Rock Guardian

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The Rock Guardian has the unique feature of being able to wield weapons, which few non-humanoid creatures are able to.

You should be careful when using EarthQuake. It's a powerful skill that can hit every enemy on the field since it targets tile types (except water), but it can also hit allies. Make sure to have terrain changing skills in your party.



Evolution Tree

The final evolution of a Rock Spirit, it can be evolved from a Rock Golem, gaining a size in the process. Note that the evolution to Rock Golem will also increase size, so if you start with a medium Rock Spirit you will end up with a giant Rock Guardian.

When it evolves you can choose one of the following:

  • Level Type Support - Learns Focus



It's worth considering getting a wild Rock Guardian to fuse with yours for that RockSplinter, which is unavailable through evolving.
