
From Portals of Phereon Wiki

Overview[ | ]

One of the most straightforward features in the game and quite a useful one at that, Crafting allows the player to spend certain materials in order to create new items, be it healing potions, armor, or even Boss Bait. Many crafting recipes are available by default when a new game is created, but some others are unlocked through achievements, starting professions, or even based on the Main Character's chosen element (see below).

Crafting Interface[ | ]

Crafting Recipes[ | ]

See also: Items

Basic Recipes [ | ]

Image Name Materials Needed Item Type Modifiers Skill

Lua error: Identifier must not contain quote, dot or null characters.

ToxicPotion x2 PoisonGland x7 Semen (Aqua) x1 CrystalFragment Consumable Increases MG and STR by 1. Reduces Max HP by 3 if not part-Lizardgirl.