
From Portals of Phereon Wiki
This article was updated for version

Main Locations[ | ]

Main article: Home

Home is one of the main locations in town, a group of small buildings on the cliff of a small coastal island.

Here you can interact with all characters not assigned to Farm or the Brothel to perform actions on them, change their living conditions, tasks, assignments and manage your portal party.

You can also buy home upgrades, sex train, check daily-logs and perform rituals to gain skill points for Evolution (also forms) and Creation players.

Actions[ | ]

Sleep (6h)
Gain 50 stamina
Nap (3h)
Gain 20 stamina
Create wood (5m) Prince only
Use magic to grow 1 wood for 2 stamina
Create food (5m) Prince only
Use magic to grow 1 food for 2 stamina
Create Nectar (5m) Evolution and Creation only
Requires Healing Nectar unlockable ability
Use magic to create a Healing Nectar for 5 stamina
Create Crystal (2m) Evolution and Creation only
Requires Spawn Crystal unlockable ability
Use magic to grow 2 crystals for 5 stamina
Note: Some additional actions can be unlocked by various events in the current game or be available to certain Unique Characters when chosen for the 4th MC option.

Main article: Farm

Farm is one of the main locations in town.

Here you can check the characters assigned to the Farm and manage their pairing and milking.

You can also manage the egg hatching and perform character fusion.

Main article: Portals

The Portals is one of the main locations in Town. Here you can interact with Sylvie, and go on expeditions with your party to various portals.

Actions[ | ]

Random Portal
  • Every day there is a chance for new portals to appear. The lower the number of portals, the higher the chance of new ones appearing. When you start a new game, the bonus difficulty options, Sparse and Advancing, modify this chance.
  • Enter: To enter a portal, you need to pay an entry fee. Many portals also need special skills to enter, such as OxygenProvider.
  • Claim Reward: You can get gold, resources (wood, stone, crystals), creature Eggs or Items (common to legendary), by exploring or winning battles in a portal, as shown here:
    • Explore: You get a reward when you explore 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% of a portal, for a total of 5 rewards.
    • Battle: You get a reward when you win 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 battles in a portal, for a total of 5 rewards.
  • Stabilize: You can pay gold and crystals to turn a random portal into a stabilized one, which doesn't despawn with time. Portals in which you have built 3 or more beacons can be stabilized without paying crystals or gold. Stabilized portals will block the natural spawn of hives over time for Evolution or Prince. Crystal (collectible for skillpoints OR the crystal resource+crystal fragment material) spawns are unaffected.
Special Portals
  • You can only have a maximum of 5 stabilized portals at the same time.
  • Some portals are automatically created as stabilized, if possible. One such portal is available from the start of each game.
  • Destroy: Destroy a stabilized portal permanently.
Event Portals
  • Enter: Once you enter an Event Portal, it is destroyed after you leave.
  • Time limits cannot be extended and missing certain event portals can negatively impact the run.

Main article: Brothel

The Brothel is one of the main locations in Town. Here you can interact with Flora, assign characters to your brothel rooms, or use the brothel facilities, including performing shows yourself.

Actions[ | ]

  • Manage the characters that are currently working in the brothel and their rooms.
  • You start with one room with a capacity for 4 characters.
  • You can have a maximum of 4 rooms total, and each room has a capacity for 10 characters.
  • Building a new room cost 1,000 gold, 100 wood, and 50 stone, which increase by 1,000, 100 and 50 respectively for each new room.
  • Increasing the capacity of a room cost 400 gold, 40 wood, and 20 stone, which increase by 100, 10 and 5 respectively for each extra capacity.
  • See Brothel Management below for more details.
Perform Show
  • Only available for Evolution and Creation.
  • Once per day, the MC can perform a show lasting up to 2 hours where you can gain Gold.
  • You can try to recruit members of the audience.
  • See Show Performances below for a more in detail look.

Performing any of the following actions while playing Evolution or Creation can unlock random Base Species and Hybrid Species:

Work Gloryhole
  • Work at the gloryholes for 2 hours, reducing your Stamina by -50. You will gain +15 exp in SexSkills (giving priority to Pussy, Cock and Ass skills) and gain gold based on them (sex skills * 2).
  • Increase your Relation with Flora by 1, no cap.
Basic Work
  • Work as a prostitute for 2 hours, reducing your Stamina by -30. You will gain +10 exp in SexSkills (giving priority to Pussy, Cock and Ass skills) and gain gold based on Beauty and sex skills (sex skills * beauty modifier).
  • Increase your Relation with Flora by 2, no cap.
Work Gangbang
  • Service many people at once for 2 hours, reducing your Stamina by -80. Exp and gold gained is based on % of brothel quest completed.
  • Buy a prostitute for 1 hour, increasing your Morale by +25. You will gain +5 exp in SexSkills (giving priority to Pussy, Cock and Ass skills). Costs 200 gold.

Main article: Tavern

The Tavern is one of the main locations in town. Here you can interact with Mya.

Here you can buy characters for gold, the selection and availability differ depending on your rank, see more in the Noticeboard section.

You can also Hire characters for Tavern points and gold.

Actions[ | ]

Drink (30m)
Recover 2 stamina
Increase morale by 5
Costs 25 gold
Drink milk (10m) (Mya Present)
Recover 20 stamina
Once per day
Costs 50 gold (free if relations > 50)

Notable Mya Actions[ | ]

Bottle Milk
Buy Milk Potion
Costs 100 gold
"Milk" (30m)
Must have Mya as a futa and relations > 50
Recover 30 stamina
Once per day
Work as a Cowgirl (4h) Evolution only
Must have Cow Girl form unlocked and relations > 50
Spend 30 stamina
Increases Mya relation by 5
Gain 200 gold

Main article: Shop

The Shop is one of the main locations in Town. Here you can interact with Lumira, and buy/sell Items.

Actions[ | ]

Buy Items
  • Buy an item that Lumira sells in her shop. Increase Lumira relation by 1 with every item you buy, no cap.
  • The cost of consumable Item is based in how many uses they have.
  • Every few days the shop stock size and item tier are increased (up to Legendary tier).
  • Items become cheaper as your Relation with Lumira increases.
  • Items are restock every 3 days.
Sell Items
  • Sell one of the items in your stash for half of their value.
  • Consumable selling price is based in how many uses they have left.
  • Hasten the restock cycle of the shop to the next day. Costs 300 gold.

Main article: Arena

The Arena is one of the main locations in Town. Here you can interact with Aila, and fight battles for money/fame.

Actions[ | ]

Watch battles
  • You can watch one of the battles taking place in the arena. You gain +2 Stamina and it takes 30 minutes. If Aila is present you also gain +1 Relation with him, up to 30.
Hire collectors
  • Requires having seen their event. Pay 100g to buff all of your humanoid characters in arena fights for the remainder of the day. Buff activation costs each character 1 energy per fight to provide +200% max lust for the entire battle and Focus for 2 turns.
  • Here you can fight against random enemies to gain gold and +2 Reputation.
  • There's three types of battles: Normal, Boss and Daily. For each daily battle you win, you increase the difficulty of the next daily battle by 1.
  • Each fight has differing difficulty, biome, team size, character size, MC participation, and gold rewards.
  • Each fight is only available from 5 to 1 days.
  • Each fight cost -10 Stamina (whole team).
  • You can surrender at any point during your turn in battle, and your team will lose -5 Morale (not affect MC).
  • You can't recruit enemy units during battle.
  • Wining an arena battle of difficult 2 or higher increases your Relation with Aila by +1, which increases by +1 for every 2 difficulty of the battle, not cap.
  • Requires your team to be of a certain rank to participate (1 rank lower that the rank of the battle)
  • Ranks go from F rank to A rank, and then S rank. When an unit reach S rank, it gains the special trait Champion.
  • All rules of a normal fight apply, with the following changes: MC can never participate, team size is always 1-3.
  • Wining a ranked battle of D rank increases your Relation with Aila by +1, wining a C rank battle increases it by +3, wining a B or A rank battle by +4, and wining a S rank battle by +7.

Main article: Library

The Library is one of the main locations in Town. Here you can interact with Castalia and complete the bestiary.

Actions[ | ]

  • You can read one of the books from the library. You gain +2 Stamina and a chance of +5 exp, it takes 30 minutes. If Castalia is present you also gain +1 Relation with her, up to 30. May rarely trigger events.

Requires befriending Castalia's assistant. Useable once per day. Triggers a repeatable event with options.

  • Submit any new species: You can submit any non-base humanoid species into the bestiary. You gain 5 points for the library quest, plus one extra point per current level of the species submitted. This removes that character permanently from your Home. You can only submit each species once. Your Relation with Castalia also increases by +5.
  • Each new species submitted permanent increase your income by 20 Gold.
  • You get an income of +1 Semen depending of the specie submitted.
  • Here you can see information about how the game work and how it is played.

War Camp
War Camp
Main article: War Camp

The War Camp is one of the main locations in Town. Here you can interact with King Arus and see/complete King Quests.

Actions[ | ]

Submit a King's Quest
  • Rewards a KingsPotion (+1 maxLevel, up to 15. Does not modify genetic maxLevel)
  • 1 Mythril
  • 2 Workforce
  • 5 Reputation
  • 5 Relation with the King
  • 200g or 400g. Depends on whether you have beat the king, and whether he is your ally or not
Hire a level 1 Soldier
  • Get a level 1 soldier of base species with max level 10, low genes (10 in total), a trait and a special trait Soldier.
  • Costs 500 Gold, has an upkeep of 300 gold
Turn in Soldier
  • Return one of hired soldiers and gain 250 gold per soldier level.
Hire a level 1 Elite Soldier
  • Requires >50 Relation with the King
  • Get a level 1 soldier of hybrid species with max level 20, medium genes (25 in total), up to 2 traits and a special trait EliteSoldier.
  • Costs 1000 Gold, has an upkeep of 600 gold
Turn in Elite Soldier
Return one of hired elite soldiers and gain 500 gold per elite soldier level.
Buy a level 1 Mule
  • Get a level 1 mule with max level 10, up to 2 traits and low genes (15 in total)
  • Costs 400 Gold

Requesting the King[ | ]

For 1 more day on a King quest.
Cost 10 Relation (can't go lower than 0)
To reroll a King quest.
Cost 20 Relation (can't go lower than 0)
Doesn't change the quest allocated time.
For 500 money.
Cost 10 Relation (can't go lower than 0)
To fail King Quest immediately.
Fail the current King Quest, and immediately get another one.

Secondary locations[ | ]

Main article: Beach

Beach is a popular place to relax in town, This is one of the NPC date locations.

You can also fish here.

Actions[ | ]

Relax (30m)
Recover 2 stamina
Increase Morale by 1
Fish (1h)
Catch fish for various resources (minigame). No stamina cost

Main article: Market

Market is a loud place filled with various traders, selling all kinds of mostly useless stuff to travelers in town, this is where you can buy food, crystals and eggs.

Here you can also sell your creatures and heal injured characters (only available in the first 3 days and every 10th day afterwards).

Actions[ | ]

Buy Food
  • Buy 1 food for 20 gold
  • Same cost when bought automatically
  • Just intended to take along for expeditions
Buy Crystals (Trader present) (Random)
  • Buy 1 crystal for 200 gold
Heal characters (Trader present) (First 3 days of a game and again every 10th day)
  • Heal any injured characters for 100 gold.
Sell creature (Trader present) (Random)
  • Sell an animal
  • Summons (basic spirits etc.): 50 gold
  • Wolf/Mule/Bird/Unlisted others: 100 gold
  • Lava Worm/Floater: 200 gold
  • Glider: 300 gold
  • Leviathan/Magic deer/Dragon whelp: 500 gold
  • Grown dragons: 2000 gold
  • Large: +50%; Giant: +100%; Enormous: +200%;+5% per level after lv1
Buy mystery egg (Trader present) (Random)
  • Buy 1 egg for 5000 gold
  • They will spoil quickly if hatching isn't started

Sylvie's room
Sylvie's room
Main article: Sylvie's Room

Sylvie's Room is a special location in which you can interact with Sylvie as long as she is present to increase her relation with you.

Actions[ | ]

Stay with Sylvie for 30 minutes to remove 2 Stamina and increase your relations with her by 1, up to 30.

Encounters[ | ]

  • There is a chance to encounter Sylvie in her room while she's masturbating, it increases relations by 5 and lewdity by 1 (up to a maximum of 3) if you choose to help her, otherwise decreases relations by 2.

Main article: Lake

This is a big Lake that is adjacent to the Brothel in town, a small section of the Lake is cut off by a fence for use in the Brothel.

You can fish here.

Actions[ | ]

View Brothel
Look through the hole in the fence to see whats happening on the other side
Fish (1h)
Catch fish for various resources (minigame)

Main article: Forest

A Forest which many wild plants and animals are native to.

Actions[ | ]

Hunt (30m)[ | ]

Spend 30 minutes (10 Stamina) hunting for 2-8? Food.

Tame (1h)[ | ]

Spend 1 hour (10 Stamina) looking for wild Animals to Tame (Only one creature can be tamed per day, if there are no animals to tame, instead finds 2-8? Food until a creature is found).

Vine Competition[ | ]

Minigame in which character with the SpawnVine skill can be used to collect as many crystals as you can (at the cost of 10 Stamina).
Minigame itself is similar to the "Snake" game, but you control 2 vines at the same time and there is 40 second time limit.

Character stats affect the vines in various ways:

  • Hp/Mana: same effect as usual
  • Magic: affects speed
  • Armor: reduces damage from obstacles
  • Size: small = less obstacles

Collection[ | ]

You can give various Floral Materials to the Forest Stalker that she will grow in exchange for sex (30 minutes)

These materials are: HealingHerbs / Mushrooms / SwampFlower / ShadowFlower / DrainRoot / BloodFruit / TentaclePlantSeeds / KingsShroom / NeedlePlant

Aila-Castalia Room
Aila-Castalia Room
Main article: Aila-Castalia Room

The room in which Aila and Castalia sleep.

Actions[ | ]

Look Through Stuff
Carefully look through Aila's and Castalia's stuff (as of patch this action only throws 1 of 2 different flavor texts which suggest Aila and Castalia's relationship is very intimate).

Training Room
Training Room
Main article: Training Room

The Training Room of the Arena.

Aila can be seen regularly working out here, maybe you could learn a thing or two from her.

Actions[ | ]

Watch Her Train (if Aila is in the room)
Spend 30 minutes to watch Aila fight some weak opponents to gain 3 experience for your Main Character only.
Train With Aila (if Aila is in the room)
Spend 30 minutes (10 Stamina) training with Aila to increase relations with her by 1 (up to X) and 15 experience for your Main Character only.
Train (if Aila is not in the room)
Spend 30 minutes (10 Stamina) training alone to gain 10 experience for your Main Character only.
Training Battle (All)
Fight together with your party (10 Stamina) against random enemies, you can flee/stop at any point but consequences for reaching 0 hp are the same as other battles
Training Battle (Alone)
Fight alone (10 Stamina) against random enemies, you can flee/stop at any point but consequences for reaching 0 hp are the same as other battles
Training Battle (Party Only)
Let your party fight (10 Stamina) against random enemies, you can flee/stop at any point but consequences for reaching 0 hp are the same as other battles

Research Room
Research Room
Main article: Research Room

You can sometimes find Castalia researching all sorts of stuff like different species here.

Actions[ | ]

Help (1h or 30m)
As long as your relationship with Castalia is at 21 or above, once a day, you can either spend 1 hour helping her by milking centaur cocks, which can help you unlock various types of centaur based species forms and increase your hands and mouth skills or (not available to Creation) spend 30 minutes drinking a mysterious vial and receiving a blowjob from Castalia, this will either increase your cock size or your cum amount permanently.

Main article: River

A soothing River to relax in.

Castalia seems to bathe here at 06:00-06:30 every day and a random soldier seems to bathe here at 08:00 on the first day (stays there until you interact with her) and 04:00 every day thereafter.

Actions[ | ]

Bathe (30m)
Spend 30 minutes relaxing alone and bathing in order to recovering 3 stamina.
Join Castalia (30m)
Spend 30 minutes relaxing and bathing with Castalia in order to increase your relations with her by 2 (this action is usually available at 06:00-06:30).
Approach Soldier (1m) - only available when the soldier is present
Attempt to approach the soldier that's bathing in the River, although as soon as she notices you she will cover herself, grab her armor and walk away.
Steal Armor (20m) - only available when the soldier is present

Attemp to steal the armor of the soldier that's bathing in the River, the chance of successfully stealing the armor is 33%, the stolen armor will either be Leather Gloves (33.3%), Leather Armor (33.3%), Leather Boots (16.6%) or a Sword (16.6%).

Encounters[ | ]

  • A chance to encounter a nude Plant Girl in the water, drawing you in with an indescribable scent emitting from a flower at the end of her tail. If you choose to come closer to her, she will use her tail's pheromones to knock you unconscious and increase your Fertility gene by 1 and lower your Lust Resistance by 2 permanently.
  • Once you have met the Arena Collector, you may meet her here during a repeatable event that will be available roughly once a week. You will have a choice to let her collect from you (increases max energy and energy per day), talk to her (large amount of date deck exp), or simply leave.

Main article: Cave

The cave is a location where a giant lava queen resides with her brood. Here you can buy Girata (unique NPC) , buy nectar (recovery item), or bathe (recover stamina, inefficient)

Actions[ | ]

Hire guard (5m)
Hire an insect mercenary (unique) (Girata)
Cost: 4000g + salary
Comes well equipped and with weapon of choice
Buy nectar (200g)(5m)
Buy healing nectar. Restores 10hp+5mana. Has 2 uses
Bathe (25g) (1h)
Gain 8 stamina. Slightly less efficient than sleeping