Date Events

From Portals of Phereon Wiki

Main article: Town Events

Throughout the game you'll encounter multitude of events that give you a variety of choices.

On this page you'll find list of all events that can happen when in the Town, you'll also find their choices and outcomes here.

Main article: Overworld Events

Throughout the game you'll encounter multitude of events that give you a variety of choices.

On this page you'll find list of all events that can happen when in the Overworld (Portals), you'll also find their choices and outcomes here.

You can also find events related to Special and Unstable portals here.

Main article: Character Events

Throughout the game you'll encounter multitude of events that give you a variety of choices.

On this page you'll find list of all events related to Town NPCs and Unique NPCs grouped under their names.
You can also find events related to Main Character's assistants here.

Uniques without events: Inara, Oriel

Main article: Date Events

Throughout the game you'll encounter multitude of events that give you a variety of choices.

On this page you'll find list of all events that can happen when in the during the Dates, you'll also find their choices and outcomes here.

This article was updated for version
This page is currently being overhauled, it will be finished in the near future. All text/table formatting might change. 28/04/2023
Warning: This page contains potential spoilers, explore carefully if you wish to preserve surprises.

Throughout the game you'll encounter multitude of events that give you a variety of choices.

On this page you'll find list of all events that can happen when in the during the Dates, you'll also find their choices and outcomes here.


  1. It should be possible to find events by using CTRL + F and then searching for the first line of the text in the event. There are some exceptions, e.g. weddings.
  2. Events with no branching only show the first choice and the final outcome.
  3. Sex isn't listed as an outcome in most cases.