Beast Girl

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The Beast Girl makes for a natural scout and skirmisher. Their Heightened Sense is a great asset for explorers as it extends the line of sight in portals. She can also pack quite the punch in battle. Away from combat, her natural keenness on breeding will prove useful. The Beast Girl's flaw is that she has few ways to sustain the onslaught on her own in battle.

Overview[ | ]

Combat[ | ]

Beast Girls are fast skirmishers and DPS-focused melee units. They have Jump, allowing them to spend both of their turn APs on attacking as the skill itself doesn't use any AP - though it can only be used to initiate as it can't be used while the Beast Girl is engaged with an enemy. Their Slashing attacks and Claws cause Bleeding for additional damage over time. They also have the potential skill Dodge which can be used to move to a tile away from enemies, giving them additional tactical options.

Even without hybridization, base Beast Girls can be fused together for additional skills. Combining two Jumps will result in LongJump and two Claws will result in Slice. If you have the BeastMastery, you can also get SideStep - a remarkably potent mobility skill that gives an AP on use. Such a wide range of options permits Beast Girls lots of strategic use for a melee Base Species.

Overworld[ | ]

They have Heightened Sense which gives a bonus to scouting. All their standard Hybrid Species also get this trait.

Breeding[ | ]

They are a virile/fertile species.

Moneymaking[ | ]

Notes[ | ]

Trivia[ | ]

  • They can infuse their claws with small amounts of mana, enabling them to cut through anything.