masturbate: uses 2 Ap. Lose 1 energy, become vulnerable 1 turn and clear lust. If used at 0 energy, become weakened for the whole fight
- Fuck: fuck humanoid character next to you
- Both characters clear lust, lose 1 energy and become vulnerable
- Characters at 0 energy become vulnerable for the rest of the battle
- Enemies need to have 50%+ lust to be fucked (or presenting, though enemies don't use that option). Allies do not.
- Can be used to recruit characters:
- Base recruit chance is lust%
- +chances: attractiveness, revealed preferences
- -chances: target's level*5, target's remaining energy*20
- Halved chance if user has no energy left
- Greatly increased chance if no other enemies are left
Seduction body part choice and criticals[ | ]
When seducing, you can seduce normally, score a critical hit, or fail your seduction.
- Normal: you deal Ldmg
- Critical: you deal double Ldmg
- Fail: you deal 1 lust
Your chances to score a critical or flop depend on two things:
Actually, I'm not super sure of this.
- Your attractiveness: increases critical and decreases flop.... I'm not sure actually, gotta ask people
- Chosen body part vs enemy body part preference: enemies have preferences. They have a favorite tit/ cock size, and a preference for pussy/cock. If you pick the right one, better. Size can provide some bonus even if not exactly matching (ie. medium tits vs preference for large)
Body part choice
Before seducing, you choose which bodypart you use to seduce.
- Ass: characters have no ass preferences. So ass is the safest seduction option, it has low fail/crit chance
- Tits: affects fail/crit chances based on target's tit size preferences. Combat log tells you if target likes the size or not
- Pussy: affects fail/crit chances based on target's pussy preference. Changes target's pussy preference depending on your attractiveness.
- cock: affects fail/crit chances based on target's cock size preferences. Combat log tells you if target likes the size or not. Also affects fail/crit chances based on target's cock preference. Changes target's cock preference based on your attractiveness
Notes on sex actions
- Servicing raises the same lust as a seduction critical. So it is strong at melee range.
- You can seduce your own units in combat it order to change their cock/pussy preferences.
Weather[ | ]
Weather affects combat. It can have a special effect, and it can modify elemental damage. For example, clear weather increases radiant damage. The damage bonuses of most weather types are missing from this list
- None:.......... none
- Clear:.......... No special effect. Radiant +20%
- Sunny:........ characters start with higher morale
- Raining:..... Burn degrades quicker
- HeavyRain: all characters will be soaked. Burn degrades very fast
- IntenseHeat: burn doesn't degrade each turn
- Blizzard:..... Start each battle slowed. High Chance for water to freeze
- Fog:............. easier to escape
- Snowing:.... Start each battle slowed. Chance for water to freeze
- SporeStorm: No special effect.
- PetalStorm: at the start of each characters turn, increase lust by 2. (affected by LRes)
- ManaStorm: Fully restore mana after battle
- Anomaly:... No special effect.
- Sacred: ......+50% exp gain
- Radiation:.. No special effect.
Movement and tiles[ | ]
Here we explain 3 things:
- Movement costs: each tile has a movement cost, depending on your character
- Movement types: walking, flying, jumping, charging, these are the movement types. It is a bit like movement types of pieces in chess
- Special tile effects: some tiles debuff or damage you if you stay there at the start or end of a turn
Earth tile | Grass tile | Stone tile | Water tile | Lava tile |
Snow tile | Slime tile | Void (Shadow) tile | ||
Movement costs (table copied from stats page):[ | ]
the speed stat is your movement budget. Moving through tiles costs speed, depending on the tile and your character. Characters can always move at least one tile per AP, even if they don't have enough speed left.
Type | Earth | Grass | Stone | Water | Lava | Snow | Slime | Shadow |
Normal | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 2 | 3 | ? |
Amphibic | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 6 | 2 | 3 | ? |
Flying | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Lava | 2 | 2 | 1 | 6 | 1 | 3 | 3 | ? |
SemiAquatic | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 6 | 3 | 3 | ? |
Aquatic | 5 | 5 | 5 | 1 | 6 | 5 | 3 | ? |
Shadow | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 1 |
Native tiles: there is an exception to movement costs. Travelling through native tiles always costs 1 speed. Native tiles are decided by your unit's defense element (type). You are also unaffected by negative effects coming from your native tiles. Lava units do not burn in lava tiles for example
Special tile effects[ | ]
- Lava: deal 2 dmg + increase burn
- Snow: deal slow for 1 turn
- Ice: breaks and slows/ soaks character for a turn
- Water: soaks character for a turn
- Shadow: curses character for a turn
Movement types[ | ]
- Move: move the shortest path.
- Charge: move in a straight line. Free attack at end of movement
- Fly: only triggers tile effect of tile you land on, all tiles cost 1 movement
- Jump: like fly, but you cannot move to tiles adjacent to your character
Recruitment[ | ]
You can recruit hostile characters during fights. Humanoids are recruited through fucking. Animals (anything without a lust meter) with nets.
- Net (item or skill): throw it at an animal (creature) with low HP.
- Fuck: chance to recruit is = (lust + attractivenessCoefficient + enemy preferencesCoefficient - enemyLvl*5 -enemyenergy*20). Halved chance if user has no energy left
Tip: if there is only one enemy unit left in the field, recruitment chances are greatly increased.
Injuries[ | ]
While a character is injured, it cannot fight more battles, and earns less in the brothel. The main character does not become injured, but is still removed from the current battle and is left with 1 HP. If your whole team dies, you lose all characters. If one character manages to flee, you don't. All injuries reduce the affected characters morale significantly and lowers morale of other party members slightly. For the main character, the morale loss is greater in both cases.
Note: when a character is injured, all their equipment is automatically moved to the inventory, which can become an issue with carrying capacity. If there are characters in reserve, it might be wise to equip them instead while switching them into the active party instead of the injured character.
Healing injuries[ | ]
You have different options to heal injured characters:
- Market healer: the first 3 days, and every 10 days, a healer is available at the Market. She heals for 100 gold.
- Healing bandages: crafted using healing silk, which is mostly a tavern quest reward
- Infirmary: there is a Home Upgrade called infirmary. A unit resting at home with 50%+ stamina and morale with this upgrade will lose the injury.
- You can also get an injury healing ability from sex-recruiting a nephilim or devil
- Characters with the Medic skill can remove injuries in the Overworld for 2 wood and food.
- As a more drastic measure, fusing an injured character with another will result in an uninjured new character in addition to all the other possible benefits.
Stats[ | ]
Stats are explained here: Stats
Status Effects[ | ]
Status effects are explained here: Status Effects
Base Species Perks[ | ]
Base Species Perks are explained here: Base Species Perks