Species Stats

From Portals of Phereon Wiki
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Species[ | ]

Base, Hybrid, and Special[ | ]

Name Type lvlType Base Stats Stats Growth Body Stats Attack Type Move Type Skills PossibleSkills Produces Drops
Health Mana Str Magic LDamg LRes Armor Speed Health Mana Str Magic LDamg Speed Beauty Cock (cm) Energy Tits (cc) Milk

Lua error: Identifier must not contain quote, dot or null characters.

Impure[ | ]

Name Type lvlType Base Stats Stats Growth Body Stats Attack Type Move Type Skills PossibleSkills Produces Drops
Health Mana Str Magic LDamg LRes Armor Speed Health Mana Str Magic LDamg Speed Beauty Cock (cm) Energy Tits (cc) Milk

Lua error: Identifier must not contain quote, dot or null characters.

Creature[ | ]

Name Type lvlType Base Stats Stats Growth Body Stats Attack Type Move Type Skills PossibleSkills Produces Drops
Health Mana Str Magic LDamg LRes Armor Speed Health Mana Str Magic LDamg Speed Beauty Cock (cm) Energy Tits (cc) Milk

Lua error: Identifier must not contain quote, dot or null characters.

Spirits[ | ]

Name Type lvlType Base Stats Stats Growth Body Stats Attack Type Move Type Skills PossibleSkills Produces Drops
Health Mana Str Magic LDamg LRes Armor Speed Health Mana Str Magic LDamg Speed Beauty Cock (cm) Energy Tits (cc) Milk

Lua error: Identifier must not contain quote, dot or null characters.