Template:Show more

From Portals of Phereon Wiki
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Adds a show more button that expands to show the given content.

{{Show more|Content goes here|more=Show more|less=Show less}} (see TemplateData for more)

Cerain wiki text markup seems to make the content not show up, most notably headings. You can use the html tag equivelants instead.


Using this:

{{Show more
|more=Show mooore
|less=Show lessss
|visible=<h1>I am always visible</h1>
|wrapperstyle=border: dotted 3px black; width: 75%; margin: 0 auto;
|style=margin: 0 1em; 
|visiblestyle=margin: 0 1em; 
|<h3>But there is more text here!</h3>
{{Lorem ipsum}}


I am always visible

But there is more text here!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus porttitor malesuada enim, a faucibus lorem consequat vel. Aliquam non tellus in diam bibendum dapibus id eget nunc. Etiam et pellentesque metus. Pellentesque faucibus ligula eget elit sodales eleifend. Fusce efficitur eros non magna luctus convallis. Ut id scelerisque est. Nam ac massa at mauris convallis ultrices.

Duis magna tellus, posuere sed erat non, condimentum luctus lorem. Morbi quis lacus pulvinar, commodo orci congue, malesuada neque. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent consectetur elit vel libero sollicitudin sodales. Quisque vehicula justo nec ipsum maximus posuere vel ut nulla. Maecenas pretium, velit at interdum cursus, tortor risus porttitor ipsum, id maximus nibh odio et purus. Ut imperdiet metus ut sem suscipit cursus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam imperdiet ante et justo porttitor commodo. Proin vel nulla imperdiet, mattis lacus fringilla, vulputate risus. Curabitur at magna nec enim semper lobortis. Pellentesque efficitur purus sit amet rhoncus elementum. Vivamus dapibus, nunc sit amet rhoncus gravida, sem leo porttitor erat, vitae porttitor felis quam sit amet metus. Duis non felis ut odio aliquam laoreet vitae vitae dolor. Integer velit tortor, volutpat vel felis sed, fermentum blandit magna. Aenean nec arcu aliquam, laoreet neque et, dignissim nulla.

Nam euismod et ex nec imperdiet. Curabitur nisl tellus, tempus sed turpis vitae, imperdiet dignissim metus. Nulla eu metus sit amet massa ultricies rhoncus. Donec rhoncus id diam in bibendum. In in purus quam. Praesent neque quam, vehicula ac nibh eu, consectetur venenatis lorem. Nulla ac ultrices ligula. Sed vitae felis ipsum. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc luctus rutrum lacinia. Nullam laoreet, sem euismod gravida vestibulum, tortor eros elementum risus, non congue quam ligula vitae tortor. Aenean at mi rhoncus, pharetra urna sit amet, tempus velit.

Show moooreShow lessss

Template data[]

Adds a show more button that expands to show the content given to the template

Template parameters[Edit template data]

This template prefers block formatting of parameters.

Contentcontent 1

This is the content that expands after pressing the button

"Show more" textmore

Replaces the default "Show more" text with something else

Show more
"Show less" textless

Replaces the default "Show less" text with something else

Show less

You can add CSS styling for the content here

Wrapper stylingwrapperstyle

You can add CSS styling for the content here

Button stylingbuttonstyle

You can add CSS styling for the button here


Optional bit of text that is always visible before the collapsing part. Usually you can just leave this outside the template instead

Visible stylingvisiblestyle

CSS style applied to the always-visible text

[view | edit | purge]The above documentation is transcluded fromTemplate:Show more/doc.