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Revision as of 09:42, 14 September 2020 by portalsofphereon>Guthix0156

A unique Bloodfairy. Vera can be obtained only by the druid. To get her, you must kill the king, cut open his chest and grow his heart. The heart will grow into Vera and she will give a bit of lore of how she got into such a state. You will also be given a decision, which will impact her personality. If you choose to lie to her, she become caring, but you will receive a 50 relationship penalty. If you decide to tell the truth, her personality will be cold.

Combat wise Vera is a superior version of a bloodfairy. She has the same seedling bursting skill, but rather than healing back the damage, dealt to your teammate, she can protect the seedling. This combination allows the skills target, receive no damage, deal damage to surrounding units and be invulnerable from further damage. On top of that Vera can sustain herself from attackers as she constantly heals, saps enemy mana and can further heal, if she decides to default attack.