Version History

From Portals of Phereon Wiki
Versions Date
V0.28.0.2 Changelog 15/08/2024
V0.28.0.1 Changelog 11/08/2024
V0.28.0.0 Changelog 09/08/2024
V0.27.0.1 Changelog 08/06/2024
V0.27.0.0 Changelog 24/05/2024
V0.26.2.0 Changelog 28/02/2024
V0.26.1.0 Changelog 10/02/2024
V0.26.0.0 Changelog 23/12/2023
V0.25.0.1 Changelog 06/11/2023
V0.25.0.0 Changelog 05/11/2023
V0.24.1.0 Changelog 18/07/2023
V0.24.0.1 Changelog 04/07/2023
V0.24.0.0 Changelog 24/06/2023
V0.23.0.1 Changelog 13/04/2023
V0.23.0.0 Changelog 07/04/2023
V0.22.0.1 Changelog 14/12/2022
V0.22.0.0 Changelog 11/12/2022
V0.21.0.1 Bugfixes 26/09/2022
V0.21.0.0 Changelog 25/09/2022
V0.20.0.2 Bugfixes 15/07/2022
V0.20.0.1 Bugfixes 11/07/2022
V0.20.0.0 Changelog 09/07/2022
V0.19.0.1 Bugfixes 27/02/2022
V0.19.0.0 Changelog 23/02/2022
V0.18.0.1 Bugfixes 07/12/2021
V0.18.0.0 Changelog 07/12/2021
V0.17.0.1 Bugfixes 09/09/2021
V0.17.0.0 Changelog 31/08/2021
V0.16.0.2 Bugfixes 19/05/2021
V0.16.0.1 Bugfixes 17/05/2021
V0.16.0.0 Changelog 16/05/2021
V0.15.0.1 Bugfixes 13/02/2021
V0.15.0.0 Changelog 06/02/2021
V0.14.0.1 Bugfixes 21/10/2020
V0.14.0.0 Changelog 16/10/2020
V0.13.0.1 Bugfixes 27/07/2020
V0.13.0.0 Changelog 16/07/2020
V0.12.0.1 Bugfixes 28/04/2020
V0.12.0.0 Changelog 26/04/2020
V0.11.1.0 Changelog 03/03/2020
V0.11.0.1 Bugfixes 02/20/2020
V0.11.0.0 Changelog 02/16/2020
V0.10.0.1 Bugfixes 12/28/2019
V0.10.0.0 Changelog 12/26/2019
V0.9.10.1 Bugfixes 11/16/2019
V0.9.10.0 Changelog 11/13/2019
V0.9.9.1 Bugfixes 09/30/2019
V0.9.9.0 Changelog 09/28/2019
V0.9.8.1 Bugfixes 08/13/2019
V0.9.8.0 Changelog 08/12/2019
V0.28.0.2 Changelog

Bugfixes:[ | ]

  • If you would get a new tracker entry while already having all, events would softlock the game.
  • Dates could last forever if you only use talk/location activities.
  • Gene enhancer displayed +2 as possible range, instead of +1. Luckygenes randomly applied to gene preview.

Changes:[ | ]

  • Added difficult mythic essence portals. They appear after you won the game.
  • They always have one strong new enemy modifier.
  • They generally provide unique essences as tools for more flexible teambuilding etc.
  • Changed some tracker requirements/chance, particularly town recruits.
V0.28.0.1 Changelog

Bugfixes:[ | ]

  • Drink daily check was reversed
  • New achievement unlocked wrong thing.
  • A new unique had wrong movement type.

"Bug"-fixes:[ | ]

  • Reworked insectgirls a bit.
  • Updated queen/drone sprites.
  • Both Queens now have a different drone summon to collect and one for combat.
  • Drones start at 0 mana, but can collect more for the queen.
  • Combat units can't transfer mana, but have useful skills etc.
  • Most hybrids have some new onGettingFucked triggers. Abdomen now let's those trigger even if no partner energy was spent.

NOTE: Don't have a unit with spawnlavabug (lavaqueens) for saves to be compatible.

V0.28.0.0 Changelog

Characters:[ | ]

  • 4 new uniques.
  • Added new events for existing uniques.
  • Buffed many weak/mechanically boring uniques in some ways.
  • Added more "chance" skills to uniques. Let's you adapt them or for use as 4th mc.
  • Added some missing unique sprites.
  • Roctu is no longer exlusive to rock element. Requirements for town summoners changed.

Unique-tracker:[ | ]

  • New tab in journal.
  • Mostly affects non-freeplay games:
  • At the start of a game you get a few optional hidden uniques to track.
  • Other uniques won't appear in that run. (until later)
  • Always start with one entry you don't have in the gallery yet.
  • You slowly reveal information about how to encounter them as you trigger events.
  • If you have the gallery entry for a unique, revealing their name immediately reveals all other infos.
  • General chances for recruit events are higher. Some requirements are changed. (specifics shown in gallery now, if unlocked)
  • Fixed story or reward characters are unaffected. (Terra/Avy/Sangara etc.)
  • Each character recruited this way has a random bonus (until fused). (+50% str, +100% beauty etc.)
  • Generally the goal is to make timed runs more varied as you get different strong uniques early on, while not completely displacing normal units.
  • Values will likely change with testing.

Fishing:[ | ]

  • Added small pond overworld objects which act as consumable fishing spots. possible in rare biomes.
  • New fish and bait. Can fish items based on portal wealth. (catch baitfish first)
  • fixed camera bug in portals.

QoL:[ | ]

  • Added a button to lose fights immediately in combat menu. (prevent some possible softlocks etc.)
  • Added genes/personality infos to hover for uniques in gallery. Also includes recruit infos and some lore text.
  • Added small checklist of possible daily things as tooltip for sleep button. (bug: drink daily check reversed)

Other:[ | ]

  • New events. Changed colored plants event.
  • Encounters through events/colloseum etc. should more accurately represent biome, including special species etc.
  • Injuries heal at 100/max stam/morale. Infirmary just lowers the requirements.
  • During freeplay, rival power increases after raising world level, not with time.
V0.27.0.1 Changelog

Bugfixes:[ | ]

  • Maincharacter couldn't freely replace uninheritable skills.
  • Some issues with human species inheritance.
  • Freeze didn't count as negative status for lizard 5 synergy.
  • Challenger achievement listed wrong goal.
  • Could exceed max genes with farm potions.
  • Gene enhancer didn't always display increased max range.

Changes:[ | ]

  • Added a new unique.
  • Hatcher trait now let's you instantly hatch one egg each day.
  • Fusing humans also results in different types based on genetics.
  • All types count as human for unique inheritances.
  • Bonus fusion cost doesn't increase in freeplay.
  • Daily battles requirement always fit mc size.
  • Changed some overworld effects/removed distortion.
  • Spawned flowers have more mana.
V0.27.0.0 Changelog

Characters:[ | ]

  • New path to alt end.
  • 3 human species types.
  • 2 new creatures.
  • 1 new robot
  • Changed TentacleGirl art. (and movement type. and changed upgrade node position)
  • Some 4th mc traits are more interesting.

Breeding/Hatching changes:[ | ]

  • Genes now simply inherit within range of both characters. (min half of max)
  • Added farmpotions to guarantee max inheritance of individual genes.
  • Hatching is faster and easier to control.
  • Increasing egg genes decreases growth rate, but can be offset in various ways.
  • Eggs can hatch in any room, some just give penalties to certain types.
  • Most things are now additive bonuses instead of multipliers.
  • Numbers are generally changed to enable more clear/interesting hatching options.
  • Removed starting choice of breeding/fusion focus.
  • Portals have new modfiers to give bonus genes for a specific stat.
  • Stud/Bloodline traits have changed.

QoL:[ | ]

  • Entering combat, you'll receive a log message for highest genes/special traits amongst opponents.
  • On party prep screen, can use wasd/arrows to cycle characters/pages.
  • When selecting hatcher, it shows and is sorted by their bonus.
  • SexTraining at home highlights options that give progress to cap increase.
  • Collapsed portal info during exploration. can be expanded.

Other:[ | ]

  • New events
  • Added some weather effects. Weather is more common
  • Testing some post processing effects.
  • Added a simplified game modifier (levels/genes don't matter)
  • Get 2 skillpoints per sexskill increase.
  • Can build arenas in portals, producing stronger fights.
  • Anomalies always give a portal fragment. 2 if it breaks.
  • Many bugfixes/small changes.
V0.26.2.0 Changelog

Bugfixes:[ | ]

  • Could get quests to increase salary when it's already maxed.
  • Mindcontrol never worked.
  • Some effects that shouldn't be able to reduce hp to 0 could.
  • Elementalist didn't get all starting skills.
  • Challenge portals required 100% completion instead of mentioned 50%. (now both 80%)

Dating:[ | ]

  • You have 3 decks with different starting cards and passive ability.
    • Generally one versatile, one casual, one lewd.
  • Removed deck choice from character creation.
  • They share the same upgrade points. Can freely choose decks/target of upgrades
  • Each deck has a fixed passive and a secondary. (many possible passives of various rarities)
  • Utility skillpoints can be used to change a secondary passive. (always one guaranteed upgrade option)
  • 2 new resources/buttons, similar to rerolls:
    • Passion: Earned by acting based on partners interests. Spend to increase lewd by 1 and bridge gaps.
      • (for example lewd deck starts with some based on partners lewdity, but has no low lewd cards)
    • Burns: Earned by rejecting/ignoring stuff. Spend to remove a card for remaining date (or use as a one card reroll).
  • Unplayable/Incompatible cards get replaced with random fumble cards, which are just pretty bad cards, but still playable.
  • When you have not enough cards in deck, you generate fumble cards as needed.
  • Added some more cards.
  • Added some pictures to utility cards.

Plans for dating/upcoming update:[ | ]

  • More interesting passives/cards to build decks around.
  • Include new resources more into event options and balance stuff etc.
  • Add interests to characters/uniques. More reactions/different event outcomes based on character/choices.
  • More complex "question" card events/discussions with lore/quests for uniques etc. (currently always same generic linear 3 things)
  • Longer event chains involving multiple locations/reoccuring characters etc.
V0.26.1.0 Changelog

Characters/Species:[ | ]

  • 1 new unique
  • Added fungal spirits as unlockable starting option.
  • Added electric base spirit. (also unlockable)
  • 1 new special hybrid.

Brothel:[ | ]

  • Added some bonus modifiers for various team setups with special effects.
  • Multiplier should more accurately show in total appeal.
  • Buying/Expanding rooms is cheaper. Even more on fast games.
  • Added a few actions/traits for shows

Endgame stuff:[ | ]

  • Added challenge portals after winning. Each day you choose portals to open with increasingly high difficulty.
    • Enemies in there have a higher cap on level/party size.
    • Special rare enemies can spawn in there.

SaveSystem:[ | ]

  • Should be much faster to open save window with many saves.
  • Now an additional file is created in the saveData folder, storing information.
    • The file isn't necessary and could be deleted etc. temporarily removing info from the save window.
    • File is readable/searchable. Journal entries will be included there. They also appear as tooltip in save window.
  • Saves from the same start can be more clearly recognized by an id.
  • Can sort saves by name/id/character/date.
  • Can toggle a simplified view.

Quickruns:[ | ]

  • Seeds can contain things to modify them. (case sensitive. can use multiple)
    • "Crea/CreaM/CreaF","Evo","Druid/DruidM/DruidF","Other" to guarantee mc.
    • "Fav" for currently favourite gallery character/4th mc. (seed won't be fixed with different selections)
    • "Fire","Water"... for affinity
    • "Fusion","Fusion+","Farm","Farm+" override default farmfocus
    • "Medium","Long","FreePlay", override gamelength
    • Other selected traits: Gacha, Natural, Hard
    • Example: "FireCreaGacha69" = starts a run with Creation/Fire element and Gacha, while other stuff is random.
  • Each unique seed should always result in the same start more accurately now.

Other:[ | ]

  • 4 new difficulty modifiers and 2 new achievements/traits.
  • Added some town npc objectives/tasks.
  • Npcs now keep up to 2 actions for the next day if unused.
  • Added some new events/gallery entries
  • Option to keep items in party stash when returning
  • Many small changes

Balancing:[ | ]

  • Sprout now costs 0ap. Druid hiddenpower skillnodes have bonus stats.
  • Buffed some slimebulb abilities. Crea gets a skill to throw bulbs. Infected also heals/damage 10% if it's higher.
  • Spores created by spore effect have genes equal to their origin.
  • Item value no longer scales exponentially with upgrade ranks.

Noteworthy bugfixes:[ | ]

  • Hostility didn't scale correctly based on distance to portal. (could be a lot higher early on)
  • Portals with all species had centaurs with twice the probability
  • Tavern quests were halved while below 50 reputation, instead of -50
  • Tanid team perk also gave the enemy a slimebulb.
  • Many other bugfixes.
V0.26.0.0 Changelog

Events[ | ]

  • new date events
  • Some new town events for uniques.
  • Alternate path to secret ending (not requiring Terranva)
  • Changed some endings and added some story event pictures.
  • Normal/bad? endings have a special event/challenge after you won.

Characters[ | ]

  • new boss fight in succubus world
  • 3 new unique characters (all from new boss encounter)
  • Updated art: Mya, Godform. Added some clothing for Lumira,Mya.

Species/character[ | ]

  • Summoned drones have abdomen trait, letting them collect energy through presenting.
  • Added presenting based global passives to Inara and morta
  • Added mc traits for Zil, Eisvyl and Ara.
  • Lightaffinity also triggers at combat start

Gallery[ | ]

  • Can toggle automatic loop/reverse and change speed. Skips not unlocked entries.
  • Changed some controls for expanded picture view.
  • Can now advance to next total picture, regardless of it being a variation/alt/next scene.
  • Can also change category and go backwards.

Balance[ | ]

  • Starting portal is really easy now and can have any random subspecies. (on the first day the stable portal tab opens by default)
  • New players should be able to explore combat more easily with low threat now.
  • Peaceful modifier prevents scaling based on distance to portal.
  • Combat professions (knight,magician,battlemaster) are stronger
  • Replicate costs mana. (glowflies can't use it firt turn)
  • After winning a battle you get a turn of ambush protection
  • tundra/desert events spawn more frequently

Other[ | ]

  • Fertility/virility genes also increase energy/milk capacity and regen.
  • The bonus essence choice for picking yellow profession is only consumed after choosing an additional option
  • Can marry any unique character for generic stat boosts/essence (unaffected by recruited town npcs)
  • Dating wife grants a temporary special card in your deck.
  • new achievements+ traits
  • Can see character tooltip from Fusion/Farm window.
  • removed the mark toggle from home screen to prevent accidental changes
V0.25.0.1 Changelog

Bugfixes[ | ]

  • Sometimes passing day with too high or low rep caused errors/softlock.
  • Lumira event increased current stam instead of max
  • Level didn't get inherited properly within ranges in some circumstances.

Changes[ | ]

  • "Explorer" removes price scaling with upgrade rank. and only doubles wealth.
  • Common items now scale 25% each upgrade (though forgot to update tooltip)

New bug[ | ]

  • Items with manacost above 5 get lowered to 5 on upgrade.
V0.25.0.0 Changelog

Characters[ | ]

  • 6 new species (1 robot, 2 biome uniques, 3 evolutions)
  • 2 new uniques
  • Added clothes/parts to some uniques/species

Items[ | ]

  • Can merge items. Sword + Sword = Sword+1 etc.
  • Each level increases item stats based on a percentage. More for higher rarities.
  • Can freely buy expensive basic items at the market.
  • Different options unlock with reputation.

Portals[ | ]

  • Wealth is now a percentage value.
    • It acts as a multiplier for base resources/gold gained.
    • Also affects chest/combat item's level each 100%. (340% = itemlevel +2, with 40% chance to be +3)
    • Always start with a fixed special portal (either desert/tundra or caves)
  • Full reveal range of hidden tiles (deep forest etc.) based on half your vision instead of 1.

Town[ | ]

  • New town events/date events
  • Updated some pictures.
  • New brothel guests.
  • Reputation can be between -100 and 100 granting various effects at certain thresholds in both directions. (visible on map screen)
  • Some new fer/vir based settle options letting you control portal populations.

Other[ | ]

  • Changed Oriel start and added quick tutorial from start menu.
    • (Less overwhelming and easier. Get characters as they become relevant for the guide)
  • Added "Durable" modifier, doubling all hp growth. (test for less glass cannon battles)
  • Evo's flexible trait also allows access to her unlocked skills for all allies.
  • Lure is less restrictive.
  • Tavern quests with resource objective won't also have a resource reward.
  • Many bugfixes and small changes
V0.24.1.0 Changelog

Bugfixes[ | ]

  • Queen Bees didn't spawn correctly .
  • Some fixed dmg types used normal damage type.
  • Changing day while recruiting from tavern was bugged.
  • Druid didn't have access to first special portal on non-freeplay mode.

Changes[ | ]

  • Added bonus fusion options.
    • Can choose one at cost of crystals.
    • The cost increases permanently each time it's used.

Dating[ | ]

  • Changed some utility cards.
  • Added new permanent/stacking status effects to affect future events
  • Generally provided by some high lewd cards and events.
  • Added different relax option to reroll all cards for -2 lewd.

Settling[ | ]

  • Can remove a character to get various bonuses based on job requirements.
    • (pretend it's not bugged and requires 50% relation)
V0.24.0.1 Changelog

Bugfixes[ | ]

  • Events in portals with native ShadowGirls could cause a softlock.
  • Some wrong date cards/targets.
  • Antidote item skill didn't work on infinite poison.
  • Stone affinity started with +2 armor.
  • Portal tooltip on overworld was placed in wrong position.

Changes[ | ]

  • S_unit event won't reapeat after winning a few times.
  • S_units can be build and spawn among other robots.
  • Ambush chance on starting portal is 0.
  • After fleeing/getting ambushed, gain protection from ambushes for 1/2 turns.
  • Limitbreaks are a bit easier/have less resistance.
  • Home in dates is more likely to generate character events at high lewdity.
  • All date events now have generic tooltips to tell what the basic values are.
  • Added a home event to add excited once per date (keep lewd when changing location)
  • Removed a few high lewd cards in starting decks.
V0.24.0.0 Changelog

Characters[ | ]

  • 6 new species
  • 2 New uniques.
  • Some existing characters/species have a new type of global passive that can affect anything.
  • Active when character starts on the field.
    • (works similar to teambonuses/essences)
  • Insect special trait to count them for certain effects/bonuses.
  • Some new skills.

Dating rework[ | ]

  • Changed most things about dating.
    • Generally simplified stats and more controlled access to events/increased porn density.
    • Removed stances and seperate deck types.
    • Card upgrades are a lot more impactful.
    • Starter cards can only be upgraded once, encouraging adding new random cards for variety in run.
    • New utility card type that can be played for free, but not two in a row.
    • Casual/lewd skillpoints converted to utility for more control over your deck
    • Category requirements only require either target or used part to be of the category
    • Also added many new events.
    • Some recruited unique characters can appear as random events in certain locations.
    • Also acts as more solid foundation to add more events in the future.

Overworld[ | ]

  • Party can have lasting effects.
  • Visiting your first portal each day and camping gives well rested buff, temporarily removing movement stamina cost.
  • Can use workforce to hire scouts for bonus vision.
  • Can spend morale to increase movement speed for a while.
  • Some tiles (deepforest etc.) don't fully reveal until standing next to them. (still count for exploration)
  • Enemy parties now have a chance to ambush you when moving away, while adjacent.
  • Otherwise they won't engage when moving.
  • Chance mainly based on power difference and battles won in the portal.
  • New common events based on native species of a portal. (incompltete)
  • Rescue and ambush events have some more variety.
  • Anomalies prioritize unexplored tiles.

Other[ | ]

  • Gallery now has tooltips for passives/skills.
  • New achievement for mushroom starting trait.
  • Some basic arena battles have species requirement but higher rewards.
  • Careful with voltblades! (they can hit any other character now)
  • Many bugfixes/other small changes.

Only unlockables.sav is compatible.
(To transfer unlocks, copy old "saveData" folder over and remove .sav files that aren't "Unlockables.sav". Or create new saveData folder and move unlockables.sav)

V0.23.0.1 Changelog

Bugfixes[ | ]

  • "Resonance" could be used on any enemy.
  • When enemy uses "Martyr", it healed player units.
  • Evolution skilltree radiation immunity was lost when transforming. (could miss new event trigger)
  • Changing skills of wife or unit with flexible would still put adapted trait on.
  • Lumira wife trait partially applied always.
  • Mya increased brothel income instead of Flora.
  • Strong fusion focus didn't have the crystal cost reduction.
  • Special of Suzy as mc didn't work on strong lifesteal.
  • Could close hatching window during selection, losing the character.
  • Sextraining used old fertility formula and didn't consider traits.
  • Could remarry same character after they got defeated in battle and got stat buffs again.
  • A spirit genes skillnode in crea plant tree was bugged.

Changes[ | ]

  • Wormaids had aquatic movement, making them weird for desert movement.(also had default growths)
  • Drought passive buffed.
  • Now, only half of magic strength is added to spirit genes.
  • Added cheat "mctrait (name of genetic trait)"
  • Buffed some old special hybrids/their unique skills
V0.23.0.0 Changelog

Characters:[ | ]

  • 4 new species.
  • 3 new uniques.
  • Fertility and Virility change:
    • Daily egg progress is now equal to the lower value of a pair.
    • 35% + 50% = 35% progress. (previously multiplied 35% * 50% = 17.5%)
    • Generally now higher at lower values, lower at high values.
  • Can choose to marry one of the town npcs, giving various bonuses.
    • (Requires not recruiting any other. Should reduce repetitive same recruitment)

Creation:[ | ]

  • Updated skilltree. Generally can adapt summoned character traits very freely.
  • Corrupting characters keeps "starter" trait
  • New special elite summon.
  • New ending

Evolution:[ | ]

  • Changed some skilltree nodes.
  • Some story additions.

Druid:[ | ]

  • New special elite seedling evolving from any base spirit. unique skills based on element.
  • "Finalize" options are stronger.
  • Unlocks new adaptable skill with bloodmagic. (bugged previously)
  • Seedlings can still reshape even after evolution, at slower pace.

Focus:[ | ]

  • Moved farm focus to starting selection.
  • 5 choices with more extreme options. Option to disable either for bonuses in the other.
  • New achievement/trait related to doing neither.

Quickstart/seeded runs:[ | ]

  • Can sometimes start as any unique character/species.
  • More impactful unique special modifiers/essences.
    • Generally one base species threat, some starting bonus and a neutral modifier.
  • Less normal difficulty modifiers/traits. Should be easier to parse starting conditions.
  • Shows short summary in log on start.

Other changes:[ | ]

  • Fusing uniques into same species keeps the unique's growth/passives/specials.
  • Can now also enter shadow with full shadow team, not needing glowing.
  • Dark starting element can craft potions to change type to dark.
  • All characters can do basic brothelshows now.
  • Some new events.

QoL:[ | ]

  • In the quickmenu, you can now quickly assign marks by dragging characters into the icon.
  • When fusing, can press a button to maximize genes. (considering chosen focus)

Noteworthy bugfixes:[ | ]

  • Creation adapt skill options were based on her skills, rather than unlocked ones.
  • Shiro wasn't recruitable for non druid.
  • Town healer didn't appear on first day when skip intros was on.
  • Stat growth predictions didn't consider current progress correctly
  • 4th mc interaction with rival power was bugged in some places.
  • Evo transformations were bugged with traits that applied passives.
V0.22.0.1 Changelog
  • Readded individual sextraining.
  • All character have at least one sex-skill with master starting cap.
  • Newly added cards to date deck get some free bonuses.

Bugfixes:[ | ]

  • Some events were wrong
  • Starting options had wrong effect.
  • Penalty was always set to injury.
  • Visual error for starting points.
  • First save type was also unlimited.
  • Beast 4 team bonus didn't work.
  • Fixed some descriptions
  • Softground ai bug.
  • Stun effects had reversed ai value.
V0.22.0.0 Changelog

Main Characters:[ | ]

  • Actually all uniques can now be selected as main character (including town npcs etc.)
  • All unique characters have some bonus when used as maincharacter.
  • Gallery keeps track of which uniques you've won with already.
  • 4th maincharacter has their own companion and some story stuff/events.
  • New special unique character that is the default 4th maincharacter:
    • More specific tutorial/starting guide.
    • Various starting bonuses.
    • 4th maincharacters have access to some skills to adapt, generally focused on terrain manipulation.
  • Removed the alternate loss condition of druid based on reputation.
    All characters now lose based on failed kings quests.
    • Druid gets doubled relation with the king instead.
  • Added access to gallery from character creation, allowing you to select 4th maincharacter easier.

Dating:[ | ]

  • More events
  • Events generally interact more with cards and score.
  • New status effect that increases all score gain after climax.
  • Score from casual cards lowered.

Other:[ | ]

  • More events
  • Can trigger a basic brothel shift once/day triggering various events/guests to serve with rewards based on sex skills.
  • Removed stat bonuses for starting element selection.
  • Removed the individual sex training.
  • Removed month/week/season. Now ui shows days based on game length.
    Also shows kings quest timer and some reminders for special portals in top.
  • "Wild" modifier adds a random creature instead of 2 plants.
  • If you only use bonus traits/profession, you get some extra starter points.
  • Some town event uniques can be recruited instantly after having them unlocked in the gallery.
  • Many small changes.

Balance:[ | ]

  • Starting quest for short runs is 6 days. (quests for day 6, 10, 14)
  • Cheaper uses for workforce.
  • Final mission is open for less time after reaching your game length.
  • All basic spirits/seedlings have +2 speed to always have some utility.
  • Changed some difficulty/hostility scaling based on game lengths.
  • Rival power more consistently reflects their power. Also have fixed amounts of spirits based on power.
  • Rivals are generally stronger. Power affects their own stats more.
  • More varied enemy compositions.
    (few stronger or more weaker enemies possible)
  • Eggmastery caps at 100. Angel/Demon potential can't increase above max level, but are cheaper.
  • Changed some numbers for difficulty modifiers.
  • Final mission is open for less time.

Noteworthy bugfixes:[ | ]

  • Couldn't do some achievements that require winning in freeplay.
  • Free play special portals had wrong/unclear thresholds.
  • Girata was bugged.
  • Dunecasters didn't spawn.

V0.22.0.0 only unlockables.sav is compatible
(To transfer unlocks, copy old "saveData" folder over and remove .sav files that aren't "Unlockables.sav".
Or create new saveData folder and move unlockables.sav)

V0.21.0.1 Bugfixes

Bugfixes:[ | ]

  • Pairing characters in farm removed them permanently.
  • When playing as other maincharacter, story portals/ending didn't appear.
  • Time passing during shows was wrong.
  • Soulfragment didn't do anything for other mc.
V0.21.0.0 Changelog

Game Modes:[ | ]

  • More clear distinction between different game lengths.
  • Added 15 day runs as an option.
  • Free play: can freely open special/story portals after reaching certain world levels.
    There shouldn't really be anything exclusive to non freeplay runs anymore.
  • Removed the longest time limit modes, as you can basically set your own for free play.
  • Added an easy mode in difficulty modifiers.
    (Doubled mc stamina regen)
    renamed "casual" modifier to "gacha" to not imply a difficulty decrease.

Main Character:[ | ]

  • Alternate gender maincharacters (Male creation, Female/Futa druid) with slight differences.
  • Every unique character (excluding a few story ones) is playable now.
    Select any unlocked character (or species) in gallery to set as playable mc in character creation.
    They have less mechanics (no skilltrees) and serve as a simplified game mode. (for example for 15 day runs.)

Characters:[ | ]

  • 5 new uniques.
  • 6 new species.
  • New main world biome.

Dating:[ | ]

  • more events.
  • Smaller deck size.
  • player has more actions at a time.
  • Partner only has one action at a time and doesn't reroll naturally. Generally higher score value than normal.
  • Many actions can generate specific other actions for partner.
  • score of cards never decreases during dates.
    (always either fun or lust. Also smaller decreases.)

Other:[ | ]

  • new events. Some gallery entries have additional immages.
  • Filters for quick menu and character selections.
  • Optional species skills are evenly split now.
    (previously almost impossible to get later ones.)
  • When hatching a character, you have the option to send them away, gaining workforce instead.
  • Level tooltip shows specific stat gain numbers per level and at max level.
  • 50%+ encumbrance doesn't half movement time anymore.

Noteworthy bugfixes:[ | ]

  • Could duplicate characters in quickwindow.
  • An elf event reward wasn't choosable.
  • evolutions didn't consider size for starting stats.
  • evolving characters didn't immediately update your party stats.
  • starting guide marker didn't immediately appear when reloading area etc.

V (unlockables.sav is compatible)

V0.20.0.2 Bugfixes

Bugfixes:[ | ]

  • Last bugfix caused some ai problems with high LDmg etc.
  • Also changed ai behaviour related to LDmg and movement a bit.
  • Lightfoxes also sometimes had wrong sprite
  • A new unique had no size.
V0.20.0.1 Bugfixes

Bugfixes:[ | ]

  • Some unique druid events triggered repeatedly
  • Characters from casual modifier always had max lv 5.
  • default firedragongirl had clothes of unique
  • health potions healed less on the overworld.
  • start menu tooltips were gone.
  • Firebrand was seen as positive effect for ai.
  • GlowFish had wrong movement type.
V0.20.0.0 Changelog

Base species:[ | ]

  • Starting species will determine some starting essences.
  • Each species has 2 essences. First a small general effect, second often incentivises focusing on that base species for combat etc.
  • Either get 2 rank 1 essences or both of one species.

Team Synergies:[ | ]

  • You get various party buffs based on your team's base species count.
  • Each unique species will add towards their base species count.
  • Enemies will also have access to these perks based on their team.

Events:[ | ]

  • New unique world with various species etc.
  • A few other new events random relax/explore date events are more likely (individual chances), but most are once/date.
    (early on, almost guaranteed to trigger some events, but get less likely as they diminish)

Items:[ | ]

  • many new, mostly legendary items.
  • Reworked many item skills.
  • Most non-consumable item-skills now have uses per combat.
  • Items with 0 range instantly cast on self.

Skills:[ | ]

  • Each maincharacter has a way to adapt skills of characters. (uses same one-time adapt as traits)
  • Druid can put a fixed set of skills onto spirits/seedlings.
  • Creation can adapt any character with her unlocked skills.
  • Evo can adapt any character with skills from the possible species/base species skillpools.
    her upgrade makes it infinitely reusable
  • Druid can unlock various unique plant skills by exploring certain biomes.

QoL:[ | ]

  • Quickmanager has more options. Can also shift click tabs to sort.
  • Can also select characters to enter breed/fuse screen with them selected. (new drop field)
  • Added small summary to start-game button showing starting essences/element etc.
  • Base species more color coded in various places.

Other:[ | ]

  • Added new modifer where you get characters of random quality each day, but other methods of aquiring them are much worse.
    (can get otherwise rare/late-game characters early on etc.)
  • Updated some species/item art.
  • On the overworld, enemy party info keeps one unit unknown.
  • Changed order of some damage calculation (sacrificed hp shouldn't be affected by vulnerability etc.)
  • Temporary characters for events immediately join battles, regardless of party size.
  • After reaching Avy's world, she gets a different starting option in future runs. (skipping most pet training)
  • Many smaller changes

Noteworthy bugfixes:[ | ]

  • Mushroom evolution was bugged
  • Could lose dropped items when updating overworld inventory.
  • lifeloss effects were affected by lust/vulnerable etc. ignoring requirements of having enough hp etc.
  • many more

Only unlockables.sav is compatible

V0.19.0.0 Changelog

Overworld:[ | ]

  • world changes a bit daily (forests grow/expand etc.)
    some objects/encounters/events etc will be replaced/removed each day
  • hives don't appear in stabilized portals anymore
  • new structures with various effects.
  • workforce as a new resource which lets you just use gold to make some orders.
    get more from reputation/kingsquests or firing high relation characters.
    Druid starts with more and higher basic increase
  • new special biome
  • Special biomes worked incorrectly and generally only generated max 1 per portal
  • Can send items/resources on floor home without leaving. (from portal/camp tiles)
  • Some more special stuff in Avy's home world.

Characters:[ | ]

  • New spirit (5 new species. Can't be chosen as starter)
  • 2 new uniques
  • 3 new other species
  • new skills etc.

Other:[ | ]

  • Added limited rerolls per date. (bonus for each unplayable card)
  • Added more pictures to dates (mostly Lyra/Devy)
  • Added other pictures to gallery (many exclusive to it)
  • Elites are only limited to one per species (testing for now)
  • much higher recruit chance if only one enemy left.
  • Additional early common essence portal at day 2 to get started
  • Brothel-score regarding tips has diminishing returns
  • Partner dating cards now generate partially based on current lust value
  • Can sort by time since you got the character
  • Character selection always shows their current location
  • Lure now spawns a random enemy party nearby
  • Morta got a unique genetic trait
  • swamp slimes can replicate
  • Gene info on quick manager shows if a character is adapted
  • some other small changes

Noteworthy bug fixes:[ | ]

  • firedragons couldn't evolve
  • celia date crashed game
  • anomalies could teleport into impassable terrain
  • some tavern quests couldn't be completed
  • AI ignored some type of skill requirements
  • In dates partner sometimes generated a play card
  • daily material income was kept over when creating a new save
  • event tiles in special portals didn't renew daily
  • slime kept spreading after hive removal
  • Game is locked to one instance now (might prevent some weird bugs where it opened multiple times and deleted saves.)

Only unlockables.sav is compatible

V0.18.0.1 Bugfixes

Bugfixes:[ | ]

  • some minor descriptions were wrong.
  • some sylvie date actions didn't work correctly.
  • genetic traits weren't included in loadouts.
  • rejuvenate also applied bleed.
  • new special hybrid had a wrong combination.
  • energy was drained wtice on service, possibly going negative.
  • some heal passives had the wrong target.

Changes:[ | ]

  • added avy idle home pic.
  • higher brothel ranks have less exp penalty. highest rank requires less score.
  • most relax/explore date events are more common.
  • date upgrades to add new cards are more common.
  • "energize" action can be used without triggering it's effect. It also has retain now.
  • negative date card values are underlined instead of changing color?
  • Increased base daily morale gain by 1.
  • "unknown" specials now trigger based on modified atk type. (relevant for evo)
V0.18.0.0 Changelog

Characters:[ | ]

  • Each element now has a nymph evolution (4 new species)
  • Generally more evolution skill choices and more descriptive text
  • Most nymphs should provide a lot of synergy and flexibility to their element.
  • new skills
  • new special hybrid
  • 2 new special species
  • new unique
  • Flora art update

Dating:[ | ]

  • more events/pictures
  • more cards/upgrade options
  • can only date each character once/day
  • most uniques have a small unique dating effect/passive

Overworld:[ | ]

  • Full portals are now saved (savefile bigger based on current loaded portals.
    might cause loading of the save selection screen to take longer with many savefiles for now.)
  • Changing tiles affects daily changes/regrow things
  • separated building/terraform menu.
    (foundation for more complex buildings with storage/ability to assign characters etc. in future)
  • some things can be build at higher range

Town:[ | ]

  • some locations have an additional npc
  • some more special options and events
  • evo-show update
  • in shows, guests now leave when satisfaction stays at 100 or 0 for 2 turns
  • time cost for show-actions and duration halved. (ranks increase max time)
  • Removed the nearby location buttons
  • Removed some library tabs and updated info.

Start:[ | ]

  • Added loadouts for starting selections.
  • Mc-genetics from character creation give bonus base stats now.
  • Some genetic starting traits have additional benefits.
  • One random profession has a yellow bonus, also giving you more options for first essence.

Other:[ | ]

  • Cleaned up some decriptions/tutorial etc.
  • Updated story/lore stuff to be more consistent.
  • Druid has a new starting passive, granting a bonus based on stance.
  • Expanded fairy help suggestions
  • Unique looks and some abilities are kept after fusing, if the species matches.
  • Characters can toggle between guard and shield as defensive action. (testing for now)
  • many small QoL changes
  • some new "cheats":
    "skill+ +skillname" list species with that skill(skill fireball).
    "passive+ +passivename" to list passives. (doesn't flag)
    "glimpse" to reveal gallery temporarily without messing with unlocks.
    those don't flag a file as cheating.
    While a file is flagged as cheating, you're now never encumbered.

Noteworthy bug fixes:[ | ]

  • Soft lock when a character had regeneration/bleed effects at the same time in a specific order.
  • AI-focus setting didn't do anything.
  • character quest rewards were always the same
  • some types of dating action didn't immediately update stats.
  • growth essences only applied to fusions and not eggs.
  • some elemental weaknesses weren't consistent with tooltips.

Only unlockables.sav is compatible

V0.17.0.1 Bugfixes

Bugfixes:[ | ]

  • an_3 quest didn't trigger (required for alt end)
  • level quests didn't progress - ConsumeMana,entice/aphrodisiac had reversed requirements
  • loading split recruited town npcs into 2 instances, which caused some problems
    (separate relation/lewd increases, reset level to before recruitment after death etc.)
  • holyspirit had wrong shield passive
  • attacks with fixed attacktype didn't correctly work (FireTailWhip etc.)
  • newgame plus broke dating
  • town npcs didn't trigger correct location events
  • shift skill didn't work/caused ai errors
  • could enter air portals without flying and not return
  • non lewd date actions also had *2 score multipiler
  • alchemist gallery entry didn't unlock
  • date stat checks always comapred to max value of target
  • OW save window had fixed text in some part
  • random name buttons didn't work
V0.17.0.0 Changelog

Dating-rework:[ | ]

  • All characters can be dated and have a lewdity value.
  • Non-uniques will start with random value.
  • Characters have interests/dislikes in certain topics. (currently not really used by much)
  • Lewdity can be increased more often/date.
  • Relation increases much quicker.
  • Available dating actions are based on a deck based on your interests.
  • You have 2 dating decks (casual/sexual) and switch between both in various ways.
  • Cards get worse for remaining date as you use them.
  • Each location has actions available which manipulate your cards and trigger random events (prev rest/explore events)
  • Earn skillpoints for certain categories with each sexskill lv-up and from dating
  • Can upgrade/add cards with skillpoints.
  • Can select your starting decks in character creation.
  • More focus on statuseffects/stat checks
  • Pictures will be shown based on unique/species if available for any action.
  • Generally much easier to add descriptions/new events/pictures etc. now.

Quests:[ | ]

  • Relation of character more visible
  • Characters will sometimes generate random quests with rewards. (based on relation)
  • Relation unlocks special relation quests at certain thresholds. (type/rewards based on lewdity)

Combat (Shield/Healing)[ | ]

  • Added shield as temporary hp.
  • Shield reduces incoming dmg and isn't affected by anything (elemental weakness/armor/dmg types etc.)
  • Remaining dmg will be applied as normal.
  • Elemental weaknesses increased to +100% instead of 50%. (and some changed)
  • Many new actions/passive generate shield
  • Most healing actions don't scale with magic strength. (either flat value or percentage based)
  • More difference between support/magic lvType. Some changes to other lvTypes
  • Healing is generally less efficient than shield

Other[ | ]

  • True end
  • 6 new species
  • New events/achievements/skills etc.
  • Can choose default/random start that selects starters and spends all points.
    (Mostly viable combinations etc. New players can just press default and start immediately)
  • Farm has a capacity. All characters in farm generate their daily crafting items. (can show quick overview of material income)
  • Special home upgrades for 100% relation with town npcs. + some others
  • lowered gene point growth multiplier from 15% to 10%. (10 = +100%)

Only unlockables.sav is compatible

V0.16.0.2 Bugfixes

Bugfixes:[ | ]

  • could camp in unstable portals
  • some maincharacter sexskills were mixed up
  • aircontrol essence didn't do anything
  • hardened skin soul fragment buff applied to spirits/seedlings instead of soulfragments
  • choice caster didn't work
  • potions/energy were used in instant breeding.
V0.16.0.1 Bugfixes

Bugfixes:[ | ]

  • intro events didn't trigger correctly
  • character activity defaulted to "have fun" at 0 stamina instead of at max stamina
  • added button to reset challenge rank in character creation
  • nightcrawlers are now amphibious. Avy's pet didn't have correct genetic maxlevel.
  • "recruiter" trait didn't work
  • tavern characters level didn't scale correctly
  • some wrong texts/tooltips
  • evo now keeps elemental dmg type when in human form
V0.16.0.0 Changelog

Characters:[ | ]

  • 5 new uniques
  • 10 new species
  • 2 new special worlds
  • Reworked some Evo special forms
  • Added some upgrade events for many unique characters with new skills etc.
  • Some new clothes/futa variants
  • Some species are now elite species (max rank spirits and world bosses). Can only have one elite in your party
  • Elite species are generally stronger and more unique now.

Gameplay/Combat:[ | ]

  • Added many global passive effects, obtained by beating short unstable portals every few days.
  • When choosing exclusively from highlighted bonus professions/traits at character creation, you'll start with a special pet
  • Spawning/destroying hives gives some skillpoints based on a portals native species
  • Added new status effects strength/magic charges (Stacking effects giving lasting 10% strength/magic each)
  • Changed some basic traits like strong/resilient etc. to affect base stat growth instead of being a multiplier
  • Eggs created by maincharacter get a special trait. Gain various bonuses based on maincharacter and amount of these in party.
  • Daily arena battle that increases difficulty/rewards of future daily battles when beaten.
  • Camping duration reverted to shorter times, but doesn't restore stamina. (instead it sets it to a minimum if it was lower)
  • removed level requirement for recruiting. Recruiter trait now increases lust after failed attempts
  • firing characters in town has no morale penalty?
  • quickruns start with less characters and you get a random essence
  • removed stealth
  • removed weather effects at turnstart (spreading water etc.)

QoL:[ | ]

  • Quick/auto save always appear on top of the list. button to directly open save window.
  • Highlights saves of current file. no overwrite confirmation needed for same save
  • Hatchery shows a value for total genes of eggs
  • In combat, middle mouse button doesn't show character tooltip if the character is selected
  • Can see current ritual level of species in "other" character tooltip section

Other:[ | ]

  • more events/scenes etc. (some in categories of existing gallery)
  • some changes to dating, but still a placeholder. I'll probably just rework it into something more simple/fun.
  • many bugfixes + smaller changes.

Only unlockables.sav is compatible

V0.15.0.1 Bugfixes

Bugfixes:[ | ]

  • Some stamina gains/losses were reversed
  • ai didn't do anything when they had massheal skill
  • Unique xhana event never triggered
  • Angel had a wrong picture
  • farmpairs set to farm didn't grow food
  • Egg/crystal setting for farmpairs didn't save
  • Score didn't update for hardest battle/portal
  • An_3 upgrade was bugged
  • quickshooter didn't do anything
  • Only had to meet requirements for one character for training quests
  • Phoenix permanently lost attacktype after hatching
  • Consuming hatchery upgrade counted itself for shares
  • Female only setting didn't work for some species
  • Slime didn't remove ow stamina cost for crea

changes:[ | ]

  • Less frequent combat mods for portals.
  • Native species rework: portals have main and subspecies
    first part is almost always a mainspecies. secondary can be either.
    lizards/mermaids are more likely to spawn in water and mermaids spawn less on other tiles
  • New very rare creature (also in elementalist evolution branch)
  • Tamers now start with that creature with max level 20
  • Some new skills/skill combos
  • New movementtype for lavamermaid and that creature. (fast in water/lava)
  • Changed some ow-skills (scouting etc.) to use stamina but lowered manacost
  • Fusion focus gives high chance to inherit up to 2 learned skills instead of 1
  • Rescue event characters have a guarenteed rare genetic trait and the portals trait
  • Made some finalize effects stronger
  • Added futa option to lonada
  • Added stronger divine favours for a new profession/trait

Normal saves from 0.15 may not be compatible

V0.15.0.0 Changelog

Characters/Content:[ | ]

  • Added new story path/alternate ending
  • 9 new species. 6 new uniques.
  • New achievements/professions/traits
  • New events/scenes etc.

Challenges/statistics:[ | ]

  • Added scaling difficulty option. unlocks in character creation after beating the game.
  • Scales infinitely, but after 10 some modifiers just repeat.
  • Keep track of highest difficulty/score/challenge wins for each character

Farm:[ | ]

  • Simplified farm interface/less micro management (more incentivised to keep pairs once set up)
  • Removed attraction and related stats for breeding
  • Farmpairs increase bond each day up to 10. Resets upon breaking.
  • Bond increases efficiency of everything farm related by 10% each
  • Can toggle characters between producing eggs or twice the amount in crystals
  • Replaced the current settings (slow/vigorous etc.) with side-activities for various bonuses (farming/milking/sextraining...)

Quick character management:[ | ]

  • Added town screen to quickly see/manage all your characters (middle mouse button)
  • Can easily move them around between places/activities
  • Toggles for relevant information
  • Quick access to all character locations

Freeplay:[ | ]

  • Changed freeplay to remove most time based scaling.
  • No time pressure for anything. Difficulty is mostly player controlled.
  • 80%+ completing a portal raises the worldlevel to that portals hostility
  • Worldlevels work similar to ng+, raising difficulty and level caps.
  • Starting level/gene caps are lower than usual

QoL:[ | ]

  • Added quickstart setting, allowing you to skip intro events (simulate default selections)
  • In party prep: can click on empty item slots to filter inventory to that type
  • In inventory can click avatar to select next. Removed the small character tooltips from inventory.
  • In battle, can hold middle mouse on a character to show tooltip
  • Enemies with gifted or special trait will have a star in name. Enemies with death triggered passives are also marked.
  • Sell-toggles for party-prep/crafting window. Generally shouldn't need keyboard for most things now.

Gameplay/Balance:[ | ]

  • Changed evo's adapt mechanic:
    • Can now permanently learn/collect traits.
    • Learned traits can be adapted onto characters.
    • Druid/Crea have/unlock a restricted variation of that ability.
  • Ranged attacks now use all ap instead of requiring 2. (can move before. Restoring 1 ap lets you attack again etc.)
  • Simulates rituals with starters at game-start
  • Druid has a unique skilltree branch based on selected element to support spirits. And some other new abilities.
  • Removed mana penalty for shadow characters for not being in shadow
  • Amphibious no longer has a penalty for land movement (now objectively better than basic movement)
  • Combat-Exp gain doubled but reduced based on a characters level
  • Fused characters can't be used for rituals, but gain +50% exp
  • Your party fully heals on portal/relay tiles
  • Party-teleport costs crystals now
  • Traits are partially weighted based on lvType, including mutagen.
  • New rare (<1% chance) genetic traits based on lvType.(characters with special trait will have a star in combat)
  • More stamina fairies spawn
  • magicwater removes mana from enemies when in water.
  • magicice also affects characters on snow
  • Adaptable mc-trait only doubles potion uses, but is cheaper
  • More skillcombos
  • Early portal/guaranteed first arena battle rewards increased.
  • Some lymeans got some electric skills

Unity/UI stuff:[ | ]

  • Updated unity version, so some rare crashes should be fixed
  • Starting launcher thing was removed.
  • Added ingame settings for resolution/fullscreen.
  • Can resize window
  • Smaller file size
  • Generally should run better/use less ram etc.
  • Added custom cursors based on character (not sure if i like those)

Only unlockables.sav is compatible

V0.14.0.1 Bugfixes

Changes/Balancing:[ | ]

  • Added energy orbs in portals that recover stamina
  • Starting home capacity and upgrades increased
  • Stamina potions restore 50 stamina instead of increasing max
  • Injury shown more clearly on party characters at home
  • Shows if an attack was resisted/weak in log
  • Increased effects of secondary camping actions (scavenging/training etc.)
  • Milk for camping capped at 5 (can use multiple times if more)
  • In party preparation, can click portrait instead of next button
  • Spirits/tavern characters start at full stamina
  • Crea summons start at 100 stamina. upgrades increase it by 10
  • Made the farm pairs more compact

Bugfixes:[ | ]

  • Reversed stamina loss/recovery for some things
  • Could select all traits instead of +1 with fusion focus
  • Fixed various weird ai behaviours
  • Portal entry cost was still based on partysize
  • Creation futa upgrade wasn't considered in advanced sextraining
  • In portals there was an area on the right where inputs were blocked
  • Wrong tooltip for poison attack
  • Wrong description for lavaspider evolution. also added a dex path.
  • Milk/energy buff upgrades for crea were outdated
  • Some missing pictures
  • Special maxlevel pots used up potion slots
  • Farm interface didn't fully reset, causing some weird bugs
  • When selecting a pair both potion costs shown were from the right characters
  • instantbreed didn't work correctly on just formed pairs
  • Resting tooltips were outdated
  • Devil healing costed stamina
  • Angel was missing some pictures
  • You didn't always get a reinforce charge on certain dfficulty settings/professions

(v0.14.0.0 saves should be compatible)

V0.14.0.0 Changelog

With this update I wanted to focus on making the game play nicer. Simplify/remove some stuff + many QoL changes.
Not a lot of new content in terms of events/characters etc.
Didn't really find a way I wanted to change dating so i left it untouched for now.
Spend more time on the succubus game than expected.
Future updates should be quicker again (I'll probably try at least monthly)

Exhaustion/Expeditions:[ | ]

  • Changed exhaustion to stamina (was always weird to have a resource where high numbers were bad)
  • Base max stamina is now 200
  • Each step on the overworld costs one stamina (unless on road/slime as crea), battles cost 2.
  • If a character starts a battle at 0 stamina, they gain a severe debuff
  • Removed stamina cost from entering portals
  • Expeditions have no time restrictions anymore.
  • Entry cost not based on party size
  • Camping takes a lot longer but increases stamina same as sleeping in town
  • Some overworld actions cost stamina now
  • Some powerful/or 0ap skills also have a stamina cost (usually lowered mana or ap cost)
  • Enemies start with random amount of stamina

Reserve characters:[ | ]

  • Can have up to 4 reserve characters in party. (can switch states at any time)
  • You can still only enter a portal with 6 characters, but can recruit characters with full party.
  • Reserve characters don't start in battle/don't lose stamina and gain 50% exp the other characters earned.
    (Total exp earned is higher the more characters are in reserve)
  • If another ally leaves the battlefield (injures/flees...), you can call in a reserve character
  • Fully exhausted/injured characters can't be called in
  • Most events can now trigger even with a full party

Characters:[ | ]

  • Reworked some character art + added alt art
  • Reworked crea art (added clothing etc.) + new skilltree nodes affecting stats/visuals
  • Enemy crea also gets new passives etc as corruption increases
  • Some new abilities/passives. (including passives that change terrain on combat start for special terrain teams)
  • Different looking versions for most basic spirits
  • Basic spirits have more importance in late game
  • Can reshape spirits during expeditions
  • 1 new special hybrid
  • 1 new spirit
  • 1 new unique
  • Fire dragons integrated in fire spirits

Score:[ | ]

  • Can check a score value for your current run (button from map)
    consists of various things like resources/best characters/completed quests etc.
  • Total score at time of completion will be set. (can still change flexible value)

AI rework:[ | ]

  • All skills can be used by ai (including explosion etc. for now?)
  • Generally better and can actively do everything (including defend/disengage etc.)
  • Enemies act one at a time. (instead of based on their action, like seducing first etc.) Quicker/less transitions.
  • Values assigned to skills/attacks etc. and compared based on situation (previously just binary condition whether to use a skill or not)
  • Considers more things (traits/statuseffects/terrain etc.)
  • Applies to player ai used as well
  • Animation speed selection

Atk/Dmg types:[ | ]

  • Each species has an attack and damage type (Fire + Cleave etc.)
    • Including ranged attacks which usually cost 2ap instead of 1
    • Shows icon for them in battle (also shows own type)
    • Weapons can overwrite it. (no species should have 2 weapon slots anymore)
  • Tile highlights show all affected tiles for multi hit attacks etc.
  • Elemental dmg with strength/weaknesses and secondary effects. (shortens many skills and removes need for some passives)
    (e.g fire dmg always increases burn by 1, deals less dmg against enemies in water etc.)
  • On hit effects trigger on all hit enemies (multi hit passives shouldn't exist anymore)
  • Can drop weapon in combat to revert to base damagetypes (0 ap action)
  • Skills also mostly deal elemental dmg.
  • Battles have global elemental power modifiers, usually affected by weather and base spirits
  • All dmg of certain types will be affected. (shown strength/skill dmg shows updated value)
  • Maincharacter damagetype is based on starting element
  • Skill tooltips show actual values (toggle in settings), colored based on affecting stat (no "mg/2+1" etc.)

UI/QoL:[ | ]

  • Updated character tooltip
  • More compact home window/character roster
  • Can quickly summon spirits from home window
  • Can access sleep from anywhere in town
  • Can choose characters from party/brothel for sex training
  • Maincharacter stats more clear for sextraining
  • Shows character combat-sprite in gallery
  • Many other small UI/QoL changes...
  • Added more symbols to mark characters (can now filter by mark)
  • Evo can freely change alt art for characters (just visual)
  • Changed item type filter to only show a certain type instead of toggling it

Other:[ | ]

  • Can choose a focus at start of game, making either breeding or fusion better while making the other worse, or ignore it.
  • Phoenix egg now requires stamina to activate, but doesn't lose mana. (can hatch early at cost of mana)
  • Made explosion a targetable skill (to prevent accidents)
  • Maincharacter starting position lowered
  • Moved the known preferences from prostitute to madame profession
  • Removed max level for maincharacter sexskills (still soft capped by species amount)
  • Removed look types/preferences from characters. removed relations between other characters
  • Changed save type for quickruns from limited to town-only
  • Lightpower doesn't require full mana
  • Portal hostility on endless increases much slower.

Noteworthy bugfixes:[ | ]

  • Game didn't correctly register as won (opional kingsquests etc.)
  • Teleport stone didn't work when portal was closed
  • Maincharacter sexskills modified the wrong skill
  • "blind" and related things didn't work

Only unlockables.sav is compatible

V0.13.0.1 Bugfixes

Noteworthy bigfixes:[ | ]

  • Servicing didn't clear lust when target had no energy
  • rng for some things didn't change each day in some occasions (spawned same tavernquests etc.)
  • "enticed" made ai behave weirdly even when no character is presenting
  • Full restore wasn't useable
  • shelldrakes dropped invalid materials
  • Could collect infinite mushrooms from one spot
  • Genetic size/gender for crea summons weren't always accurate
  • Some overworld event pics weren't shown
  • Enemies in new merchant event were all bosses
  • Needed to have more basic resources to craft something (instead of equal+)
  • Eggs from an event were always lava type
  • Some uniques didn't have the unique trait
  • Evo lost lavaimmunity trait after normal transformations
  • Enemy evo in special forms showed (wrong) clothing overlay
  • Removed automatic milking upgrade as its kinda redundant now
  • Gallery pics for evel didn't unlock
  • Tentacle research event couldn't trigger, as the location was inaccessible. (moved to guild)
  • Couldn't mindcontrol lustbound characters
  • petite/busty/Wellendowed traits didn't affect energy/milk
  • sexmaster/god affects recruiting chance now.
  • Recruit chance no longer capped between 1 and 90%. (can be higher than 100 to show skills more clearly)
  • Producer increased production by +2 and *2, instead of just +2
  • Equalizing room upgrade behaved weirdly/opposite
  • Stored eggs were weirdly aligned
  • Could have same trait multiple times in tavernquest requirements
  • Fixed some weird behaviour for quickruns right after doing a random battle
  • Gallery didn't show loot/produced materials for creatures

Added:[ | ]

  • Avy's familiar has maxlv 10 now. avy has increased potion uses.
  • manaworms can spawn in the wild now and gained mount trait
  • Added some recipes for previously unused materials
  • Can now get sexmaster/god traits with mc when reaching lv 10/15 in any skill
  • Devil/angel pacts change stats more (and change base stats)
  • Added some pics to gallery
V0.13.0.0 Changelog

Alternate art:[ | ]

  • Base species have some variations (mostly different hairstyles/horns etc.)
  • Can choose for starters, otherwise spawn randomly
  • Can see variations in gallery. can also toggle clothing in gallery.

Egg-rework:[ | ]

  • All species have an eggtype
  • Different types have certain properties/requirements
  • eggtype is determined from female part in pairing
  • Hatchery has multiple rooms which can be set to different types/build upgrades etc.
  • Any character can be assigned as a hatcher in a room, increasing egg growth at cost of exhaustion.

Milk/Semen rework:[ | ]

  • Each character has milk/semen("energy") storage/regen based on species/some traits (lower numbers like 5(+2/day) etc.)
  • Bonus milk capacity based on titsize
  • Each harvest gets that amount of crafting materials. (semen type based on eggtype. Milk is just one resource)
  • Collecting can be done from charactermenu as well
  • During camping any character can use stored milk as free temporary food
  • Various changes to traits/consumables to fit.

Combat/Sex-actions:[ | ]

  • Energy as a resource in combat
  • New action Service: chance target cums (equal to lust percentage)->target loses energy. You collect crafting materials based on species equal to energy lost
  • Fuck: both characters lose energy. chance to recruit equal to enemy lustpercentage. malus for remaining energy
  • Passives triggered by fucking only do so if energy was lost. (They are generally a lot stronger now)
  • Whenever a character loses energy but doesn't have any, they become weakened for the remaining battle.
  • max lust always increases after sex actions (instead of only at 50%+ lust)
  • Presenting: Can "Seduce" self to trigger a new action. Nearby enemies have a chance to become enticed, prioritizing fucking the presenting character before other actions.
  • Enemies at 100% lust or enticed will fuck nearby player characters, if they are at 50%+ or "presenting".

Insectgirl-rework:[ | ]

  • Economy + sexual support characters.
  • Usually have very high energy storage, but low regen.
  • Collect energy when fucked instead of losing it. (converting it into their type)
  • Can instantly produce eggs using energy (effectively breed with self)

Crafting/Alchemy:[ | ]

  • Can collect materials in various ways (herbs/mushrooms/semen/milk etc.)
  • Special materials can be earned from npc objectives (kingsquests/tavern/ranked/portalrewards)
  • Can collect semen during brothel shows
  • Materials are stored in separate inventory/list with infinite capacity (Don't need to bring them back from portals)
  • Creatures drop materials like scales/fur etc. based on species when defeated in combat
  • Characters produce daily materials like honey/poison/silk etc. when conditions are met (housing+morale)
  • Craft potions/items etc. with those materials (+ regular resources)
  • Some collectible herbs etc. are no longer items immediately but can be used in various ways
  • Special recipes based on maincharacters/elements/professions etc.
  • New fishes as materials. possible fishes change based on fishing-spot/biome/weather
  • Many new items

Balancing:[ | ]

  • Lowered aggression of enemies/increased stealth effect
  • Decreased enemy density in story portals
  • Most legendary items are stronger
  • Entangled limits ap-gain to 1/turn. constrict now entangles
  • Creatures with suckmana/life can convert their max hp/mana into strength/magic

Other:[ | ]

  • New scenes. new unique character.
  • New profession + mc trait
  • Town npcs have a unique uninheritable special trait or passive
  • Succubus have some new skills/passives
  • You now get the profession specific starting items in quickruns
  • Tamer profession increases stat growth of creatures, instead of a one-time bonus when caught

Noteworthy bigfixes:[ | ]

  • Blinded reduced speed/Armor each tick instead of once. (and only regained once when removed)
  • Highlighted starting professions didn't give the bonus money
  • Evolving seedlings didn't update their movementcosts immediately
  • Lost crystals when fusion failed due to exhaustion
  • Skill combos when fusing were based on left/right character position
  • Starters had wrong genetic lvType
  • Could camp in unstable worlds with the hotkey

Only unlockables.sav is compatible (teams are probably also not compatible this time)

V0.12.0.1 Bugfixes

Bugs Fixed:[ | ]

  • Magic shadow highlighted wrong tiles
  • kingsquest still says you get tp
  • Arena fights start with last portal traits
  • Wild holySpirits had a skill that doesn't exist -> caused some problems
  • breedingpotions didn't work correctly
  • Toxic modifier didn't work
  • Castalia objective completions were visually offset by 1
  • Special portals could generate with impassible terrain/mainbiome
  • Starting portals were always the same regardless of seed (portal seed was just its id)
  • Could tame bosses with nets/magictame
  • Requirement for drain bow was still wrong
  • Could teleport into rock/void tiles on ow
  • Raiders trait reduced enemy spawns
  • Could evolve a lightorb into shadowdjinn
  • Some wrong descriptions/skills for evolution
  • Floating didn't apply stat malus/mount traits
  • Seductive starting trait didn't unlock through eggs
  • A unique event wasn't unique
  • ForestSatyr didn't unlock in gallery

Added:[ | ]

  • Each quickrun starts with an S-rank quest in the tavern.
  • Also added a new loadingscreen pic
V0.12.0.0 Changelog

Summary:[ | ]

  • More interesting portals
  • Spirits integrated more. (more enemy variance etc.)
  • Farm/fusion work more together.

Portals/Overworld:[ | ]

  • Tooltips for portals for modifier descriptions etc.
  • Portals now have a native trait that each character in there has, including some unique ones
  • New basic modifiers
  • Weather effects per portal that can change each day (affecting spirit spawns etc.)
  • Combat modifiers, affecting all battles in a portal
  • New world types with more restricted movement (caves etc.)
  • Special consumables + unlockable farmpotions for special world types

Characters/Creatures:[ | ]

  • 2 new elements (total 10 new species) some previously existing creatures moved into the evolution lines
    • Light: combo based magic/support species
    • Shadow: terrain based team species, introducing shadow tiles in combat
  • 11 new unique characters (mostly missing unique combat sprites, but many aren't really battle characters)

Shadow species rework:[ | ]

  • They work together with shadow spirits and share similar skills generally more hp/ less reliance on shadowform.
  • Bonuses in shadow/malus outside
  • shadowform increases speed more and only costs upkeep outside of shadow. no longer increases armor.
  • Requirements of being in shadowform often replaced with being on a shadow tile

Farm:[ | ]

  • Simplified a lot of stuff
  • Removed focus, now always similar to previous default settings but better
  • Control shifted more towards using farmpotions
  • You don't assign characters to farm ( characters at home show in farm, can assign any two to place in farm)
  • Removing pairings puts characters back home
  • Pairings are shown more clearly and separately with quick infos
  • Separate sortable lists for left/right character. (rightclick can now close as other windows)
  • Can use instantbreed without pairing (can still pair afterwards and keep progress)
  • Can toggle between creature/humanoid (can breed same species creatures)
  • Some new farm items unlocked through explorations/events.
  • Descriptions now adapted to alchemists bonus.
  • Fertility/virility potions increase by a flat amount of 30 instead of +50%
  • Eggs/day capped at 3 per pair. removed doubled crystal gain for farmer. eggs spoil quicker.

Quickruns:[ | ]

  • Some new world modifiers exclusively for it. Most runs now have a world modifier.
  • Rival power starts higher than other runs (not just stage 1 spirits in final battle etc.)
  • More modifiers/starting traits
  • Generally higher chances for more interesting/rare things

Other:[ | ]

  • New events
  • Evo art update + outfits
  • Unranked arena battles can have combat modifiers
  • Rivals can have any element, not just the basic 3
  • Corruption now sets the maxlevel to the characters current level.
    those species are stronger now (might be weird with summoning/fusing)
  • Castalia sells potions once you unlocked the reward thresholds
  • New genetic traits (mostly start/end of combat effect)
  • New mostly neutral difficulty modifiers
  • Can now buy potions from Castalia once unlocked
  • Genes have less impact on stats (10 = doubled stats, prev *2.5 - *3)
  • Slime type characters are stronger, but corrupt sets their maxlevel to current level

Noteworthy bugfixes:[ | ]

  • Tavern characters didn't correctly scale with rank (always had same total genes)
  • Party strength (for mining/woodcutting etc.) was based on magic instead of strength
  • Story mission portals had normal enemy spawn rate (could often just walk through without fights)
  • Sleeping multiple times the same day resulted in same events
  • Crafting draining bow required wrong resource

Only unlockables.sav is compatible

V0.11.1.0 Changelog

Seeded runs:[ | ]

  • Can play quickruns based on a seed, affecting starting traits/element/characters/profession etc.
    (Unlocked traits etc. don't matter. Can still do achievements in quickruns to unlock stuff for normal runs)
  • Some settings are the same for all quickruns
  • Shorter (15 days) runs with some timing adjustments.

Small changes:[ | ]

  • watermermaids now have watertrail onmove
  • Detailed descriptions for starting selections can also be seen in journal
  • Producer only gives 50% bonus instead of 100% (bonus is applied every generation in addition to increased value.)
  • More things are based on a seed

Bugs fixed:[ | ]

  • Days sometimes didn't fully resolve, causing some other problems
  • instantbreed points always increased when you came back from a portal (not based on actual days passed)
  • Stability worldmodifier affected story portals like the final mission and didn't affect basic portals
  • During sextraining, bonus for cumming at the same time didn't reset
  • Quests didn't consider modified stats (strong trait etc.) when submitting characters
  • When enemies initiated combat, biome was ignored
  • IceBeasts didn't have the mount trait
  • Freeze checked own status rather than target for validity
  • Event softlock was still possible if events stacked in the same location. Also put in safety, if an event somehow ever has no option it will just end.
  • Zookeeper gave all characters exp each day (instead of creatures only)

Testing seeded runs/trying to get some opinions on base settings etc. (haven't added anything else yet)

V0.11.0.1 Bugfixes

Bugs fixed:[ | ]

  • Unstable trait didn't work correctly
  • Quests sometimes didn't check for species
  • Gender for fusion was random
  • Unique cowgirl event could trigger multiple times
  • Stable trait added its effect for each evolution
  • Some rockspirits didn't have the spirit trait (couldn't evolve etc.)
  • Earthquake didn't work (only characters with access to it were probably not accessible anyway)
  • Intro events were only triggered on first day (now first 3 days)
  • Random location events lasting multiple days could stack, causing a softlock after ending it.
  • Slime-poison cost more than shown. also increased it's radius by 1
  • Some ai problems (mostly bulb skills)
  • Tavern points starting trait was useless. now lets you start at higher tavern rank
  • Only the first 4 traits showed in fusion window
  • Lumira didn't have the aquatic trait
  • Some quests skillrequirements didn't fit with required gender
  • Some evolution paths had wrong skills/tooltips
  • Special trader events could overlap (same trader multiple times)
  • Genetic gender of starters didn't align with actual gender
  • ai turns shouldn't take the same time if they don't do anything
  • Fleeing into another encounter was bugged
  • Naturally spawning relays didn't do anything.
  • Home portal was listed twice in teleport menu.
  • Only basestats were checked for tavern jobs (ignoring traits like strong etc.).
V0.11.0.0 Changelog

Species:[ | ]

  • New spirit (5 species)
  • 1 new special hybrid
  • 2 new creatures
  • 2 unique characters

Difficulty settings:[ | ]

  • Default save type set to town-only and adjusted modifiers
  • Dating mechanic now optional as difficulty modifier

Town:[ | ]

  • Map for quick overview of the town
  • Quickaccess to locations/certain things
  • Useful tooltips/infos for locations in one place
  • Highlighted places that require attention (eggs hatchable, special portals etc.)
  • New location with some special items

Tavern:[ | ]

  • Removed tavernpoints
  • Quests are ranked
  • You now also have a quest ranking, that affects difficulty/rewards of quests
  • Higher rank also allows you to hire stronger characters for money
  • More varied quests/rewards
  • Can accept/keep track of a few quests. (can't remove quests or reputation loss?)
  • New journal tab for quests

Fusion:[ | ]

  • More control over fusion results at cost of crystals
  • You can select half of each characters traits (+1)
  • By default all other things will be the average
  • Can select genes to 100% take the gene from this character instead
  • More selections = higher crystal cost. (free up to a point)

Arena:[ | ]

  • Default save type set to town-only and adjusted modifiers
  • Dating mechanic now optional as difficulty modifier

Difficulty settings:[ | ]

  • Ranks increase stats. Each rank increase is the same as a levelup without sizemodifier.
  • Keep equipment. Ranked battles are a bit harder. (maybe option to unequip for bonus money)

QoL:[ | ]

  • Can change character location (party/farm...) from management screen
  • Can sort characters ascending/descending if you click again
  • Can sort while selecting characters.
  • Descriptions change a bit to show relevant info based on sorting type
    In charactermanager, you can lock selection to current group easier
  • Can mark/favourite characters to sort/identify them
  • Modified stats only show in tooltip if they are different
  • Journal color changed to make reused text more readable (as most other text backgrounds are dark)

Other:[ | ]

  • Some new events, traits, skills, items etc.

Bugs fixed:[ | ]

  • Evolving characters didn't update their statgrowth, making all seedlings/spirits kinda useless
  • Evo unequipped items after transforming in chimera form
  • Chimera form didn't update some stats + percentages were ignored
  • Couldn't re-hire town npcs after recalling home
  • Size of captured spirits was set to medium after reshaping
  • Strong healing pots didn't work when used from inventory
  • Aquatic trait was often missing

unlockables.sav is compatible (not sure about normal saves)

V0.10.0.1 Bugfixes

Bugs fixed:[ | ]

  • Could infinitely recruit one of the new "unique" characters (and at full team cap)
  • New unique characters were missing the "unique" trait (didn't have any effect)
  • Transforming (corruption/evolving) didn't immediately change combat movementcosts
  • Mindcontrol didn't work
  • Journal didn't block inputs (show tooltips of characters behind)
  • Flying characters couldn't fly over lava
  • Some difficulty modifiers affecting random encounters were pointless
  • Change: characters with ice affinity don't break ice and can freeze water
V0.10.0.0 Changelog

Overworld:[ | ]

  • Removed random encounters
  • Enemies move on the Overworld
  • Finer strength evaluation of teams. (based on size, species, genes etc.)
    (Actual encounter difficulty is mostly the same as before)
  • Exp-gain is equal to the enemy strength
  • Enemies on the map are represented by their strongest party member?
  • Enemies can also fight each other.
  • Sometimes recruit some of the lost team etc.
  • Winning team will gain losers items. (capped based on partycount, rest will drop on the ground)
  • Enemies have their items equipped (won't use active abilities/consumables)
  • Resources lost when fleeing will be dropped on the enemy tile
  • Same enemies will stay after you flee. (can flee and come back to recruit/ for revenge etc.)
  • Enemies in a portal don't completely reset every time you enter. A few new ones spawn, but less concentrated.
  • Removed movement-stances
  • Click on self ("s") to have a short rest (enemies will move)
  • Enemies will flee from stronger parties and try to follow weaker ones (including player)
  • Stealth affects range and chance of enemies noticing you

Combat:[ | ]

  • Snow/ice tiles exist in battle
  • Some tiles have effects that trigger at the start and end of each turn:
    lava burns, water weakens, snow/ice slow

Characters/Species:[ | ]

  • 5 new tundra based species (in form of a new spirit. Unlockable as starting element)
  • Most mermaid type characters get a new special trait, making them stronger in water
    (Aquatic: (can't be engaged in water) restore 2 ap at the start of a turn, when in water)
  • Changed the seedling monster form to fit more to evolving into a dragon
  • 2 new unique characters
  • Species/characters have growth modifier for each stat (characters don't lose specialization at higher levels)
  • Generally lowered stat growth/levels are less important. Lv-type is less extreme - easier to inherit leveltype (50%)

QoL:[ | ]

  • Can easily switch character roles during home-sextraining
  • Can select an amount of resources to always keep after coming back from a portal
  • Can view progress towards stat increases (level tooltip)
  • Partyprep inventory acts more like the ow-inventory
  • Currently useable consumables are highlighted

Other:[ | ]

  • More closeup sexanimations/pics
  • Vaguely fitting ones are shown in individual sextraining (can be toggled off)
  • Some new events
  • Sped up some animations (lv-up, fucking non-enemies...)
  • Party strength now shows roughly estimated power of your team, to compare to enemies
  • Strength from items doesn't affect resource collecting effectiveness, but you generally get more

Balancing:[ | ]

  • Сan't use summoned characters for rituals. Can't fuse two summoned characters together
  • Exp required is no longer based on size
  • Basic mermaids start with a create water skill, but less mana
  • Mindcontrol works 100% and is cheaper, but only works on weakened characters

Noteworthy bugfixes:[ | ]

  • Slimesense/scout didn't work
  • Slimespeed reduced speed
  • Enemy creatures could seduce, if they somehow had high ldmg
  • Evo-core/eyebrows weren't set to the selected one when opening the window
  • Bloodfairies weren't set to lv 1
  • Some wrong evolution lines for spirits

Generally a lot of experimental changes that require some feedback.
unlockables.sav is compatible.

Not sure if other saves are technically compatible, but would probably be weird regardless

V0.9.10.1 Bugfixes

Bugs fixed:[ | ]

  • Base maxlust didn't start with the correct value
  • Tentacle core for evo didn't do anything.
  • Base tentaclegirl had the wrong sprite
  • Couldn't close inventory with "f"
  • Some wrong event descriptions
  • There were no restrictions to sending characters to the library when you choose a specific species
  • Tentacle species wasn't listed in the library
  • poisonflight didn't poison the user
  • poisonskin and poison had the same name (couldn't have both in some cases)
  • Displace on attack caused problems with multi-attacks. (should be removed now)
  • Couldn't increase lv above cap (even with "potential" mc-traits or "growing")
  • Prince + potential only increased maxlevel with equality, instead of the opposite
  • Had to target a tile to use slimesense, for no reason
  • "ignore all focus" toggle in sextraining started off, but was shown as on. (only updated after clicking it)
  • In sextraining, focus-priority of 0 on mc-bodypart didn't apply correctly.

Changed:[ | ]

  • heatresistant trait also makes user immune to burn. also unlockable as starting trait.
  • 2 new legendary traits.
V0.9.10.0 Changelog

Tentacle basespecies:[ | ]

  • basespecies + hybrids.
  • Mostly combo based species, working together with the different hybrids.
  • Not accessible as starters. Mostly unique to creation.
    can be recruited as other characters.
  • Creation enemy encounters now often use those species
  • Creation-mc can replace a species gene with the new one, creating a new character
  • New skilltrees (some changes to old ones) - new abilities etc.

New player experience:[ | ]

  • Info-popups for doing things the first time etc.
  • Can ask npcs more. Npcs are always at their main-location for the first day
  • Some small, easier achievements to unlock stuff.

QoL:[ | ]

  • Quicker to equip/drop/use items from inventory (keyboard not needed)
  • Inventory can also be opened with f
  • In ow-inventory, can select character by clicking the party icon
  • Can sort brothelcharacters by value
  • Can see current portal size in combat
  • Can see highest sexskill in character management
  • Added a picture of spirits selection to not forget it

Other stuff::[ | ]

  • Some new events
  • Starters can increase their max level at the cost of exhaustion
  • A new creature
  • "slime" trait increases speed on slime. characters can still have normal movement types
  • Starting progress towards statgains is based on genes instead of 0.
    (previously the first levels nothing happened, because most things don't progress 100%/lv)

Balance:[ | ]

  • Halved spenttime-action time
  • Tundra movementcosts lowered
  • battlerank brothel modifier increased
  • Camping durations halved. Only training was scaled to fit, other things have doubled efficiency
  • Guarding effectiveness while camping doubled
  • Bloodline characters can't be fused (kinda defeated its purpose)
  • "blind" statuseffect also lowers armor

Noteworthy bug fixes:[ | ]

  • some skilltrees upgrades didn't work
  • lightningstorm "destroyed" all enemies
  • "blinded" status effect permanently reduce speed by 2
  • antidote and draineffects didn't work as intended
  • speeding up combatanimations actually slowed them down a bit
  • "copy" skill didn't correctly apply genetic traits
  • many smaller + visual fixes

Saves from (maybe earlier) should be compatible. (small problems with duplicate skills)

V0.9.9.1 Bugfixes

Fixed:[ | ]

  • kingsquest hostility was wrong (starting at 0, which also made rewards 0)
  • Sauna/pool upgrades only reduced exh. by 2 instead of 3 (what the description said)
  • Speeding up combatanimations didn't work
  • Characters sometimes got duplicated when fleeing after they got injured
  • Some wrong names in some events for evo
  • Stinger wasn't flying
  • Some bugs with seeded rng. (bonus- traits/professions were not changed + probably some other problems)
  • Ignite dealt dmg based on own burn duration

Changed:[ | ]

  • Reduced portal-hostility scaling for non-hardmode games
  • Increased range of portal hostility
  • Some negative traits in the skilltree are less extreme
  • Ignite costs 0ap and ignores armor, but 1 mana more
  • Flying units and characters with swimmer trait can enter deepwater
V0.9.9.0 Changelog

Characters:[ | ]

  • 3 new unique characters
  • 2 new rare biomes
  • 9 new species
  • New skills etc.
  • Every element has a "net" creature now (first evolution but can't evolve further)
  • Updated art +bodypart sizes: Eaglegirl,Unicorn,LavaLizard

NewGame+:[ | ]

  • After beating the game you can carry over 5 characters + equipped items into a new game
  • Has to happen the same day as you came back from the final mission (button at home)
  • Enemies will get a buff that increases their stats (The buffs values increase randomly and endlessly every new game)
  • Limits for maxlevel/genes/hostility etc. increase
  • You'll get some worldmodifiers applied to the world (similar to dificulty mods)
  • Failed achievement become available again
  • New cheat "newgameplus" to enable the option at any point

Other:[ | ]

  • Some choices during story events
  • Variations + ways to influence main rivals.
  • Different endings
  • 10+ new items (mostly commons/rares)(+ updated some mythic item pics). updated some professions' starting item sets
  • 5 new achievements + unlockable traits
  • 6 new world modifiers
  • Some new events
  • New basic starting profession: Merchant (Simple for beginner. when you only want to make money through portals/loot)
  • Shadowform counts as temporary effect for cleanse etc.
  • Spirits change size relative to their original size. (wild spirits can start at different sizes)
  • Speeding up enemy turns also affects seduction pics etc. (Rightclick now also speeds up)
  • The non chosen maincharacters get an element you didnt choose and have some of those species in combat
  • Submitting characters for the library gives bonus progress based on their level
  • Some more combatsex animations/pics + added them to basic sextraining if available
  • Small bonuses to some random professions/traits in character creation to encourage using others
  • Some additions to old professions
  • Small plantgirl minigame

QoL:[ | ]

  • Can filter shown items in stash by rarity/type
  • Can scroll through pages of characters at home, instead of combination of scrolling + page changes
  • Farm window doesn't automatically open when you press "F", as there are now also other things at the farm
  • Can also move with keyboard in unstable worlds (jumping 2 tiles)
  • Can double click species in character creation to select the base species

Balancing:[ | ]

  • Less max amount of enemies
  • Total gene values scale slower with portal hostility (affects all encounters)
  • Buffed a lot of higher rarity items
  • Difficulty of battles against the rivals are more in line with the random encounters
  • Power of rivals mostly affects enemy types (spirit/seedling ranks, special summons etc.) + rival, instead of only enemy amount + levels
  • plantgirls have spawn vine as guaranteed skill, switched with healingflower
  • Most insectgirls have higher magicstrength to make their extractmana skill useful
  • Increased base amount of stabilized portals you can have
  • Most story portals now allow Large characters

Noteworthy bugfixes:[ | ]

  • Spirits never changed size during evolutions, making mounts kinda pointless.
  • Maincharacter lost items after losing party-only training battles
  • On no-injury difficulty, destroyed characters always got exp, even when fleeing
  • insectclone ability was bugged
  • Wrong foodusage shown for non humanoids (always same as mc)
  • Some skillTree nodes didn't do anything
  • Some creation buffs from skilltree didn't work correctly
  • Token characters(tentacles etc.) didn't get any genes/traits as enemies
  • swampslime's absorb set all genes to min 10 if others were higher
  • Creations power scaled on evos power for some things
  • quickloading a game after a random/test battle, reset the maincharacter
  • Net skill wasn't based on magicstrength (like the description said.)
  • With the unlimited modifier, you could increase eggs stats infinitely with no stability penalty
  • Healing orb artifact behaved really weirdly (did no one ever use this?)

Only unlockables.sav is compatible

V0.9.8.1 Bugfixes

Bugs fixed:[ | ]

  • massSeduction skill had the wrong type
  • Some skills obtained later for crea/druid couldn't be (re)selected (or for summons instead)
  • Enemy preferences were shown in tooltip, defeating the point in revealing them
  • Changing cock interest in any way would set it to the characters pussy interest before
  • Evo: exp didnt reset to 0 each level (every level took 10 exp only)
  • Evo: LRes is not affected by level bonus anymore
  • Basic insect abdomen part had the shadow manadrain instead of basic extractMana skill
  • Seduce triggers applied before animation/pic ended
    (also caused softlock when seducing with lifesteal kills a character)
  • Passives for hybrid species couldn't be unselected
  • Training battles didnt have fitting difficulty and started too strong
V0.9.8.0 Changelog

SkillTree/"C"-menu: (druid unaffected)[ | ]

  • Upgrades are now in a grid with various paths
  • Side branches can require points from other species
  • More impactful/varied upgrades
  • More differences between evo and crea
  • More versatile upgrades/not species specific
  • Only one type of skillpoint per species (only gained through rituals/crystals)
  • specialforms/summons are nodes in the tree. Summon/transform exhaustion cost for those is halved
  • Size choices are always available and affect the summon/transform cost
  • Can get all genes 10 for summons/ +10 for evos own genes
  • Can transform into/create any species(except bosses/uniques)


  • Starting gene selection means how far you can get own genes above 10
  • Special bodyparts + core (changed base stats) for chimera form for each species
  • Chimera form window now also shows actual stats (affected by upgrades/level)
  • Can select genetic species for special forms.(instead of special/special)


  • No way to increase own genes
  • Created characters are more similar to other characters and don't get flat stat increases

Combat:[ | ]

  • Small closeup pictures/slideshows for lewd actions, based on bodyparts (can be turned off)
  • Trying to tie combat and lewd stuff together a bit more.
    Not sure about the pictures thing (ambiguous color vs fixed, etc.)
    and didnt want to commit much time to it before getting some feedback, so there are just a few, so a lot of interactions don't have fitting pictures yet.
  • Can select seduction type (ass,pussy,tits,cock) affected by different things.
  • Pussy/cock based seduction changes targets interest based on seducers attractiveness
  • Seducing has a crit(ldmg*2)/fail(ldmg=1) chance based on the preferences of the target.
  • (only the preferences/stats shown in the quicktooltip matter)
  • Recruitment chance is slightly increased for each known preference
  • Enemy preferences will be revealed as you perform certain actions.
  • Ai will also act based on what they know about preferences.

Characters:[ | ]

  • Aila/Sylvie updated art/outfits
  • 5 new spirits with some new skills (4 first evolution + 1 final plant humanoid)

Other:[ | ]

  • Base spirits and first evolution sometimes spawn in the wild (rare)
  • Removed specialtraits from chosen affinity, as they are now in the skilltrees
  • New seduction triggered passives for succubus characters
  • Some other new skills/passives
  • Lifesteal now drains hp (increases dmg, but doesn't heal on overkill)
  • Photosynthesis trait for plants (don't require food)
  • Evo's percentage based stat changes will be converted into base stats after transforming
    (are affected by traits/easier to read)
  • Stat bonus for evo levelups are only applied after transforming
  • New modifier for unique starter spirit
  • New modifier to remove (or increase) many limits (enemy/hostility scaling, genes/level etc.)
  • Tit/cock size preferences are more likely to be higher
  • Good score in sextraining changes tit/cock size preferences towards yours
  • Entertainer profession gets *2 bonus on town-npc objectives
  • Onfo about current best ritual level in combat quick tooltip, marked with +/- if its higher
  • Made it more obvious that you can scroll down in character gallery (some may have missed it)
  • Removed fusion from the breeding screen

Balancing (most important changes):[ | ]

  • When the maincharacter falls in battle, morale is only decreased by 50 instead of set to 0
  • Evo human form has very high LDmg, making it especially useful early on
  • Water starting spirit has a more versatile skill
    (splash: moves water + deals dmg)
  • removed requirements for watermermaid evolution
    (always guaranteed to get to stage 3 with any spirit)
  • Can't lose the game due to reputation as prince in free play
  • Crea doesn't start with slimeheal

Only unlockables.sav compatible