Topic on Talk:Holy Seal

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You need to find the ultra-rare Heaven biome to get this one


you need to find 5 seal types, then you can find a holy seal normally in the special seal heaven portal.

Swamp Seals can be found by luring in swamp biomes.

Frost Seals can be found by luring on any tundra tile.

Dark Seals can be found by luring on any deep water tile. (I know, right?)

Holy Seals can be found by luring in heaven biomes.

Spiked Seals can be found by a somewhat rare ! event, or somewhat rarely found in wild battles.

I've found Cat Seals plentiful, even as "vanguard units", in unstable portals that are primarily made out of water tiles.

Note that I'm pretty sure the lure ones can *technically* be found without lure (I've seen a frost seal and swamp seal in wild parties before), but I wouldn't count on it.

As far as finding an ultra-rare heaven biome goes, the "harsh" game difficulty rule can make floating islands MUCH more plentiful. You can combine this rule with the "PortalShaper" profession, which gives you the ability to make all stable portals accessible (and embiggen them, so you don't find yourself encountering an enormous holy seal without a teleport stone or something). Additionally, Terranva's (and PortalShaper MC's) create portal ability appears to be subject to "Harsh" generation.

Keep in mind that heaven biomes are much smaller than other biomes, and it can be easy to miss them. Any unit with the "Portal" skill (including Terranva and PortalShaper MC, but it can also be gotten through skill fusion) can be used to quickly zoom across floating maps for exploration (if you're good on crystals, which are easy to get once you set up a couple crystal breeders), in conjunction with an AirMount (remember: LandMount+Floating=AirMount). MagicVision, which can be bought from Sylvie for 10k and slapped onto any unit, can also obviously be helpful on high-MP unit. When you do find a seal biome, you can slap down a relay right next to them for insta-MP regeneration.