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Evolution[ | ]

Druid can evolve them from all base spirits (except Fungal Spirit, each with their own options. They all learn Resonance, a second skill depending on the element, and third for the Level Type.

When evolved from Fire Spirits they learn AmplifyFire and one of the following:

Level Type Learned Skills
Average Eruption
Magic FlameStrike
Support MagicFire
Dexterity LavaPath
Endurance AbsorbFire

When evolved from Water Spirits they learn AmplifyWater and one of the following:

Level Type Learned Skills
Average WaterSpear
Magic Tsunami
Support CreateWater
Dexterity WaterPath
Endurance WaterShield

When evolved from Grass Spirits they learn AmplifyGrass and one of the following:

Level Type Learned Skills
Average PoisonHeal
Magic PoisonBolt
Support SpawnHybridFlower
Dexterity Sprout
Endurance Rejuvenate

When evolved from Ice Spirits they learn AmplifyIce and one of the following:

Level Type Learned Skills
Average Strengthen
Magic FrostBolt
Support Blizzard
Dexterity Teleport
Endurance MagicPull

When evolved from Rock Spirits they learn AmplifyStone and one of the following:

Level Type Learned Skills Note
Average Throw Size Increases twice
Average Throw Size Increases
Average Grab Size stays the same
Magic MagicShield Size stays the same
Support HardenSkin Size stays the same
Dexterity Push Size stays the same
Endurance Guard Size stays the same

When evolved from Light Spirits they learn AmplifyLight and one of the following:

Level Type Learned Skills
Average HolyLight
Magic LightBlast
Support HolySwitch
Dexterity Teleport
Endurance MagicArmor

When evolved from Shadow Spirits they learn AmplifyShadow and one of the following:

Level Type Learned Skills
Average ShadowBlast
Magic MagicMissile
Support ShadowCloak
Dexterity ShadowStep
Endurance Conceal

Overview[ | ]

Can be Reshaped at max level (gains +1 max level and +1 to a random gene)

Combat[ | ]

Overworld[ | ]

Breeding[ | ]

Moneymaking[ | ]

Notes[ | ]

Trivia[ | ]