AN 3

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Revision as of 12:35, 10 March 2021 by (talk) (cleanup to ingame names, without typos)

An impure species unique. Found in forest portals on forest tile events, if there is a free space in the party. When the event triggers your MC's mana will be drained. You will be given options to salvage, recruit of leave her alone. Salvaging will give you a powerful magic weapon, magic blaster, and a recipe to craft more. Otherwise you can choose, weather she joins your party, or not.

AN-3 has 2 quests tied to her:

The first quest triggers on snow tile events, while AN_3 is in your party. She will gain 5 max levels and loose her infertile trait.

The second event trigger in cave portals, while AN-3 is in your party. You will be given a selection of upgrades ranging from movement type change, new skills, or stat boosts. This event will also boost her max level by 5 more.

Overall AN_3 is a decent magic unit, with good skills. Be mindful of lightning skills, as they can hit other party members, if they are within range. She can also be utilized in breeding, with her ability to make eggs have 50% growth progress from conceiving. Combining this with MC hatcher trait, you can make eggs hatch the moment you create them, with fast growth and some crystals.