
From Portals of Phereon Wiki
Revision as of 04:55, 17 November 2019 by portalsofphereon>Kozd

Home is one of the main locations in town.

Here you can interact with all monstergirls not assigned to Farm or the Brothel to perform actions on them, change their living conditions, tasks, assignments and manage your portal party.

You can also buy home upgrades, sex train, check daily-logs and perform rituals to gain skill points for Evolution (also forms) and Creation players.


Sleep (6h)
Removes 50 exhaustion
Nap (3h)
Removes 20 exhaustion
Create wood (5m) [[[Prince]] only]
Use magic to grow 1 wood for 2 exhaustion cost
Create food (5m) [[[Prince]] only]
Use magic to grow 1 food for 2 exhaustion cost

Party management

Character actions


  • Sleep is one of the best time effective exhaustion removal action