
From Portals of Phereon Wiki
[view | edit | purge]Documentation

This template creates talk page messages boxes. It uses {{Mbox}} that is based on Mbox on Wikipedia. Please see Mbox for installation instructions.


| type  =
| small =
| id    =
| class =
| style =
| textstyle  =
| plainlinks =
| text  =
| issue =
| fix   =
| date  =
| info  =
| image =
| imageright
| doc =
| cat =


  • type
    • speedy - speedy delete message box
    • delete - delete message box
    • content - content message box
    • style - style message box
    • notice - general message box (default)
    • protection - protection message box
  • small - a small left floated message box
  • id - the id of the box
  • class - any additional classes for the box
  • style - any additional styles for the box
  • textstyle - any additional style for the text in the box
  • plainlinks - if you want all external links to be plain links
  • text - text of the message box or use the following together
    • issue - the issue of the message box
    • fix - how to fix the message issue
  • date - the date the box was placed
  • info - more information about the issue
  • image - image in the left side of the message box.
  • imageright - image in the right side of the message box.
  • doc - answer yes to this when you are using your Tmbox template on a documentation page, the documentation will not be categorized.
  • cat - this is the category your Tmbox will put the pages in where it is used.


All options are not shown.

This wiki has instant commons. If you want these images, your wiki's admin will have to request instant commons or you will have to upload the images manually.

This is an talk page speedy deletion message box.
| type  = speedy
| text  = This is an talk page speedy deletion message box.
| image = [[File:Ambox warning pn.svg|50px]]
| cat = Talk pages for speedy deletion
This is an talk page deletion message box.
| type  = delete
| text  = This is an talk page deletion message box.
| image = [[File:Ambox warning pn.svg|50px]]
| cat = Talk pages for deletion
This talk page has a content issue. This is the fix. (July 2024)
More information:
| type  = content
| issue = '''This talk page has a content issue.'''
| fix   = This is the fix.
| info  = More information: 
| image = [[File:Ambox_warning_orange.svg|50px]]
This talk page has a style issue. This is the fix. (July 2024)
More information:
| type  = style
| issue = '''This talk page has a style issue.'''
| fix   = This is the fix.
| info  = More information: 
| image = [[File:Ambox_warning_yellow.svg|50px]]
This is an talk page general message box.
| type  = notice
| text  = This is an talk page general message box.
| image = [[File:Ambox_warning_blue.svg|50px]]
This is an talk page move or merge message box.
| type  = move
| text  = This is an talk page move or merge message box.
| image = [[File:Merge-split-transwiki_default.svg|50px]]
This is an talk page protection message box.
| type  = protection
| text  = This is an talk page protection message box.
| image = [[File:Padlock.svg|50px]]
| cat = Protected talk pages

Small box[]

This is a small talk page general message box.

This is a message box that can be used to highlight minor issues with a talk page. It is suggested to use a normal box for bigger problems with the talk page. Text can flow around this box, so if you do not want text beside the box, you should use the <div style="clear:both"></div> directly after the box.

Here is the code for the above box.

| small = yes
| type  = notice
| text  = This is a small talk page general message box.

See also[]

  • {{Ambox}} - article message box
  • {{Cmbox}} - category message box
  • {{Imbox}} - image message box
  • {{Xmbox}} - template message box
  • {{Fmbox}} - footer and header message box
  • {{Ombox}} - all other pages message box
[view | edit | purge]The above documentation is transcluded fromTemplate:Tmbox/doc.