Overworld Events

From Portals of Phereon Wiki

Main article: Town Events

Throughout the game you'll encounter multitude of events that give you a variety of choices.

On this page you'll find list of all events that can happen when in the Town, you'll also find their choices and outcomes here.

Main article: Overworld Events

Throughout the game you'll encounter multitude of events that give you a variety of choices.

On this page you'll find list of all events that can happen when in the Overworld (Portals), you'll also find their choices and outcomes here.

You can also find events related to Special and Unstable portals here.

Main article: Character Events

Throughout the game you'll encounter multitude of events that give you a variety of choices.

On this page you'll find list of all events related to Town NPCs and Unique NPCs grouped under their names.
You can also find events related to Main Character's assistants here.

Uniques without events: Inara, Oriel

Main article: Date Events

Throughout the game you'll encounter multitude of events that give you a variety of choices.

On this page you'll find list of all events that can happen when in the during the Dates, you'll also find their choices and outcomes here.

This article was updated for version
This page is currently being overhauled, it will be finished in the near future. All text/table formatting might change. 08/06/2023
Warning: This page contains potential spoilers, explore carefully if you wish to preserve surprises.

Throughout the game you'll encounter multitude of events that give you a variety of choices.

On this page you'll find list of all events that can happen when in the Overworld (Portals), you'll also find their choices and outcomes here.
You can also find events related to Special and Unstable portals here.


  1. Some events might have additional option called "Help friend", it allows instant recruitment of a character that is already unlocked in the gallery, but you will lose anything that can be gained through events that you skipped.
  2. It should be possible to find events by using CTRL + F and then searching for the first line of the text in the event. There are some exceptions, e.g. weddings.
  3. Events with no branching only show the first choice and the final outcome.
  4. Sex isn't listed as an outcome in most cases.

Common events[ | ]

Events that can trigger in all biomes.

Fire Dragon Knight
Unlock Random event, world must have "Dark" modifier and at least "Giant" size
Description You encounter a big dragon girl riding a soldier.
Choice Replace End
  • Recruit Mirrea
    • 20 minutes pass
  • Mirrea won't return

Plains Plains[ | ]

Unlock Random event on Plains tiles in portals, after day 15
Description You see an enormous humanoid creature in the distance. A group of demon harpies plan to attack her to protect the village she stands on.
Choice Ignore Protect giant Fight giant
  • Event continues
Event continues On win progress to Demon Harpy Battle Won On win progress to Seraph Battle Won
Unlock Leave Search sword
  • No effect
Seraph Battle Won
Unlock Win "SeraphBattle" event after choosing "Fight giant" option
Description Having surprisingly defeated the giant, the harpies begin celebrating.
Choice End
Demon Harpy Battle Won
Unlock Win "SeraphBattle" event after choosing "Protect giant" option
Description You defeated the harpies. Witnessing it, the giant levitates you towards her.
Choice Sure

Forest Forest[ | ]

Rose Encounter
Unlock Random event on Forest and DeepForest tiles in portals (quite rare event)
Description You come across a PlantGirl. "Hey, you came from the human town through the anomaly? They send me back here. If you can help me pass, I'd be willing to work for you."
Choice Let her join Reject
  • Recruit Rose
  • Rose won't return

Suzy Encounter
Unlock Random event on Forest and DeepForest tiles in portals, must have more than half Hp
Description You come across a MosquitoGirl. "I'm Suzy. I need some blood to survive and I'm just asking people if they can spare some instead of fighting"
Choice Okay Nope
  • Event continues
  • Suzy won't return (?)
Event continues Event ends
Choice Quick Easy
  • Main Character:
    • Lose Hp equal to half of your MaxHp without items
    • -25 morale
  • Main Character:
    • Lose Hp equal to half of your MaxHp without items
    • 15 minutes pass
On 5th meeting
Choice Let her join Reject
  • Recruit Suzy
    • +30 relations
  • Suzy won't return

Plant Ritual
Unlock Random event on Forest tiles in portals, after day 5
Description You come across a group of plant-people trying to heal someone heavily injured person, lying on some sort of altar.
Choice Help Ignore
  • Recruit Celia
    • Joins with 0 Mana/Stamina and 1 Hp
    • +20% relations
  • Entire party loses health (down to 3 hp?)
    • 30 minutes pass
  • Celia won't return

Unlock Random event on Forest and DeepForest tiles in portals, if Main Character has a pussy
Description A futa Plantaur approaches you with a throbbing erection, and holds up a sextoy
Choice Give handjob Give blowjob Offer pussy Turn away Turn away FOREVER
  • MC recovers 50% of their mana
  • +1 Progress point
    • 20 minutes pass
  • +2 Progress points
    • 2 minutes pass
  • Lily will return
  • Lily won't return
After gaining 5 progress points No progress Event ends
Choice Recruit
  • Recruit Lily
    • Starts with 20% relations

Unlock Random event on Forest and DeepForest tiles in portals
Description You hear a woman grunting annoyed, as a leashed wolf rushes past you, almost knocking you over
Choice Wolf Mule Bird Pheroly None
  • Recruit Pheroly
    • (Unavailable in 1st meeting)
  • No effect
Common result
  • 20 minutes pass
  • 4th meeting changes event into "Hunter Recruit"
Hunter Recruit
Choice Offer to join your party Leave her
  • Recruit Seliel
    • Has basic equipment
  • Seliel won't return

Unlock Random event, Forest tiles inside portals
Description You see a red pulsing light in the distance.
Choice Touch the mark Salvage materials Ignore
  • Event continues
  • Receive Blaster
    • Also learn how to craft it
  • Receive Materials:
    • 5 CrystalFragments
    • 5 Iron
    • 5 Obsidian
    • 5 DarkMatter
  • Receive 20-30 crystals
  • 20 minutes pass
  • AN_3 won't return
Event continues Event ends
Choice Welcome her Reject her
  • Recruit AN_3
  • Open new questline
  • AN_3 won't return

Deep Forest Deep Forest[ | ]

Rose Encounter
Unlock Random event on Forest and DeepForest tiles in portals (quite rare event)
Description You come across a PlantGirl. "Hey, you came from the human town through the anomaly? They send me back here. If you can help me pass, I'd be willing to work for you."
Choice Let her join Reject
  • Recruit Rose
  • Rose won't return

Suzy Encounter
Unlock Random event on Forest and DeepForest tiles in portals, must have more than half Hp
Description You come across a MosquitoGirl. "I'm Suzy. I need some blood to survive and I'm just asking people if they can spare some instead of fighting"
Choice Okay Nope
  • Event continues
  • Suzy won't return (?)
Event continues Event ends
Choice Quick Easy
  • Main Character:
    • Lose Hp equal to half of your MaxHp without items
    • -25 morale
  • Main Character:
    • Lose Hp equal to half of your MaxHp without items
    • 15 minutes pass
On 5th meeting
Choice Let her join Reject
  • Recruit Suzy
    • +30 relations
  • Suzy won't return

CowGirl ManaWorm
Unlock Random event on DeepForest tiles in portals
Description You see a cowgirl carelessly collecting some weird worms.
Choice Fight Flee/Leave her
  • Start a fight against Mana Worm
  • Recruit Cella
  • -20 party morale
  • Cella won't return

Unlock Random event on Forest and DeepForest tiles in portals, if Main Character has a pussy
Description A futa Plantaur approaches you with a throbbing erection, and holds up a sextoy
Choice Give handjob Give blowjob Offer pussy Turn away Turn away FOREVER
  • MC recovers 50% of their mana
  • +1 Progress point
    • 20 minutes pass
  • +2 Progress points
    • 2 minutes pass
  • Lily will return
  • Lily won't return
After gaining 5 progress points No progress Event ends
Choice Recruit
  • Recruit Lily
    • Starts with 20% relations

Unlock Random event on Forest and DeepForest tiles in portals
Description You hear a woman grunting annoyed, as a leashed wolf rushes past you, almost knocking you over
Choice Wolf Mule Bird Pheroly None
  • Recruit Pheroly
    • (Unavailable in 1st meeting)
  • No effect
Common result
  • 20 minutes pass
  • 4th meeting changes event into "Hunter Recruit"
Hunter Recruit
Choice Offer to join your party Leave her
  • Recruit Seliel
    • Has basic equipment
  • Seliel won't return

LightBug Runaway
Unlock Random event on DeepForest tiles in portals
Description You see flash sparks in the forests and hear people yelling.
Choice Fight Leave
  • Start a fight against Light Bugs
    • winning gives 2 rare items and 500 gold
  • Recruit Yavoli
  • Yavoli won't return

Shadow Summoner
Unlock Random event on DeepForest tiles in portals, must be alone in the party
Description You see a centaur with various shadow creatures clinging to her. She approaches you concerned, keeping away her pets.
Choice Let them join No/Leave
  • Hildy won't return

Mountain Mountain[ | ]

Water Water[ | ]

Mermaid Hunter
Unlock Random event on Water tiles in Tundra portals, if Main Character has a cock
Description You see an armored mermaid hurling the corpse of an eel out of the water. She seems to be hurt badly.
Choice Help Ignore
  • Event continues
    • 15 minutes pass
  • Sharra won't return
Event continues Event ends
Choice Fight Stay/Heal Leave
  • Start a fight against a Leviathan
  • Recruit Sharra
    • has basic equipment
  • Receive 2 random rare items
    • 30 minutes pass
  • Sharra won't return

Unlock Random event on Water tiles in Ocean portals, if Main Character has a cock
Description A white mermaid swims up to you on the surface: "Hey, you look pretty unique, can I train my handjob skills on you?
Choice Nope/End Sure?
  • Sera will return
  • 5 minutes pass
After accepting her offer 3 times
Choice Not now Let her join
  • Sera will return
  • Recruit Sera

Deep Water Deep Water[ | ]

Unlock Random event on DeepWater tiles in portals, at least 1 unit must have Glowing trait
Description A shadow quickly rushes towards you. Lights spark across it, shortly revealing an octopus girl.
Choice Come closer Reject
  • Recruit Elly
  • Elly won't return

Unlock Random event on DeepWater tiles in portals
Description Some creatures with glowing eyes rush towards you. You have no time to react
Choice Fight
  • Start a fight
Necromancer Defeated
Choice Recruit Reject
  • Recruit Narah
  • +5 MaxMorale for party
  • +10 Morale for party

Anna & Bubbles
Unlock Random event on DeepWater tiles in Large portals
Description You notice glowing in the depth of the water and dive down to take a look. A WolfMermaid appears to be feeding a big glowing fish-like creature.
Choice Help Ignore
  • Recruit Anna and Bubbles
  • Start a fight
    • 30 minutes pass

Nyva Intro
Unlock Random event on DeepWater tiles, must have a Naiad in party
Description An unusual person swims up to your Naiad member and inspects her.
Choice Ask her Leave
  • Recruit Nyva
  • No effect

Tundra Tundra[ | ]

Unlock Random event on Tundra tiles in portals
Description A female beasttaur carrying a big sack on her back approaches you
Choice Take
  • Receive random rare Item
On 5th meeting
Choice Recruit Leave
  • Recruit Rena
  • Rena will return

Unlock Random event, Tundra tiles inside portals
Description You see AN_3 running somewhere and follow her. She seems to have spotted the plants she was looking for.
Choice End

Desert Desert[ | ]

Desna Intro
Unlock Random events on Desert tiles in portals, must have at least 5 food
Description A beast girl aproaches you. "I see you have plenty of food. Can you share some?"
Choice Accept Reject
  • -5 Food
  • +20 party morale
    • 10 minutes pass
  • Desna won't return
On the 5th time you give her food she will join your party

Stone Stone / Cave[ | ]

Light Mage
Unlock Random event on stone tiles in Cave portals, if Main Character has a cock
Description You notice a Naga with glowing spirits flying around her.
Choice Approach Stay away
  • Event continues
  • Lyra won't return
Event continues Event ends
Choice Play along Walk away
  • Main Character:
    • Lose all Mana
    • 15 minutes pass
On 5th meeting
Choice Okay Reject (danger)
  • Recruit Lyra

AN_3 Upgrade0
Unlock Random event, Cave portal (Must accept on AN_3's character screen)
Description Noticing something, An_3 runs towards something and calls you over.
Choice Use machine
  • +5 MaxLevel for AN_3
  • Progress to "AN_3 Upgrade1"
AN_3 Upgrade1
Choice JetPack Sonar RailGun
  • Change movement Normal/Move to Flying/Charge
Choice Exploding Strength ChainLightning
Choice EnergyTank Knowledge No change
  • Gain Abdomen trait
  • Doubled energy/milk storage
  • +10 Mana
  • -1 Speed
  • AN_3:
    • +100 MaxMorale
    • Greatly increase relations
  • Receive Materials:
    • 2 CrystalFragments
    • 5 Iron

Cuska Intro
Unlock Random event in Cave portals
Description You come across a muscular girl sitting on the floor near some eggs.
Choice Ask her to join Leave
  • Recruit Cuska
  • +20 relations with Cuska
  • Cuska won't return

FungalPlains Fungal Plains[ | ]

Swamp Swamp[ | ]

Slime Slime[ | ]

HellHell[ | ]

Devil Queen
Unlock Random event on Hell tiles in portals, has 3 Devils in the party
Description A dark smoke appears in front of you. Clearing up, it reveals an unusual armed devil girl.
Choice Accept Leave
  • Recruit Natashlia
  • Main Character:
    • -10 MaxMorale
    • -100 Morale
    • -50 Stamina
    • -100 Mana
    • -100 Energy
  • Reduce time left until closing for all random portals
  • Natashlia won't return

Shadow Shadow[ | ]

Shadow Girl0
Unlock Random event on Shadow tiles in portals
Description You hear loud screams for help in the shadows. Sounds like soldiers are fighting something.
Choice Help Move away
  • -30 party morale
  • Event continues
  • Shadow won't return
Event continues Event ends
Choice Don't fight Fight
  • Progress to "Shadow Girl1"
Shadow Girl1
Choice Refuse Let them join
  • Shadow won't return
  • Event continues
  • Recruit Shadow and Pet
Event continues Event ends
Choice Loot soldiers Leave
  • -20 party morale
  • Receive random common and rare item
  • Receive DarkEnergy
  • No effect

Shadow Hands
Unlock Random event on Shadow tiles in portals, all party members have Dark type (including Main Character)
Description You feel hands touching and turn around, but find nothing. The density of touches increases as you walk in a certain direction.
Choice Investigate Move away
  • -10 party morale
  • Event continues
  • Gratha won't return
Event continues Event ends
Choice Talk Fight
  • Recruit Gratha

FlowerField Flower Field[ | ]

Wasteland Wasteland[ | ]

Special Portals Special Portals[ | ]

Unstable Portals[ | ]

Unique Portals[ | ]

First Encounter
Unlock Day 10 (Normal game length), Anywhere
Description A message that new main event portal has opened appears in the text log. You entered the portal and reached it's end.
Choice Talk Ambush
  • Event continues
    • -3 Corruption
  • Start a fight against Creation
    • +10 Corruption
    • Weaker enemies
Event continues Fight
Choice Convince Fight
  • Start a fight against Creation
    • -5 Corruption
    • Stronger enemies
Everyone else
Choice Fight
First Encounter Won
Choice Absorb Create life Create artifact Empower Yurei (Only 4th MC)
  • Gain Empowered
  • Gain some skillpoints for all species
Archive 1
Unlock Has reached "Archive_1" portals end
Description You find an ancient building, quickly falling apart.
Choice Infos Treasury Survivors
  • Opens "Archive_2" special portal
  • Information about Alt End
Archive 2
Unlock Has reached "Archive_2" portals end
Description You aproach the location of the artifact, mentioned in the library. It appears to be heavily guarded.
Choice Fight
Cn_12 Recruit
Unlock Finish "WitchPortal", which is unlocked in "Neoran Witch" event
Description You enter a small house into some unusual almost empty room.
Choice Accept
  • Recruit Cn 12

Druid Rescue
Unlock Has reached "Rescue" portals end
Description You approach a slime infested area. Many soldiers lie scattered on the ground.
Choice Fight Flee/Leave her
  • Start a fight
  • -20 party morale
  • -25 relations with King
Druid Rescue Success
Choice Catch up ----> End

Ruins Finale
Unlock Has reached "Ruins" portals end
Description You come across a shielded room, and get zapped by some kind of energy as you approach.
Choice Open (lose mana) Return
  • Start a fight
    • Start with 0 Mana
  • +50 MaxMorale
Event continues Event ends
Choice End

Trap Portal Fight
Unlock Has reached "Trap" portals end
Description You follow Hebi's guidance and wait.
Choice Fight Flee/Leave
  • +20 MaxMorale
  • This portal won't return

Yurei Power Portal Finale
Unlock Has reached "YureiPower" portals end
Description Yurei guides you to "This place is rather old. I remember choosing the fruit trees I spread here. Someone gave me a few new creations to test for this world."
Choice End

Grenea[ | ]

Goblin Ceremony
Unlock Enter Grenea
Description Zija introduces you to her world. / You enter into a new world.
Zija is in the party
Choice Continue
  • +10 morale for your party
    • 10 minutes pass
Zija isn't in the party
Choice Stay a bit Leave
  • +10 morale for your party
    • 10 minutes pass
  • No effect
Goblin War
Unlock Random event
Description Zija leads you to a group of elves and an armored orc.
Choice Serve Let Zija handle it
Goblin War Battles
Unlock Random events after "Goblin War" event
Description You stand before one of the designated orc encampments.
Choice Fight Leave
  • Start a fight
    • You get a few temporary allies
  • No effect
After 4 battles unlocks "Orc Camp" event
Orc Camp
Unlock Win 4 "Goblin War Battles" fights
Description You meet up with the elf commander close to the designated location.
Choice Fight Leave
  • Start a fight
    • You get a few temporary allies
  • No effect
Event continues after winning You can return to this event later
Choice Return artifact Steal artifact/leave

Blin Intro
Unlock Random event in Grenea, Zija was rejected
Description An unusual goblin approaches you carefully. A winged metallic creatures observes you closely.
Choice Accept her Reject
  • Blin won't return