From Portals of Phereon Wiki
List of Material in the game and how to obtain it (other than buying it from the market)
Material | Usage | Obtain |
Semen | ExpPotion, MalePotion, FutaPotion, EnergyPotion, MushroomEssence | Milking (Farm, Character) |
Milk | HealthPotion, StrongHealth, ExpPotion, FemalePotion, FutaPotion, LactationPotion, MushroomEssence | Milking (Farm, Character) |
S_Floral | StrongHealth, FemalePotion, LactationPotion, HealingRobe | Milking (Farm, Character) |
S_Light | Herbs, HealthPotion, ManaPotion, MagicPotion, HealStaff, StrongHealth, ExpPotion, EnergyPotion, MagicBandage, HealingNet, HealingRobe, TeleportStone, HealingNectar, HolyBow | Milking (Farm, Character) |
S_Dark | DrainPowder, ShadowPotion, MagicPotion, MagicRing, ExpPotion, DrainingBow | Milking (Farm, Character) |
S_Aqua | FemalePotion, MalePotion, Mutagen | Milking (Farm, Character) |
S_Lava | MagicPotion, FireStaff, Mutagen | Milking (Farm, Character) |
S_Stone | StonePotion | Milking (Farm, Character) |
Leather | LeatherArmor, LeatherBoots, LeatherGlove | O |
Fur | LeatherBoots, HealingRobe | O |
Wool | LeatherBoots | O |
Silk | Net, Robe, LeatherGlove, ManaAmulet, Spear, MagicWhip, Bow, DancerOutfit, BlinkingCloak, HolyBow, DrainingBow, ShadowGlove | O |
Aphrodisiac | ManaPotion, MagicWhip, EnergyPotion, LactationPotion, LustPotion | O |
HealingHerb | Herbs, HealthPotion, ManaPotion, StrongHealth | O |
Tentacle | LustPotion | O |
PortalFragment | BossBait, MythrilDagger, BlinkingCloak, TeleportStone, Mutagen, StabilityPotion, SlimePoison, ShadowGlove, LustPotion, ManaWorm, EvolutionPotion | O |
CrystalFragment | RuneStaff, RuneArmor, MythrilArmor, StabilityPotion, SpectralSword, CrystalSword, CrystalShield, MaxLevelPotion | O |
FairyDust | ExpPotion, GhostWings, MaxLevelPotion | Milking (Farm, Character) |
DrainRoot | DrainPowder, DrainingBow | O |
RuneWood | RuneStaff, RuneArmor, RuneAmulet, RuneShield, StabilityPotion, HolyBow, DrainingBow | O |
ShadowFlower | ShadowPotion, ShadowGlove | O |
SwampFlower | MagicPotion | O |
PlantMatter | Staff, Shield, HealStaff, FireStaff, MagicWhip | O |
Mushroom | BossBait, MushroomEssence | O |
Poison | PoisonedBlade, PoisonGrenade, SlimePoison | O |
LifeBlood | StrongHealth, MaxLevelPotion | O |
SunFish | ExpPotion | O |
RainFish | ExpPotion | O |
Obsidian | ObsidianSword, MalePotion | Farm Upgrade Lava Room |
HealingSilk | GhostWings, MagicBandage, HealingNet, HealingRobe, RuneAmulet, StabilityPotion | O |
Scales | ScaleArmor, StonePotion | O |
CaveFish | StonePotion | O |
Slime | Mutagen, SlimePoison | O |
Honey | HealingNectar | O |
TentacleFish | LustPotion | O |
ManaWorms | ManaWorm | O |
LightShard | MaxLevelPotion | O |
Iron | Sword, BasicRing, PoisonedBlade, GreatSword, Spear, MagicRing, LavaScaleArmor, SpectralSword, CrystalSword, CrystalShield | Mining Mountains |
PoisonGlands | PoisonedBlade | O |
Feathers | Bow | O |
Mythril | BreakerSword, MythrilDagger, MythrilArmor | O |
Ectoplasm | GhostWings, SpectralSword | O |
Fangs | ScaleArmor | O |
DarkMatter | GhostWings, BlinkingCloak, ShadowGlove | O |
LavaScale | LavaScaleArmor | O |