
From Portals of Phereon Wiki
Revision as of 18:17, 18 November 2022 by Riotaku21 (talk | contribs)

This article was updated for version



A Spectre is essentially the same unit it was before dying with a few changes. The change to movement, their current level becoming their Max Level, and their max Morale is cut in half.
The stats provided in the gallery can be disregarded unless you summon then while playing Creation, since there are no gallery-standard Spectres that spawn in-game. Default Spectres have the potential to make good mages as they have one of the highest growths for Magic and Mana, but you'll have to manually get them every spell.




More often than not you'll want a Spectre for crafting, since no other unit produces Ectoplasm.


  • Spawns by killing a Possessed character. The body shape and stats remains the same, but changes movement to flying.
  • Spectres currently have two separate, but identical entries in the gallery.
  • When a Spectre is formed through a Possessed unit dying, the trait disappears and their entire party is drained of Mana. The Spectre itself will start its first turn with 2 AP. Note that since this is the result of a trait, any unit can turn into a Spectre.
