Crystal Girl

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A powerful mage able to tank and even support, it boasts great Health/Mana/Magic for low Strength/Lust/Speed.



Evolution Tree

It can be evolved from Ice Spirits or Rock Spirits, learning Encase and CrystalShard in the process. In the case of Rock Spirits it also grows one size.

You can choose one of the following:


It takes them 5 stamina to produce 1 crystal.
Portal event rates are 200 gold for 5 crystals.
Market rates are 200 gold for 1 crystal.

This means a single crystal is worth 40 gold to you, minimum.
That's 5 stamina for 40 gold.
A crystal girl with 100 stamina gives you a total of 20 crystals, which is worth 800 gold from portals, 4000 from the market.

For comparison, Brothel rates in a basic-type room are 3 stamina for 20 gold, but that's without tips which can more than triple this rate.
However they do not need to occupy a slot in a brothel room to make crystals, nor do they need any training.

However their real financial value comes from by-product use.

When you use them for fusion, you can exhaust their stamina before fusing and it'll easily cover most of the fusion cost if not all of it.

They aren't spirits however (even though they can be evolved from such) so they will pass on their species genes during fusion, which can be a problem (solvable problem, but a problem nonetheless) and they also can't fuse with beasts without the Catalyst trait.

The same by-product approach also applies to breeding them for give-away tasks (such as lust genes 5+ characters for Brothel).

Do keep in mind however, that they give you crystals, NOT gold, which can't be sold. So they aren't actually making you money, only saving you money and they can't save more than you would normally need to spend on crystals.


Can produce crystals at the cost of exhaustion.


Lives in crystal biomes.