Character Events

From Portals of Phereon Wiki

Main article: Town Events

Throughout the game you'll encounter multitude of events that give you a variety of choices.

On this page you'll find list of all events that can happen when in the Town, you'll also find their choices and outcomes here.

Main article: Overworld Events

Throughout the game you'll encounter multitude of events that give you a variety of choices.

On this page you'll find list of all events that can happen when in the Overworld (Portals), you'll also find their choices and outcomes here.

You can also find events related to Special and Unstable portals here.

Main article: Character Events

Throughout the game you'll encounter multitude of events that give you a variety of choices.

On this page you'll find list of all events related to Town NPCs and Unique NPCs grouped under their names.
You can also find events related to Main Character's assistants here.

Uniques without events: Inara, Oriel

Main article: Date Events

Throughout the game you'll encounter multitude of events that give you a variety of choices.

On this page you'll find list of all events that can happen when in the during the Dates, you'll also find their choices and outcomes here.

This article was updated for version
This page is currently being overhauled, it will be finished in the near future. All text/table formatting might change. 08/06/2023
Warning: This page contains potential spoilers, explore carefully if you wish to preserve surprises.

Throughout the game you'll encounter multitude of events that give you a variety of choices.

On this page you'll find list of all events related to Town NPCs and Unique NPCs grouped under their names.
You can also find events related to Main Character's assistants here.

Uniques without events: Inara, Oriel


  1. Some characters have additional option "Help friend", it allows instant recruitment of that character, but you will lose anything that can be gained through events that you skipped.
  2. It should be possible to find events by using CTRL + F and then searching for the first line of the text in the event. There are some exceptions, e.g. weddings.
  3. Events with no branching only show the first choice and the final outcome.
  4. Some events are present under more than 1 character.
  5. Sex isn't listed as an outcome in most cases.
  6. All events below can be found on Overworld and Town Events pages.

Town NPCs[ | ]

Lumira[ | ]

Lumira Intro
Unlock Visit the Shop before 3rd day.
Description You move towards the market when you notice some red cloth hanging from a cave.
Choice Sword Staff Armor Amulet Health Potion

Lumira Special Item
Unlock Good relations with Lumira, Shop
Description You approach Lumira. She dives down and quickly surfaces again, presenting you something.
Choice Okay
  • Rare item available in the shop.

Wedding Lumira
Unlock Lumira has been recruited, 90+ relations, 1000 gold, 5 crystals and 100+ score on last date, Home
Description After recruiting Lumira, you've asked her to marry you.
Choice End
  • Lumira's stats increased. (+20 hp, +10 mana, +3 speed)

Sylvie[ | ]

Sylvie Intro
Unlock Visit the Portals before 3rd day.
Description You approach the portal crater, but there is no clear way in.
Choice Take TeleportStone Don't take
  • Increase relations by 20.

Sylvie Special Portal
Unlock Good relations with Sylvie, Portals
Description You approach the portals, Excited, Sylvie runs up to you, nervously checking on the other guildmembers.
Choice Sure
  • New portal with free access appears

Sylvie Alley
Unlock Claim Sylvie's 4th objective, Portals
Description Sylvie drags you into a nearby alley and pulls her pants down.
Player has a cock
Choice Ass Pussy Leave
  • +1 cock and ass skillpoint
  • +1 cock and pussy skillpoint
  • +2 LRes
  • Lowers relations
Player doesn't have a cock
Choice Lick Leave
  • +2 LRes
  • Lowers relations

Portal Girl Intro
Unlock Claim Sylvie's 6th objective, Portals
Description Sylvie guides you into the forest.
Choice Recruit Reject
  • Receive legendary Item

Sylvie Tentacles
Unlock Random event, Sylvie's Room
Description As you open the door, you see Sylvie in a corner of her room, surrounded by tentacles.
Choice Destroy Tentacles Leave Watch Summon more (Crea)
  • Decrease relations with Sylvie
    • Event continues
  • No effect
  • Increase Sylvie's lewdity
  • Increase Sylvie's lewdity
Event continues Event ends
Choice Help Leave
  • Slightly increase relations with Sylvie
  • No effect

Sylvie Portal
Unlock Random event, Sylvie's Room
Description As you open the door, you see Sylvie, fully nude, riding a huge cock connected to some portal device.
Choice Leave Help
  • No effect
  • +25 gold
    • 30 minutes pass

Wedding Sylvie
Unlock Sylvie has been recruited, 90+ relations, 1000 gold, 5 crystals and 100+ score on last date, Home
Description After recruiting Sylvie, you've asked her to marry you.
Choice End
  • Sylvie's stats increased. (+10 hp, +10 mana, +2 ldmg, +2 strength, +20 fertility, +20 virility)

Castalia[ | ]

Aila Castalia Intro
Unlock Visit the Arena before 3rd day.
Description As you approach the giant building, you see a centaur arguing with a unicorn.
Choice Strength Intelligence
  • Increase relations with Aila
  • Decrease relations with Castalia
  • Increase relations with Castalia
  • Decrease relations with Aila

Castalia Treatment
Unlock Claim Castalia's 4th objective, Library
Description "Thanks for your continued assistance. I've been working on something for a while."
Choice Telekinetic Stud Shielding Nimble Berserker InnerHealing None
Result *Obtain chosen genetic trait

Castalia Home Portal
Unlock Castalia lv 10, 90+ relations with Castalia, Home
Description Castalia appears at your door.
Choice End
  • New special portal opens

Wedding Castalia
Unlock Castalia has been recruited, 90+ relations, 1000 gold, 5 crystals and 100+ score on last date, Home
Description After recruiting Castalia, you've asked her to marry you.
Choice End
  • Castalia's stats increased. (+20 mana, +3 ldmg, +3 lres)

Aila[ | ]

Aila Castalia Intro
Unlock Visit the Arena before 3rd day.
Description As you approach the giant building, you see a centaur arguing with a unicorn.
Choice Strength Intelligence
  • Increase relations with Aila
  • Decrease relations with Castalia
  • Increase relations with Castalia
  • Decrease relations with Aila

Aila Special Battle
Unlock Good relations with Aila
Description You approach the arena, Aila runs up to you.
Choice Okay
  • Arena battle with greater reward appears

Arena Collector
Unlock Claim Aila's 3rd objective, Arena
Description Aila leads you to a messy girl carrying a bucket filled with semen and introduces her.
Choice Sure Not now
  • Unlocks "Hire collectors" option when on arena

Aila Service
Unlock Random event, Arena
Description Aila is preparing for a battle. While equipping her armor, a girl services her large cock.
Choice End
  • +1 hand skillpoint

Wedding Aila
Unlock Aila has been recruited, 90+ relations, 1000 gold, 5 crystals and 100+ score on last date, Home
Description After recruiting Aila, you've asked her to marry you, Home
Choice End
  • Aila's stats increased. (+10 hp, +5 mana, +2 strength)
  • Wife_Aila Essence

Flora[ | ]

Flora Intro
Unlock Visit the Brothel before 3rd day.
Description You approach the brothel entrance, blocked by a giant and a succubus.
Choice Follow You already know
  • Event continues
  • No effect
Event continues Event ends
Choice Fuck her Just explain
  • No effect

Flora Lake
Unlock You've claimed Flora's 3rd objective, Brothel
Description Flora invites your whole party to a special lake.
Choice Return
  • All characters recover 50 stamina.
    • 1 hour passes.

Flora Gift Visit
Unlock Flora has been recruited, at least 1 satisfied guest at the Brothel, Home (Main Character must have a cock)
Description You find a woman knocking at your door.
Choice Accept Ignore
  • +2 fetish skillpoints.
    • 10 minutes pass.
  • No effect

Wedding Flora
Unlock Flora has been recruited, 90+ relations, 1000 gold, 5 crystals and 100+ score on last date, Home
Description After recruiting Flora, you've asked her to marry you.
Choice End
  • Flora's stats increased. (+5 hp, +5 mana, +5 ldmg)

Mya[ | ]

Mya Intro
Unlock Visit the Tavern before 3rd day.
Description The tavern is filled with many different people, tourists, soldiers, merchants and ordinary citizens, all having fun.
Choice Milk Alcohol Juice
  • No effect
Mya Special Food
Unlock Good relations with Mya, Tavern
Description You approach the tavern and see Mya and her maids sitting at a big table.
Choice Okay No Time
  • +20 morale for all characters.
  • Gain 10 food
  • Increase relations with Mya by 5
    • 1 hour passes.
  • Gain 5 food
Mya Futa Transformation
Unlock +20 relations with Mya, FutaPotion in stash, Tavern
Description You present Mya a futaPotion you found. Without any questions she grabs the bottle quite agressively and just pours it down her throat
Choice Help her undress
  • Mya changes gender to Futa.
Unlock +50 relations with Mya (Unavailable to Creation), Tavern
Description You request sex from Mya.
Choice Titjob NippleFuck
  • Increase relations
Wedding Mya
Unlock Mya has been recruited, 90+ relations, 1000 gold, 5 crystals and 100+ score on last date, Home
Description After recruiting Mya, you've asked her to marry you.
Choice End
  • Mya's stats increased. (+10 hp, +10 mana, +3 ldmg, +10 energy, +5 daily energy)

Summoners[ | ]

Uniques that can summon Spirits

Lyra[ | ]

NOTE: Text in "Light Mage" event is different after 1st meeting.

Light Mage
Unlock Random event on stone tiles in Cave portals, if Main Character has a cock
Description You notice a Naga with glowing spirits flying around her.
Choice Approach Stay away
  • Event continues
  • Lyra won't return
Event continues Event ends
Choice Play along Walk away
  • Main Character:
    • Lose all Mana
    • 15 minutes pass
On 5th meeting
Choice Okay Reject (danger)
  • Recruit Lyra

Lyra Upgrade
Unlock Raised Lyra's "Pussy" sex skill to Master level, Cave
Description You follow a familar light spirit into the cave to find Lyra.
Choice Sure Leave
  • Lyra:
    • +5 MaxLevel
    • Gain Entice onFuck passive
    • Gains new sexual interest (Hand→Pussy)
  • This event won't return

Rhita[ | ]

Satyr Summoner
Unlock Forest after day 10, has "Grass" elemental affinity or Elementalist profession
Description Your companion leads you to a place in the Forest. A nude Satyr is sitting patiently and notices you.
Choice Train her No time
  • Event continues
    • 2 hours pass
  • Rhita won't return
Event continues Event ends
Choice Accept Reject

Hildy[ | ]

Shadow Summoner
Unlock Random event on DeepForest tiles in portals, must be alone in the party
Description You see a centaur with various shadow creatures clinging to her. She approaches you concerned, keeping away her pets.
Choice Let them join No/Leave
  • Hildy won't return

Ruby[ | ]

Lava Summoner
Unlock Forest after day 10, has "Fire" elemental affinity or Elementalist profession
Description Your companion leads you to a burnt part of the forest. A LavaGirl sees you and holds back an angry worm.
Choice Train No time
  • Event continues
    • 2 hours pass
  • Ruby won't return
Event continues Event ends
Choice Accept Reject
  • Recruit Ruby and 2 Lavorms
  • Gain 300 gold

Orana[ | ]

Water Summoner
Unlock Home after day 10, has "Water" elemental affinity or Elementalist profession
Description You find a cute CatGirl at your door, holding a happy orbfish in her arms.
Choice Train No time
  • Event continues
    • 3 hours 20 minutes pass
  • Event continues
Event continues Event continues
Choice Accept Reject Take End
  • Orana won't return

Orana Upgrade
Unlock Orana has reached level 10, Beach
Description You find a cute CatGirl at your door, holding a happy orbfish in her arms.
Choice Sure No
  • This event won't return

Roctu[ | ]

Roctu Recruit (possibly bugged)
Unlock Beach after day 10, has "Rock" elemental affinity or Elementalist profession
Description You see an unusual looking hybrid with. A stone creature clings to her arm.
Choice Help No time
  • Event continues
    • 20 minutes pass
  • Event ends
Event continues Event ends
Choice Accept Reject
  • Recruit Roctu and Rock Hugger
  • Gain 1000 gold
    • 2 hours pass

Uniques[ | ]

Terranva[ | ]


Pryla[ | ]

Pryla Intro
Unlock Random event, Lake
Description A human walks towards and starts undressing herself. As a human, she likely can't handle the pheromones of this lake.
Choice Calm/Help Encourage Leave
  • Learn Calm
  • Event continues
  • Pryla won't return
  • Pryla won't return
Event continues Event ends
Choice Help/Train Reject
  • Event continues
    • 30 minutes pass
  • Pryla won't return
Event continues
Choice Sure Reject
  • Recruit Pryla
  • Pryla won't return

Pryla Tentacle Tree
Unlock Pryla has reached lv10, Forest
Description Lured in by load moans, you find Pryla in the lake you met her.
Choice Watch Ask her to try
  • -2 LRes for Pryla
  • +10 MaxLust for Pryla

Lonada[ | ]

Lymean Door
Unlock Random event (Unavailable to Creation), Home
Description You wake up to loud knocking on your door.
Choice Open the door Ignore
  • Event continues
  • Lonada will return
Event continues Event ends
Choice Close door Scare away Ass Pussy Mouth
  • Lonada will return
  • Lonada won't return
  • Gives 0 points
  • Lose 5 stamina
  • Lonada will return
  • Gives 2 points
  • Lonada will return
  • Gives 1 point
  • Lose 5 stamina
  • Lonada will return
After acquiring 3 points you unlock new option "Let her join your team" that let's you recruit Lonada

Eisvyl[ | ]

Portal Girl Intro
Unlock Claim Sylvie's 6th objective, Portals
Description Sylvie guides you into the forest.
Choice Recruit Reject
  • Receive legendary Item

AN 3[ | ]

Unlock Random event, Forest tiles inside portals
Description You see a red pulsing light in the distance.
Choice Touch the mark Salvage materials Ignore
  • Event continues
  • Receive Blaster
    • Also learn how to craft it
  • Receive Materials:
    • 5 CrystalFragments
    • 5 Iron
    • 5 Obsidian
    • 5 DarkMatter
  • Receive 20-30 crystals
  • 20 minutes pass
  • AN_3 won't return
Event continues Event ends
Choice Welcome her Reject her
  • Recruit AN_3
  • Open new questline
  • AN_3 won't return

Unlock Random event, Tundra tiles inside portals
Description You see AN_3 running somewhere and follow her. She seems to have spotted the plants she was looking for.
Choice End

AN_3 Upgrade0
Unlock Random event, Cave portal (Must accept on AN_3's character screen)
Description Noticing something, An_3 runs towards something and calls you over.
Choice Use machine
  • +5 MaxLevel for AN_3
  • Progress to "AN_3 Upgrade1"
AN_3 Upgrade1
Choice JetPack Sonar RailGun
  • Change movement Normal/Move to Flying/Charge
Choice Exploding Strength ChainLightning
Choice EnergyTank Knowledge No change
  • Gain Abdomen trait
  • Doubled energy/milk storage
  • +10 Mana
  • -1 Speed
  • AN_3:
    • +100 MaxMorale
    • Greatly increase relations
  • Receive Materials:
    • 2 CrystalFragments
    • 5 Iron

Cn 12[ | ]

Cn_12 Recruit
Unlock Finish "WitchPortal", which is unlocked in "Neoran Witch" event
Description You enter a small house into some unusual almost empty room.
Choice Accept
  • Recruit Cn 12

Zija[ | ]

Contains Grenea questline
NOTE: Zija has to be in the party in order to progress Grenea questline

Zija Intro
Unlock Over 30 units at Home
Description You hear a green girl climb through your window and sit down.
Choice Accept Reject
  • Open special portal "Grenea"
  • -1 basic room
  • Progress to "Zija Work" after ~3 days
  • Zija won't return
  • Blocks Grenea questline
  • Open special portal "Grenea"
  • Unlocks Blin recruitment event
Zija Work Event ends
Choice Continue

Goblin Ceremony
Unlock Enter Grenea
Description Zija introduces you to her world. / You enter into a new world.
Zija is in the party
Choice Continue
  • +10 morale for your party
    • 10 minutes pass
Zija isn't in the party
Choice Stay a bit Leave
  • +10 morale for your party
    • 10 minutes pass
  • No effect
Goblin War
Unlock Random event
Description Zija leads you to a group of elves and an armored orc.
Choice Serve Let Zija handle it
Goblin War Battles
Unlock Random events after "Goblin War" event
Description You stand before one of the designated orc encampments.
Choice Fight Leave
  • Start a fight
    • You get a few temporary allies
  • No effect
After 4 battles unlocks "Orc Camp" event
Orc Camp
Unlock Win 4 "Goblin War Battles" fights
Description You meet up with the elf commander close to the designated location.
Choice Fight Leave
  • Start a fight
    • You get a few temporary allies
  • No effect
Event continues after winning You can return to this event later
Choice Return artifact Steal artifact/leave

Zija Fuck
Unlock Complete Grenea questline, Home
Description You find Zija where you first met her. "Thanks for everything again. It's nice to not worry about anything for a while..."
Choice Continue Reject
  • +5 MaxLv for Zija
    • 1 hour passes
  • No effect

Blin[ | ]

Blin Intro
Unlock Random event in Grenea, Zija was rejected
Description An unusual goblin approaches you carefully. A winged metallic creatures observes you closely.
Choice Accept her Reject
  • Blin won't return

Ara[ | ]

Mirrea[ | ]

Fire Dragon Knight
Unlock Random event, world must have "Dark" modifier and at least "Giant" size
Description You encounter a big dragon girl riding a soldier.
Choice Replace End
  • Recruit Mirrea
    • 20 minutes pass
  • Mirrea won't return

Natashlia[ | ]

Devil Queen
Unlock Random event on Hell tiles in portals, has 3 Devils in the party
Description A dark smoke appears in front of you. Clearing up, it reveals an unusual armed devil girl.
Choice Accept Leave
  • Recruit Natashlia
  • Main Character:
    • -10 MaxMorale
    • -100 Morale
    • -50 Stamina
    • -100 Mana
    • -100 Energy
  • Reduce time left until closing for all random portals
  • Natashlia won't return

Natashlia Sex
Unlock Natashlia has reached lv 10 and 90+ relations, Home
Description You find Natashlia near your home.
Choice Continue
  • +3 cock skillpoints

Seliel[ | ]

NOTE: Text in "Hunter" event is different after 1st meeting.

Unlock Random event on Forest and DeepForest tiles in portals
Description You hear a woman grunting annoyed, as a leashed wolf rushes past you, almost knocking you over
Choice Wolf Mule Bird Pheroly None
  • Recruit Pheroly
    • (Unavailable in 1st meeting)
  • No effect
Common result
  • 20 minutes pass
  • 4th meeting changes event into "Hunter Recruit"
Hunter Recruit
Choice Offer to join your party Leave her
  • Recruit Seliel
    • Has basic equipment
  • Seliel won't return

Seliel Upgrade
Unlock Seliel has reached lv 10, Forest
Description You feel drawn towards the forest and faintly hear somene calling your name.
Choice Encourage Resist
  • Seliel:
  • 2 hours pass
  • Seliel:

Sera[ | ]

NOTE: Text in "Mermaid" event is different after 1st meeting.

Unlock Random event on Water tiles in Ocean portals, if Main Character has a cock
Description A white mermaid swims up to you on the surface: "Hey, you look pretty unique, can I train my handjob skills on you?
Choice Nope/End Sure?
  • Sera will return
  • 5 minutes pass
After accepting her offer 3 times
Choice Not now Let her join
  • Sera will return
  • Recruit Sera

Lily[ | ]

NOTE: Text in "Plantaur" event is different after 1st meeting.

Unlock Random event on Forest and DeepForest tiles in portals, if Main Character has a pussy
Description A futa Plantaur approaches you with a throbbing erection, and holds up a sextoy
Choice Give handjob Give blowjob Offer pussy Turn away Turn away FOREVER
  • MC recovers 50% of their mana
  • +1 Progress point
    • 20 minutes pass
  • +2 Progress points
    • 2 minutes pass
  • Lily will return
  • Lily won't return
After gaining 5 progress points No progress Event ends
Choice Recruit
  • Recruit Lily
    • Starts with 20% relations

Nyva[ | ]

Nyva Intro
Unlock Random event on DeepWater tiles, must have a Naiad in party
Description An unusual person swims up to your Naiad member and inspects her.
Choice Ask her Leave
  • Recruit Nyva
  • No effect

Pyrea[ | ]

NOTE: "Pyrea Home" is slightly different when playing as Creation, but results should be the same.

Pyrea Portal
Unlock Random event, Portals, after 3rd day, before 25th day
Description You walk past the portal-stone recall point and notice a lavagirl who just teleported back, completely nude, as usual with this type of teleportation.
Choice Approach/Help her Ignore
  • Event continues
  • Pyrea will return
Event continues Event ends
Choice Share your clothes Give money
  • Event continues
  • Lose 100 gold
  • Pyrea will return
Event continues Event ends
Choice Accompany her Leave (Only 1st time)
  • Progress to "Pyrea Portal1"
    • 30 minutes pass
  • Lose 50 gold
  • Pyrea will return
Pyrea Home
Choice Stay Leave
  • Event continues
    • 2 hours pass
  • Pyrea will return
Event continues Event ends
Choice Refuse money/Other reward Take money
  • Blocks "Take money" option
  • Gain 200 gold
Event continues Event ends
Choice Leave (Only 1st time) Undress as well Ask for blowjob
  • Pyrea will return
  • 30 minutes pass
  • 30 minutes pass
Event ends After 3 times progress to "Pyrea Public"
Pyrea Public
Choice Yes No (leave)
  • Event continues
  • Pyrea will return
Event continues Event ends
Choice Sure Refuse
  • Recruit Pyrea (or delay it)
    • 20 minutes pass
  • Pyrea will return

Pyrea Upgrade
Unlock Pyrea has reached level 10, Home
Description "When I'm working with you, do I need to wear any clothes or armor?"
Choice Nudist Free No change
  • No changes

Morta[ | ]

Mosquito Maid
Unlock Drink blood 2 times, Tavern
Description A mosquito girl approaches you at the bar. Unusual taste for a human. I've seen you come here multiple times and followed you home..."
Choice ...ok Reject
  • Recruit Morta
  • Morta won't return

Rena[ | ]

NOTE: Text in "Reindeer" event is different after 1st meeting.

Unlock Random event on Tundra tiles in portals
Description A female beasttaur carrying a big sack on her back approaches you
Choice Take
  • Receive random rare Item
On 5th meeting
Choice Recruit Leave
  • Recruit Rena
  • Rena will return

Rena Futa
Unlock Give Rena FutaPotion, Beach
Description You find Rena at the beach. Her cock is poking out, leaving a trail of semen behind her as she walks.
Choice Handjob Calm

Desna[ | ]

Desna Intro
Unlock Random events on Desert tiles in portals, must have at least 5 food
Description A beast girl aproaches you. "I see you have plenty of food. Can you share some?"
Choice Accept Reject
  • -5 Food
  • +20 party morale
    • 10 minutes pass
  • Desna won't return
On the 5th time you give her food she will join your party

Phy[ | ]

Unlock Random event on Plains tiles in portals, after day 15
Description You see an enormous humanoid creature in the distance. A group of demon harpies plan to attack her to protect the village she stands on.
Choice Ignore Protect giant Fight giant
  • Event continues
Event continues On win progress to Demon Harpy Battle Won On win progress to Seraph Battle Won
Unlock Leave Search sword
  • No effect

Demon Harpy Battle Won
Unlock Win "SeraphBattle" event after choosing "Protect giant" option
Description You defeated the harpies. Witnessing it, the giant levitates you towards her.
Choice Sure
Seraph Batttle Won
Unlock Win "SeraphBattle" event after choosing "Atack Giant" option, this is prabably the hardest fight in the game
  • Receive BloodSword
  • Receive 4 LightShards (consumable item: increase maxlevel by 1, grants 1000 exp, fully restore hp and mana, 2 uses each)

Celia[ | ]

Plant Ritual
Unlock Random event on Forest tiles in portals, after day 5
Description You come across a group of plant-people trying to heal someone heavily injured person, lying on some sort of altar.
Choice Help Ignore
  • Recruit Celia
    • Joins with 0 Mana/Stamina and 1 Hp
    • +20% relations
  • Entire party loses health (down to 3 hp?)
    • 30 minutes pass
  • Celia won't return

Celia Beach
Unlock Celia reached lv 10, Beach
Description You find Celia at the beach on this sunny day. She leads you behind some rocks.
Choice Continue
Everyone, except Creation, additionally changes Celia's stats
  • Celia:
    • Change movement from Normal/Move to Flying/Fly
    • +5 MaxLevel
    • +2 Magic
    • -1 Speed

Anna[ | ]

Anna & Bubbles
Unlock Random event on DeepWater tiles in Large portals
Description You notice glowing in the depth of the water and dive down to take a look. A WolfMermaid appears to be feeding a big glowing fish-like creature.
Choice Help Ignore
  • Recruit Anna and Bubbles
  • Start a fight
    • 30 minutes pass

Anna Upgrade
Unlock Anna reached lv 10, Beach
Description You meet Anna at the beach playing with her pet. She calls you over
Choice Reject Teach me

Shirotama[ | ]

Shiro Intro
Unlock Claim King's 2nd objective, Home
Description Your father stands at your door with a few guards. / The king and a group of guards stand at your door.
Choice Accept Reject
  • Recruit Shirotama
  • This event won't return

Shiro Upgrade
Unlock Shirotama's MaxMorale is below 100, Home
Description Shiro seems to get more familiar with her powers.
Choice Always Reserved
  • Shirotama:

Vera[ | ]

Warcamps Battle
Unlock "Fight King" option, War Camp
Description You stand before the kings castle. You will have to defeat many soldiers to fight him.
Choice Charge Attack from the water Turn back
  • Start a fight
    • Stronger enemies
  • Start a fight
    • Weaker enemies, but lots of water
  • This event will return
If you won: Event continues If you lost: Game Over!
Choice Fight Turn back
  • Start a fight against the King
  • This event will return
    • You'll have to fight the 1st battle again
If you won: Event continues
Kings Battle Won
Choice Kill Spare/Take deal
  • Gain 3000 gold
  • Receive various legendary, rare and common Items
  • If Druid:
    • -40 MaxMorale
    • +2 daily work force increase
  • Other characters
  • Gain 3000 gold
  • Receive various legendary, rare and common Items
  • You'll receive money every day
  • You'll receive KingsPotions every few days
  • Kings Quests are optional and have increased rewards
  • -200 relations with the King
Event continues after killing the King if playing as Druid
Choice Cut open Let his body rest
  • -20 MaxMorale
  • +25 MaxMorale
Event continues Event ends
Choice Grow the heart Keep the heart
  • Learn blood magic
    • Learn SeedBurst
    • +1 Magic Strength
    • Can "Enhance" and "Recreate" units
  • Progress to Vera's recruitment event

Vera Recruitment
Unlock Druid has killed the King and decided to grow his heart, War Camp
Description You focus your mana into the heart and feed it your energy. It slowly shifts and grows into a womanly shape.
Choice Be honest Lie
  • Recruit Vera
    • Cold Personality
    • +2 LRes
    • -30 MaxMorale
    • Joins you with 0 Morale
    • +50 Relations
  • Recruit Vera
    • Caring Personality
    • Joins you with 100 morale
    • +20 Relations

Lina[ | ]

Druid Rescue Portal
Unlock Playing as Druid, King is alive, Day 24 (Normal game length), Home
Description You wake up to a loud knocking. You open the door to reveal the king and some of his guards.
Choice End
  • Receive TeleportStone
  • Gain 2000 gold
  • Event portal "Rescue" has opened

Druid Rescue
Unlock Has reached "Rescue" portals end
Description You approach a slime infested area. Many soldiers lie scattered on the ground.
Choice Fight Flee/Leave her
  • Start a fight
  • -20 party morale
  • -25 relations with King
Druid Rescue Success
Choice Catch up ----> End

Lina Return
Unlock Lina has been recruited, Forest
Description Thanks again for rescuing me. It's good to be with you again.
Choice Yes End
  • Lina loses Virgin trait
  • Lina gains new passive GrowthBond
  • +10 MaxMorale for Lina and MainCharacter
  • +20 relations with Lina
  • No effect

Narah[ | ]

Unlock Random event on DeepWater tiles in portals
Description Some creatures with glowing eyes rush towards you. You have no time to react
Choice Fight
  • Start a fight
Necromancer Defeated
Choice Recruit Reject
  • Recruit Narah
  • +5 MaxMorale for party
  • +10 Morale for party

Narah Upgrade
Unlock Narah reached lv 10, Beach
Description You find Narah practicing her skills, raising random aquatic wildlife killed as a side effect of fishing processes.
Choice Light Dark No change
  • No effect

Cuska[ | ]

Cuska Intro
Unlock Random event in Cave portals
Description You come across a muscular girl sitting on the floor near some eggs.
Choice Ask her to join Leave
  • Recruit Cuska
  • +20 relations with Cuska
  • Cuska won't return

Cuska Beach
Unlock Playing as Evolution, Raised Cuska's "Hands" sex skill to Master level, Beach
Description Can I use your cock to train some new techniques? Before my people left I was charged with milking their cocks, but they all had the same shape.
Choice Sure (2h) Reject
  • Main Character loses all Energy
  • Cuska gains Collector trait
  • Receive Semen
    • 2 hours pass
  • This event won't return

Shadow[ | ]

Shadow Girl0
Unlock Random event on Shadow tiles in portals
Description You hear loud screams for help in the shadows. Sounds like soldiers are fighting something.
Choice Help Move away
  • -30 party morale
  • Event continues
  • Shadow won't return
Event continues Event ends
Choice Don't fight Fight
  • Progress to "Shadow Girl1"
Shadow Girl1
Choice Refuse Let them join
  • Shadow won't return
  • Event continues
  • Recruit Shadow and Pet
Event continues Event ends
Choice Loot soldiers Leave
  • -20 party morale
  • Receive random common and rare item
  • Receive DarkEnergy
  • No effect

Gratha[ | ]

Shadow Hands
Unlock Random event on Shadow tiles in portals, all party members have Dark type (including Main Character)
Description You feel hands touching and turn around, but find nothing. The density of touches increases as you walk in a certain direction.
Choice Investigate Move away
  • -10 party morale
  • Event continues
  • Gratha won't return
Event continues Event ends
Choice Talk Fight
  • Recruit Gratha

Meira[ | ]

Meira Recruitment
Unlock Healed 5 units at the healer, Market
Description After performing the operation, the medic turns to you "You seem to be in frequent need of a medic."
Choice Hire Reject
  • Recruit Meira
  • Meira won't ask again, she still offers her services in the Market.

Rose[ | ]

Rose Encounter
Unlock Random event on Forest and DeepForest tiles in portals (quite rare event)
Description You come across a PlantGirl. "Hey, you came from the human town through the anomaly? They send me back here. If you can help me pass, I'd be willing to work for you."
Choice Let her join Reject
  • Recruit Rose
  • Rose won't return

Devy[ | ]

Unlock After day 3, unavailable to Creation, Tavern
Description A horned girl approaches you nervously "Hey, I'm Devy. Can you show me around town for a bit?"
Choice Sure No
  • Devy won't return
After few days progress to "Devy1" Event ends
Choice Sure No
  • No effect
    • 1 hour passes
  • Devy won't return
After few days progress to "Devy2" Event ends
Choice Sure No
  • No effect
    • 1 hour passes
  • Devy will return
After few days progress to "Devy3" Event ends
Choice Sure No
  • No effect
    • 1 hour passes
  • Devy will return
After few days progress to "Devy4" Event ends
Choice Sure No
  • Event continues
  • Devy will return
Event ContinuesEvent continues Event ends
Choice Okay No
  • No effect
  • No effect
After few days progress to "Devy5"
Choice Yes No
  • Recruit Devy
  • Gain 1500 gold
  • Devy won't return

Suzy[ | ]

NOTE: Text in "Suzy Encounter" event is different after 1st meeting.

Suzy Encounter
Unlock Random event on Forest and DeepForest tiles in portals, must have more than half Hp
Description You come across a MosquitoGirl. "I'm Suzy. I need some blood to survive and I'm just asking people if they can spare some instead of fighting"
Choice Okay Nope
  • Event continues
  • Suzy won't return (?)
Event continues Event ends
Choice Quick Easy
  • Main Character:
    • Lose Hp equal to half of your MaxHp without items
    • -25 morale
  • Main Character:
    • Lose Hp equal to half of your MaxHp without items
    • 15 minutes pass
On 5th meeting
Choice Let her join Reject
  • Recruit Suzy
    • +30 relations
  • Suzy won't return

Cella[ | ]

CowGirl ManaWorm
Unlock Random event on DeepForest tiles in portals
Description You see a cowgirl carelessly collecting some weird worms.
Choice Fight Flee/Leave her
  • Start a fight against Mana Worm
  • Recruit Cella
  • -20 party morale
  • Cella won't return

Girata[ | ]

Insect Guard Hire
Unlock Hire guard, Cave
Description The guard you paid for arrives. "Greetings, I'm Girata. Which weapon do you want me to use?"
Choice Spear Hammer GreatSword

Insect Queen Intro
Unlock Day after Girata has reached lv 10, Cave
Description Girata takes you to her Queen. "My queen wants to speak to you after hearing my reports. ", she steps away, leaving you in front of the giant queen.
Choice End
  • You can now hire Insect Girls and submit trained ones for rewards

Yavoli[ | ]

LightBug Runaway
Unlock Random event on DeepForest tiles in portals
Description You see flash sparks in the forests and hear people yelling.
Choice Fight Leave
  • Start a fight against Light Bugs
    • winning gives 2 rare items and 500 gold
  • Recruit Yavoli
  • Yavoli won't return

Liza[ | ]

Light Lizard Encounter
Unlock Random event, Forest
Description You find a mermaid in a river. She calls out to you "Over here, I've seen you and your team enter the portals and come back successfully many times...."
Choice Follow No interest
  • Event continues
    • 2 hours pass
  • No effect
Event continues Event ends
Choice Accept Reject
  • Recruit Liza
    • joins with basic equipment
  • Liza won't return

Sharra[ | ]

Mermaid Hunter
Unlock Random event on Water tiles in Tundra portals, if Main Character has a cock
Description You see an armored mermaid hurling the corpse of an eel out of the water. She seems to be hurt badly.
Choice Help Ignore
  • Event continues
    • 15 minutes pass
  • Sharra won't return
Event continues Event ends
Choice Fight Stay/Heal Leave
  • Start a fight against a Leviathan
  • Recruit Sharra
    • has basic equipment
  • Receive 2 random rare items
    • 30 minutes pass
  • Sharra won't return

Elly[ | ]

Unlock Random event on DeepWater tiles in portals, at least 1 unit must have Glowing trait
Description A shadow quickly rushes towards you. Lights spark across it, shortly revealing an octopus girl.
Choice Come closer Reject
  • Recruit Elly
  • Elly won't return

Evel[ | ]

Evel Encounter
Unlock Playing as Creation, Home, few days after failing "FirstEncounter" portal
Description A bat girl lands near your home. "Hey Siena, heard you were having some trouble."
Choice Accept Reject
  • Recruit Evel
    • Lose 30 stamina
  • Evel won't return

Eryn[ | ]

Eagle Mercenary
Unlock Have 10 eggs not placed in the hatchery, Farm, wait until the next day
Description A busty eagle girl waits for you near your hatching place. "I see you're hatching a lot of eggs. I could help you with that for some money"
Choice Hire Reject
  • Recruit Eryn
  • Eryn won't return

Avy[ | ]


Avy Encounter0
Unlock Random event, Portals
Description You follow some loud noises to a guild members room. An unusual portal was opened in some sort of ritual room.
Choice Accept Reject
  • Event continues
  • This event won't return
Proceed to "Avy Encounter1" Event ends
Avy Encounter1
Choice Magic Dexterity Seduction Tamer Reject? Jumper
  • Recruit Avy and Familiar
    • LvType: Dexterity
  • Recruit Avy and Familiar
    • LvType: Seduction
  • Recruit Avy and Familiar
    • LvType: Average
    • Familiar starts with 90 mana
NOTE: All choices have different skills, to learn more check Avy's page Unlocked after reaching Avy's world at least once.

Avy & Xhana
Unlock Few days after recruiting Xhana, Forest, Main Character must have a cock
Description You follow glowing lights into the forest and find Xhana were you first met her.
Choice Ritual Decline
  • This event won't return

Xhana[ | ]


Succubus Friend
Unlock Avy has reached level 10, Lake
Description You follow some loud noises to a guild members room. An unusual portal was opened in some sort of ritual room.
Choice Accept Reject
  • -30 MaxMorale
    • Event continues
  • This event won't return
Event continues Event ends
Choice End

Avy & Xhana
Unlock Few days after recruiting Xhana, Forest, Main Character must have a cock
Description You follow glowing lights into the forest and find Xhana were you first met her.
Choice Ritual Decline
  • This event won't return

Xhana Upgrade
Unlock Magic and Strength summed are at least 20, Forest
Description You feel drawn to the Forest
Choice Mana Magic

Alice[ | ]


Avy Encounter0
Unlock Random event, Portals
Description You follow some loud noises to a guild members room. An unusual portal was opened in some sort of ritual room.
Choice Accept Reject
  • Event continues
  • This event won't return
Proceed to "Avy Encounter1" Event ends
Avy Encounter1
Choice Magic Dexterity Seduction Tamer Reject? Jumper
  • Recruit Avy and Familiar
    • LvType: Dexterity
  • Recruit Avy and Familiar
    • LvType: Seduction
  • Recruit Avy and Familiar
    • LvType: Average
    • Familiar starts with 90 mana
NOTE: All choices have different skills, to learn more check Avy's page Unlocked after reaching Avy's world at least once.

Biryn[ | ]


Zil[ | ]

Qitou[ | ]

Xroha[ | ]

Painter Intro
Unlock Random event
Description You feel drawn towards the forest.
Choice Truth Lie
  • +2 LRes
    • Can recruit Vilyn after reaching alt end

Painter Recruit
Unlock Reached Alternate Ending, Forest
Description You find a familiar painter in the forest.
Choice Ok
  • Recruit Xroha
  • Learn Repel

Vilyn[ | ]

Painter Intro
Unlock Random event
Description You feel drawn towards the forest.
Choice Truth Lie
  • +2 LRes
    • Can recruit Vilyn after reaching alt end

Magister Recruit
Unlock Reached Alternate Ending, Forest
Description You come across a familiar girl in a uniform, getting her cock sucked by tentacle plants.
Choice Help her Free her
  • Recruit Vilyn

Ryxhora[ | ]


Veila[ | ]

Hebi Info
Unlock Has Infested trait, Home (Might be unavailable after winning the game)
Description Hebi slithers up your arm.
Choice Continue
  • Can harvest stabilized portals
    • Harvesting destroys the portal, but gives skill points and crystals based on amount of hives. Having 10+ hives gives CondensedCrystal.
  • Can transfer Veila's memories to a Guardian (All requirements are listed in game, check the journal)
    • better be well prepared before Memory Transfer
    • opens "Trap" special portal, where you can get Guardian genes (It's not necessary to visit it)

Veila Summon
Unlock Transferred Veila's memory to a Guardian that meets the requirements, Home
Description Hebi takes control of your subject and starts transferring the memories of her master, Veila, through her orb.
Choice Continue
  • Recruit Veila
  • Gives "Veila" Essence
  • You have to defend your world (Unlocks "Protect Today!" option at Home)
    • Failing or ignoring it will result in losing the game

Veila First Fight
Unlock Choose "Protect Today!" option at Home
Description You begin disrupting and closing all portals to remove vulnerabilities.
Choice Defend
  • Starts a boss fight
Veila Second Fight
Choice Fight
  • Start a boss fight against Overseer and Horror
    • Druid and Evolution will help you in this fight
    • Outcome decides whether you win or lose the game

Overseer[ | ]


Aran Valys and Evyra Valys[ | ]


Assistants[ | ]

Common events

NOTE1: "Spirit Sex" has really small differences between characters, the most notable one is that Creation has only 1 option that changes when playing as Rowan
NOTE2: Female characters, except Creation, can only choose "Nothing" option, unless they grow a cock.

Spirit Sex
Unlock Asked your assistant to have sex, always available, Anywhere
Description Your assistant asks what you want to do.
Choice Nothing Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 (Only Yurei)
  • No effect
  • +20 Morale
    • 20 minutes pass

Hebi[ | ]

Creation's Assistant.

Ruins Portal
Unlock Day 12 (Normal game length), Anywhere
Description An unstable portal to an ancient city has opened. Your snake curls around your body and transforms into her womanly form.
Choice End
  • Opens "Ruins" special portal

Ruins Finale
Unlock Has reached "Ruins" portals end
Description You come across a shielded room, and get zapped by some kind of energy as you approach.
Choice Open (lose mana) Return
  • Start a fight
    • Start with 0 Mana
  • +50 MaxMorale
Event continues Event ends
Choice End

Hebi Info
Unlock Has Infested trait, Home (Might be unavailable after winning the game)
Description Hebi slithers up your arm.
Choice Continue
  • Can harvest stabilized portals
    • Harvesting destroys the portal, but gives skill points and crystals based on amount of hives. Having 10+ hives gives CondensedCrystal.
  • Can transfer Veila's memories to a Guardian (All requirements are listed in game, check the journal)
    • better be well prepared before Memory Transfer
    • opens "Trap" special portal, where you can get Guardian genes (It's not necessary to visit it)

Tori[ | ]

Evolution's Assistant.

Tori Info
Unlock Has RadiationImmunity trait, Home (Might be unavailable after winning the game)
Description Tori slowly flies towards you.
Choice End
  • Unlocks new "Visit cave" option at Home
After choosing "Visit cave" option (Requires 20 crystals, Level is equal to MaxLevel)
Choice Read —> Return home
  • Gain 20 skill points for all species
  • Add Flexible trait to genetic library (Can be adapted)

Fae[ | ]

Druid's Assistant.

Yurei[ | ]

4th Main Characters Assistant.

Yurei Power Portal
Unlock Day 12 (Normal game length), Anywhere, playing as 4th Main Character
Description Yurei flies up to you excited "An unstable portal recently opened. My memories seem to return a bit..."
Choice End
  • Opens "YureiPower" special portal

Yurei Power Portal Finale
Unlock Has reached "YureiPower" portals end
Description Yurei guides you to "This place is rather old. I remember choosing the fruit trees I spread here. Someone gave me a few new creations to test for this world."
Choice End

Creatures[ | ]

Pogu[ | ]