
From Portals of Phereon Wiki
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Overview[ | ]

Boss of the end of Avy´s quest. You will face her alonside Flake, Ember and some random enemies after you choose the option to "fight". It is not possible to recruit her normally, not even with the "MindBender" artifact. The only way to recruit her is by completing the "Extreme 2" challenge and choosing the "Archive" trait when creating your character.

Combat[ | ]

Reaching the fight is already a challenge since enemies in the map are really on a different level, it would be best to bring potions or camp to regenerate full health and mana before the fight.

This is a pretty hard fight since every enemy has high stats and will do lots of damage.

The main concerns are Xyleria herself and Flake who both have the "Robust" trait that makes it so that they can´t take more than 25% of their health as damage , meaning that you will have to hit them at leats 4 times to kill them. Xyleria is as strong as a Giant and will resurrect ( with buffs and 2 AP ) non token/Unique characters while Flake does true damage, stuns on attack and has 2 free skills ( "SwordThrow" and "BackStab" ) meaning that she can attack 4 times a turn.

Ember also does tons of area fire damage while Xyleria and succubus enemies will do tons of lust damage.

Even though Xyleria is not "Giant" or "Agile" she regenerates 2 AP even when engaged in combat.


All enemies, except Ember, are weak to shadow damage (Ember is weak to water/frost). Lust damage also works really well since Xyleria, Flake and Ember have weak max lust.

It would be best to take out Flake as fast as possible, concentrate your attacks on her first. A "SpectralSword" works wonderfully since its attacks counts as 2 attacks, bypassing the Robust trait. You will have a token ally Guardian for the fight that you can use to tank the attacks from Xyleria while you proceed to kill the other enemies. Finally take on Xyleria but be carefull that she can attack multiple enemies at once so surrounding her is not a good idea, better have one character tank while others do ranged damage.

A SexGod character or something to deal with the lust you will be inflicted is a must.

Events[ | ]

Notes[ | ]

Trivia[ | ]

  • Before Xyleria was introduced in the game, the end of Avy´s quest consisted on a fight against multiple Guardians, Brutes, Demons and Succubus that was even harder because of their high numbers. After winning the fight tha player was rewarded with the options that now are given for choosing to kill Xyleria.