
From Portals of Phereon Wiki

Overview[ | ]

One of the most straightforward features in the game and quite a useful one at that, Crafting allows the player to spend certain materials in order to create new items, be it healing potions, armor, or even Boss Bait. Many crafting recipes are available by default when a new game is created, but some others are unlocked through achievements, starting professions, or even based on the Main Character's chosen element (see below).

Crafting Interface[ | ]

Crafting Recipes[ | ]

See also: Items

Basic Recipes [ | ]

Image Name Materials Needed Item Type Modifiers Skill
Sword x3 Iron x4 Wood Weapon Strength: 2
Staff x2 PlantMatter x8 Wood x1 Crystal Weapon Mana: 4
Strength: 1
Magic strength: 2
PoisonedBlade x3 Iron x2 PoisonGlands x3 Poison x4 Wood Weapon Strength: 2
GreatSword x5 Iron x4 Wood Weapon Speed: -2
Strength: 3
Spear x3 Iron x2 Silk x6 Wood Weapon Strength: 1
HealStaff x2 PlantMatter x5 Semen_Light x8 Wood x2 Crystal Weapon Mana: 4
Strength: 1
Magic strength: 2
Range: 5 Mana cost: 4 Ap cost: 1 Uses: 4 Heal target by 10 (or 20% of max).
FireStaff x2 PlantMatter x5 Semen_Lava x8 Wood x2 Crystal Weapon Mana: 3
Strength: 1
Magic strength: 2
Range: 5 Mana cost: 3 Ap cost: 1 Uses: 4 Deal 2+mg fire damage to target.
MagicWhip x5 Aphrodisiac x3 Silk x3 PlantMatter Weapon Strength: -2
Lust damage: 2
Whip, Pheromones passive
Range: 2 Mana cost: 0 Ap cost: 1 Uses: 1 Deal 1 dmg. Inflict lustgain to humanoids, creatures become stronger instead.
Bow x5 Silk x3 Feathers x8 Wood Weapon Strength: 1
ObsidianSword x10 Obsidian Weapon Mana: 5
Strength: 2
Magic strength: 1
Range: 2 Mana cost: 1 Ap cost: 1 Uses: 1 Deal str+mg fire dmg.
RuneStaff x3 RuneWood x2 CrystalFragments x1 Crystal Weapon Strength: 1
Lust damage: 1
Magic strength: 2
Range: 5 Mana cost: 2 Ap cost: 1 Uses: 3 Entangle target for 2 turns.
BreakerSword x5 Mythril x1 Crystal Weapon Strength: 3
Armor: 1
DefenseBreak passive
Range: 0 Mana cost: 0 Ap cost: 0 Uses: 0 Removes defending from target.
MythrilDagger x3 Mythril x3 PortalFragment x1 Crystal Weapon Speed: 1
Strength: 2
Range: 1 Mana cost: 0 Ap cost: 0 Uses: 3 Deal str dmg to target. Become weakened. Can't be used while weakened.
SpectralSword x5 CrystalFragment x5 Iron x10 Ectoplasm x10 Crystal Weapon Mana: -5
Speed: 1
Strength: 1
Magic strength: 1
Blink, MagicStrike passive
Range: 2 Mana cost: 0 Ap cost: 0 Uses: 1 Use to teleport.
CrystalSword x2 CrystalFragment x3 Iron x10 Crystal Weapon Mana: 5
Strength: 3
Armor: 1
HolyBow x5 Semen_Light x2 RuneWood x5 Silk x4 Wood x2 Crystal Weapon Strength: 1
Lust resistance: 1
Magic strength: 2
Range: 5 Mana cost: 0 Ap cost: 1 Uses: 2 Deal str dmg to target. Remove all temporary effects.
DrainingBow x5 Semen_Dark x10 DrainRoot x2 RuneWood x5 Silk x4 Wood Weapon Mana: -5
Strength: 3
Magic strength: 1
Range: 5 Mana cost: 2 Ap cost: 1 Uses: 2 Deal str dmg to target.
Target loses 10 mana.
LeatherArmor x4 Leather Armor HP: 5
Armor: 1
Robe x2 Silk Armor HP: 5
Magic strength: 1
DancerOutfit x6 Silk Armor HP: 3
Mana: 3
Lust damage: 3
Lust resistance: 1
ScaleArmor x5 Scales x2 Fangs Armor HP: 5
Armor: 2
ShedSkin, Thorns passive
Range: 0 Mana cost: 0 Ap cost: 1 Uses: 1 Clear all statuseffects.
HealingRobe x5 Semen_Light x5 Semen_Floral x5 Fur x10 HealingSilk x3 Crystal Armor HP: 5
Mana: 5
Armor: 1
Lust resistance: 3
Magic strength: 2
Range: 1 Mana cost: 4 Ap cost: 1 Uses: 5 Heal target for 10 (or 20% of max).
RuneArmor x5 RuneWood x3 CrystalFragments x1 Crystal Armor Armor: 1
Magic strength: 1
NatureBlessing, Entangle passive
Range: 1 Mana cost: 3 Ap cost: 1 Uses: 1 Apply poison to enemy or regenerate ally
MythrilArmor x5 Mythril x1 CrystalFragment x1 Crystal Armor HP: 5
Speed: 1
Armor: 2
Lust resistance: 2
BlinkingCloak x5 PortalFragment x6 Silk x5 DarkMatter x1 Crystal Armor HP: 5
Speed: 1
Range: 1 Mana cost: 2 Ap cost: 0 Uses: 2 Teleport to target tile.
LavaScaleArmor x3 LavaScale x5 Iron x10 Crystal Armor HP: 10
Mana: 10
Strength: 1
Armor: 2
Magic strength: 2
Shield x3 PlantMatter x5 Wood Misc Speed: -1
Armor: 2
Range: 0 Mana cost: 0 Ap cost: 0 Uses: 1 Defend for a turn
LeatherBoots x3 Leather x2 Fur Misc Speed: 1
LeatherBoots x3 Leather x2 Wool Misc Speed: 1
LeatherGloves x2 Leather x2 Silk Misc HP: 4
Strength: 1
BasicRing x1 Iron x1 Crystal Misc Mana: 2
Lust resistance: 2
ManaAmulet x1 Silk x2 Crystal Misc Mana: 8
Range: 1 Mana cost: 4 Ap cost: 0 Uses: 1 Target restores 2 mana.
MagicRing x1 Iron x5 Semen_Dark x2 Crystal Misc Mana: 6
Lust damage: 1
Magic strength: 1
Range: 0 Mana cost: 1 Ap cost: 1 Uses: 2 Gain 2 magic charges.
GhostWings x5 Ectoplasm x5 DarkMatter x5 FairyDust x3 HealingSilk x1 Crystal Misc Mana: 5
Speed: 1
Magic strength: 1
Range: 7 Mana cost: 2 Ap cost: 1 Uses: 2 Fly to target tile. Apply focus.
RuneAmulet x4 RuneWood x2 HealingSilk x1 Crystal Misc Mana: 5
Lust resistance: 5
Magic strength: 3
Range: 1 Mana cost: 1 Ap cost: 0 Uses: 1 Turn poison into regeneration.
RuneShield x5 RuneWood x1 Crystal Misc Speed: 1
Armor: 2
Lust resistance: 1
Range: 0 Mana cost: 3 Ap cost: 0 Uses: 1 Defend and entangle nearby enemies. Apply regenerate based on affected enemies.
CrystalShield x2 CrystalFragment x3 Iron x10 Crystal Misc Armor: 2
Range: 0 Mana cost: 0 Ap cost: 0 Uses: 3 Defend for a turn
ShadowGloves x5 ShadowFlower x5 PortalFragment x5 DarkMatter x5 Silk x4 Wood Misc Mana: 5
Strength: 1
Magic strength: 2
Herbs x1 HealingHerbs x2 Semen_Light Consumable restores 5 hp (2 uses)
Net x5 Silk Consumable used to tame non-humanoid creatures based on remaining hp and level, also entangles target (1 uses)
HealthPotion x4 HealingHerbs x3 Semen_Light Consumable Heals target by 15. (3 uses)
HealthPotion x10 Semen_Light x10 Milk Consumable Heals target by 15. (3 uses)
ManaPotion x5 HealingHerbs x3 Semen_Light x3 Aphrodisiac Consumable Restore 10 mana. (3 uses)
DrainPowder x5 DrainRoot x3 Semen_Dark Consumable Target loses 10 mana. (3 uses)
ShadowPotion x2 ShadowFlower x3 Semen_Dark Consumable User gains shadowForm for a turn (3 uses)
MagicPotion x2 SwampFlower x5 Semen_Light x5 Semen_Dark x5 Semen_Lava Consumable increases base magicstrength by 1 (2 uses)
BossBait x1 Mushroom x2 PortalFragment Consumable high chance to summon a boss in the world (2 uses)
PoisonGrenade x5 Poison Consumable deals 3 poison dmg to all characters in radius 1 (3 uses)
StrongHealthPotion x5 Milk x5 Semen_Light x5 Semen_Floral x2 HealingHerbs Consumable Heals target by 30. (3 uses)
StrongHealthPotion x5 Milk x5 Lifeblood Consumable Heals target by 30. (5 uses)
ExpPotion x10 Milk x10 Semen_Light x2 SunFish Consumable grants 50exp to the user (3 uses)
ExpPotion x5 Semen x10 Semen_Dark x1 RainFish Consumable grants 50exp to the user (2 uses)
ExpPotion x8 Semen x5 FairyDust Consumable grants 50exp to the user (2 uses)
FemalePotion x15 Milk x5 Semen_Aqua x5 Semen_Floral Consumable changes Gender to female if possible (3 uses)
MalePotion x10 Semen x5 Semen_Aqua x2 Obsidian Consumable changes Gender to male if possible (3 uses)
FutaPotion x30 Semen x30 Milk Consumable changes gender to futa if possible (1 uses)
EnergyPotion x10 Semen x3 Semen_Light x2 Aphrodisiac Consumable permanently increases energy cap by 2.
Increases regen by 1. (2 uses)
LactationPotion x10 Milk x3 Semen_Floral x2 Aphrodisiac Consumable permanently increases milk capacity by 2.
Increases Regen by 1. (2 uses)
StonePotion x10 Semen_Stone x5 Scales x2 CaveFish x5 Stone x1 Crystal Consumable Permanently increase armor by 1. (2 uses)
MagicBandage x5 Semen_Light x3 HealingSilk x1 Crystal Consumable Remove an injury. (1 uses)
HealingNet x5 Semen_Light x3 HealingSilk x1 Crystal Consumable Try to capture creature. On success, it will fully heal.
Higher chance than regular nets. (4 uses)
TeleportStone x5 PortalFragment x1 Semen_Light x1 Stone x2 Crystal Consumable teleports the whole party home (with inventory
Range: only useable on the map) (1 uses)
Mutagen x10 PortalFragment x5 Semen_Aqua x5 Semen_Lava x1 Crystal Consumable Strength: 1
Magic strength: 1
high chance of gaining a random trait (2 uses)
Mutagen x5 PortalFragment x10 Slime x1 Crystal Consumable Strength: 1
Magic strength: 1
high chance of gaining a random trait (2 uses)
StabilityPotion x5 CrystalFragment x3 PortalFragment x3 RuneWood x3 HealingSilk x1 Crystal Consumable Increases max potion uses by 1. (2 uses)
HealingNectar x5 Honey x5 Semen_Light Consumable Restores 10 hp
and 5 mana (5 uses)
SlimePoison x5 Slime x3 Poison x2 PortalFragment Consumable removes slime and slows slime characters for 3 turns in radius 2 (3 uses)
MushroomEssence x30 Mushrooms x20 Semen x20 Milk Consumable use in town: add a mushroomgirl to your team (1 uses)
LustPotion x2 TentacleFish x5 Aphrodisiac x3 PortalFragment Consumable permanently increases LDmg by 1 (2 uses)
ManaWorm x2 ManaWorms x1 PortalFragment Consumable Restore 10 mana. Gain 1 ap (3 uses)
MaxLevelPotion x10 LightShard x5 FairyDust x5 LifeBlood x2 CrystalFragment Consumable increases maxlevel by 1.
Doesn't affect stat increase uses. (1 uses)
ToxicPotion x2 PoisonGland x7 Semen (Aqua) x1 CrystalFragment Consumable Increases MG and STR by 1. Reduces Max HP by 3 if not part-Lizardgirl.