
From Portals of Phereon Wiki
Revision as of 21:36, 12 September 2019 by portalsofphereon>Olaroll

Plantaurs are a fairly average species in combat, instead their value lies in their ability to produce huge amounts of cum. This can be sold via the farm for massive profits.


To make use of the plantaurs virility, you need to first get the producer trait from Mya. This can be done by raising her relationship until she joins your party. Then you can either breed the trait to plantaurs or copy it if you're playing evolution.

Once you have the trait on a planttaur or two, you can make them start milking eachother. They will also produce eggs at the same time, from which you will get even better producers. After a few generations, you should be earning tens of thousands just from the cum sales.


  • Their cum has a sweet taste and aphrodisiac effects. You can often see others lining up for a taste. So for this species, not being able to reach their privates isn't a big problem.