S Unit

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WARNING: Having a pure Guardian will eventually result in the S_Unit triggering an event in which you have two options:

  1. Surrender all creatures with Guardian genetics (this includes Avy and the Unknown you get as a starter from the Unknown trait) to be removed from your home. In exchange you receive a S_Unit
  2. Defend your Guardians, but permamently lose a S_Unit, if you had one, and trigger an event that you must complete before the end of the day.

This event is a battle against a lot of robots, if you either ignore or lose the battle you get a game over.
Winning gets you a lot of Mythril, Iron, and some Crystal Fragments, it does not return your S_Unit.

Triggering this event too early can soft lock your playthrough.


The SuperCharged special trait is used up by SuperBeam and SuperSpeed, it doesn't regenerate after battle.
SuperCharged can only be recharged via the character sheet, and it requires 3 energy.

SuperBeam does 3* magic Fire damage in a straight line 3 tiles wide and has 7 range. It costs 1 AP.

SuperSpeed gives 4 AP. It costs 3 mana.

LaserBeam does 2* magic Radiant damage in a straight line. It costs 2 AP, 10 mana and has 6 range, additionally it doesn't use SuperCharged.

This character equipped with a volt blade is an absolute power house. If the player is a Mechanist they can add "Agile" to the S_Unit to ensure they always have 2 AP.



Like all Non A Unit robots their breeding stats are zero unless crafted by a Mechanist. Like all robots this can be circumvented with breeding potions to give them a flat 30 or 50 to their breeding stats.



  • S_Unit event can be avoided by removing all pure Guardians that you have.
  • Cannot be buffed with the Archery trait set from the Mechanist.
  • Syvaron's notes on Patreon indicate this event can repeat.
  • Unknown if crafting the S_Unit as a Mechanist has any bearing on this event triggering.
